The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
This isn't surprising at all:


Looks like MLP FiM is getting some more publicity here in the UK.
Is it the default 20 posts per page? Because the only thing I see bad is that pic of Applebloom I found from the Cupcakes fanfic.


Well my fellow bronies.

Today has been just awful. On my way to the recruitment office, I hydro-planed my car today and almost killed myself. I almost spun out and hit several cars, but caught it at the last moment and saved it before it got worse. I, however, ended up hitting the sidewalk and riding up on top of it, which burst my front and rear tires on the right side. In the process, my brother-in-law ended up spending money that I don't have on new tires for my car. As a result, I didn't get to the office, and I missed a job interview because of the incident.

I'm seriously shaked up and now I'm feeling really crappy now. I feel like everything went wrong because of me. Ponies, please make me feel better tonight.

Thank god that GT just kicked in, yo! you were able to control it and that you're fine.

Here, have a moon pie... WAIT! What are you doing, Luna?! That's not yours!


Seriously, have a dessert, will cheer you up.

If not, ask Trixie.

Here, have a moon pie... WAIT! What are you doing, Luna?! That's not yours!
Fun fact: Moon pies are one of three completely different foods that I call "mallowblasters." Which these days is a word that has a completely different meaning then when I first started using it when I was 5 years old, so it means none of the ways I use it are accurate anymore.

Anyways, I've never quite understood the appeal of these things (I've seen a few of them for Haruhi and DBZ), but here's one of those OTAKU color maps:

Mallowblasters? what does that mean (now)? Anyways, I've never got those stripe things, I surely can recall some of the ponies, but the ones that I can't make me want to pull my hair off my skull. Guess is just another of the infinite faces of art.
Well my fellow bronies.

Today has been just awful. On my way to the recruitment office, I hydro-planed my car today and almost killed myself. I almost spun out and hit several cars, but caught it at the last moment and saved it before it got worse. I, however, ended up hitting the sidewalk and riding up on top of it, which burst my front and rear tires on the right side. In the process, my brother-in-law ended up spending money that I don't have on new tires for my car. As a result, I didn't get to the office, and I missed a job interview because of the incident.

I'm seriously shaked up and now I'm feeling really crappy now. I feel like everything went wrong because of me. Ponies, please make me feel better tonight.

Chillax! the most important part is - You are alive, and no one got hurt!
(and at first I thought you were talking about GT5 in the rain after a couple of drinks...)
Drive safe, your future depends on it!
Mallowblasters? what does that mean (now)?
The term "mallowblaster" today generally refers to marshmallow guns. When I learned it, it was how you said MoonPie without saying MoonPie, because MoonPie is technically a trademarked term.

The only problem is, for whatever reason it also came to be the term I use for Cookiewiches and Star Crunches. It makes shopping confusing.

Anyways, I've never got those stripe things, I surely can recall some of the ponies, but the ones that I can't make me want to pull my hair off my skull.
Twilight, AJ, Fluttershy, RD, Pinkie, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, Spike.

Big Mac, Granny Smith, Total Bitch, Zecora, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, The Great and Powerful Trixie, Cherilee.

Mayor Mare, Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, Snips, Snails, Braeburn, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores.

I can only recognize the 1st five from the last row (Yellow-Haired Wonderbolt, Soarin', Spitfire, Derpy, Dr. Whoof), though.

Naturally, all of this information was much more important than being able to remember the stuff I needed to know for my Business Law final that was today.
Must say...I do like the Sgt. Pepper cover.

As for the spinout, I've gotta say that you should be thanking your lucky stars things weren't worse. As it was, it was two blown tires, not, say, smashing into someone's trailer hitch on your way home from your own high school graduation. (me.) That's a feeling that really does suck, especially when you realize that you were millimeters away from setting off the airbag.

Things are going to work out. I know how tough it is to get a job these days, with companies still being skittish (and mostly needing skilled labor like machinists, anyway.)
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I just read about the unfortunate incident and I want to say (being redundant by now) that I'm glad your OK.

I don't have time (not to mention skills) to make picture/videos but I always come here to check them because it makes me feel good (apart from some fanfic...) so this is my remedy to "escape" from problems even if only for a minute or two. I'd recommend the same to you but you're here already :D

Good luck finding a new job and I bet It'll be sooner than you think.
Finished. 131MB of ponies from this thread alone :embarrassed:

Does anyone mind if I make a new album for this thread? Most pictures are just named as numbers and I really don't want to have to go through them all renaming them :ouch:

What might make it easier is if you actually download Picasa 3. It's free and it displays all of the images quickly and clearly. Also, you can just highlight all of the related ones, Right Click, and the Click on Upload, and it'll upload them to whatever album you choose straight from there.

But if you can't/don't want to download Picasa, just put them in an Album named "Unsorted" or something and I can go back in and move them all where they fit best. The ability to easily move photos from one almbum to another is just another reason I chose Picasa.
Also, you should try to keep all the .gifs in the already created .gif folder.
EDIT: If only I could have put this kind of effort into my high school I would have ended with Straight A's.

EDIT: Just found this;

If anyone here is still in school or know's someone who is, you have to get a large print of this and convince a science teacher to hang it in the class.

Also, YouTube captions are just as awful as ever;
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Just found this on the KnowYourMeme site.

So if anyone want's a new Avatar you might want to consider this. At least I think it's a small enough file.
I'm waiting for official stuff.
With the popularity this thing is getting it would be a really bad idea not to make official Friendship is Magic stuff.

Also, I've decided name everyone in this picture, even though it's old.

Chief Engineer Pinkie LeForge
Commander Rainbow Warf
Lieutenant Commander Rarity Data
Captain Jean Luc Sparkles
Commander Apple Riker
Chief Medical Officer Beverly Shy

Or you could just take the rank and put the names of the ponies after it, either way, I was bored and this amused me.
Also, Jean Luc Sparkles is the best out of these names.
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