The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Yes. WE bow down to her. Not Celestia.

*runs like hell*
I recently found an MLP design for the Dodge Viper on Forza 3, so I went about uploading it onto my Viper and this is the result:


^That is just fantastic.

This is so epic.

Also, I just found this:

Times of each song from video description
PLAYLIST (Added time to give options to skip to a specific AMV):

1:00 Opposite of Adults (Chiddy Bang)
This is a casual video and the first PMV I created. At least 10% hated it for the song itself, so I placed it here first.

5:05 Oh No You Didn't! (Wojahn Bros.)
This is comdey based, with all the reaction and slapstick around.

8:37 5oul on D!splay (Daiki Kasho/Johnathan Underdown)
Action based. So far, no one complained about this and this is my best work yet. And so I saved this for last!

Ponies + Soul On Display = Really 🤬 epic.
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Anyway, a bit off-topic, but if anyone checks out the GT5 forums, in the tuning forum, RKM Motorsport made a special tune for the Amuse 380RS Super Leggera. That's a confirmed win.

20% cooler and faster.

A Rainbow Dash-inspired tune would be great too.

Normally I wouldn't post anything like this, but since this is an actual frame from the show I'll make an exception. But how did the animators not catch this one?

I'm not really sure what the episode was, so could anyone give me some context for why the bunny looks aroused.

Also, I just found the most hardcore pony you will ever see;

I tried to think of a way to make his name into a pony pun, but I just can't right now. Probably because I'm tired.
^Come at me, bro foal?

BTW- Can anypony find (or make) this:


But with Pinkamena (desktop pony) , like this?

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What are all these jokes about oatmeal? The images I've seen suggest it is something that I don't want to try to figure out, but I have to say that I'm still curious.

Also: At The Gala in DD 5.1 @ 448 kbps is blow-your-mind awesome.

Also: Especially when the guitars in RD's part come up.
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Normally I wouldn't post anything like this, but since this is an actual frame from the show I'll make an exception. But how did the animators not catch this one?

:odd: Call me a noob, but how can you tell that's an actual frame from the show?

Also, I know most bronies don't like Trixie, but for some reason I do. :confused: Here's to hoping she reappears in season 2! ...I guess.


The Derpy one with the bomb needs to be wearing a cowboy hat ala Dr. Strangelove.


Would make it at least 20% cooler.
I would also like to add that, to the anime people specifically, even though we are a separate universe, we are not that different.


We're all crazy. And awesome. 👍

Ponies are more adorable and sing better though. :P