The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
She is probably Spitfire's stripper earth pony cousin, just saying.

And I wish to be that cannon.

An example of "only in the fandom". Perhaps this suitless earth pony Spitfire is a member of a ground acrobatics team? And has anyone seen this:


Censored to the request of MintBerryCrunch and Wiegert.
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Watch the language on that, Naveek.

Also, I'm back for now. Turns out I was doing literally everything(I mean that, there wasn't a damn thing on the list of "things not to do" that I wasn't regularly doing) that you're supposed to avoid when using a computer. That's what was causing the headache, eye pain, and other head related problems.


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Yes I know, watch the language. But I was only going with what I could find, so what are you gonna do? That was the only thing like that pretty much. But yeah, good point. And it sure took quite a long time for Kyrospawn to upload the DJ-P0N3 clip.
It's not a personal thing. It's against the rules of the site. I suggest you remove it before a mod sees it.
Naveek, either edit that image to cover the strong language, or remove the image altogether.

Also, even Pinkie Pie can be outdone by Mark Hamill.

I haven't watched that episode in, oh, 12 years. That series stopped being shown on Cartoon Network in the UK almost 10 years ago as well.

Just think, if it wasn't for that 4 second scene there would be no VST, or Allegrezza, or massive amounts of Vinyl fanart.


I was waiting for someone to animate this :lol:

Good night.
The image I posted earlier has been censored per your request.

Something a little less, something.

And I don't really get that Berry Punch gif.

And yes, it is amazing how much DJ-P0N3 has been focused on for being seen for just 4 seconds.
I heard you guys like hearth problems:


And a question that I'm to busy to resolve, is the name "Equestria" from older generations or is it made up for this gen?

(*Goes back to mental construction*)
Oh, how I love those pony fan comics. I must go look for more of those. EqD, here I come! I remember one from a while back where Luna and Derpy Hooves are together, and Luna uses the Royal Canterlot Voice. And then Derpy yells "FUS RO DAH!" I called it "Fus Ro Derp".

Anyone seen this?


Post 495! Almost there. And now nopony will even know of this "Ditzy", considering Derpy Hooves is now official.
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So there are ponified Beatles songs? Well, if pony remixes of Rainbow Tylenol exist, okay then. Wow, talk about ponying ALL the things. Wonder what else is gonna happen. I can only imagine...
I have no problem with people using Ditzy over Derpy. I can even understand why they would want to, considering pre-FiM the word was basically a synonym for "retarded."


Can't say I'm surprised.

Another ED poll, another AJ last place finish.

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Another ED poll, another AJ last place finish.


It is sad, really.

She was my 3rd choice behind Dash and Twilight.

She needs an episode for herself. I really want to see her get a bigger fan base.

I mean....uh....

...Not meant as a "sleep image" type thing, just found it while looking around and wanted a reason to post it....
Was anybody ever asking for wings and a cutie mark on suitless Spitfire? I wasn't, but I don't care whether there is or not. And I'm bored having to wait till Saturday for another episode. I'm gonna rewatch The Return Of Harmony again, that episode is great.
The thing is the manes (hair), in best order are:
Therefore it's obvious that AJ would rank low. I mean she doesn't even do anything to her hair she just makes pony tails, the only pony lazier would be Pinkie. She wakes up like that.
*Note, Dash has a superior mane because... it looks awesome. :D

Anyway I don't want to start a war so I'll leave this for now.

Thankyou funny pic thread.

And that looks better Toro. Did you fix it or you found a fixed picture?
Therefore it's obvious that AJ would rank low. I mean she doesn't even do anything to her hair she just makes pony tails


Much like Charmin Ultra, less is more. Your argument is invalid.

Did you fix it or you found a fixed picture?

>implying I have the competence required to do such a thing.

And I'm bored having to wait till Saturday for another episode

I don't know how to tell you this...


Can't say I'm surprised.

I'm surprised, this fandom needs to recognize the omnipotence of the wet mane.

We all believe in the wet mane.

Thankyou funny pic thread.

I'm surprised that they didn't use that creepy smile from May The Best Pet Win.

Also, if we speak about manes I will say that Celestia's mane ranks second followed by Luna's mane, if we talk about the mane six I'll say AJ's mane as second, pony tails in ponies are quite appealing, besides I like ponytails.



This thread is lacking shipping at an alarming rate.

(*Wonders about Racedude's whereabouts*)
Also, if we speak about manes I will say that Celestia's mane ranks second followed by Luna's mane, if we talk about the mane six I'll say AJ's mane as second, pony tails in ponies are quite appealing, besides I like ponytails.

I like pony tails too, (on humans) but simply taking into account the amount of work required for the mane to look good Rarity must win. AJ is, as I said, one of the lazy ones in the group.

Toro, I had to look up Charmin Ultra, we don't have that here.

I like pony tails too, (on humans) but simply taking into account the amount of work required for the mane to look good Rarity must win. AJ is, as I said, one of the lazy ones in the group.

Yeah, however one good kind that I like more than ponytails are pigtails, it looked good on cherelie and I'm pretty sure that one of those will look nice on AJ, Rarity's mane is just perfect for her design and I don't think that her hair can be altered, however AJ's mane could benefit from different mane styles.

Edit: Wet mane alteration is probably he only alteration that fits Rarity.
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Watched The Return of Harmony yet again. But as always, it's a thrill. A Star Trek villain, chocolate rain, chaos and all that. This is a show for five year old girls? Anyways, it's late, so off I go.

*Coughs ... chreliee ... cough... cough*

What about Hipster Rarity? I thought that looked pretty good on her.

I don't know really, her style fits the straight hair but that style doesn't suite her that much, is almost like Fluttershy's mane but less abundant.

Not that appealing if I'm honest[/what_the_hell_I'm_talking_about]

Also, more Christmas:


And that's it, I'm pretty tired.

Goodnight everyone.
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nope, sorry. only the first spitfire really makes me pomf :P

Heart of Gold is NOT a slash fest in the biblical sense, but rather in the literal sense at times. wish I had the spoiler color.
the backgrounders are emo and issue laden, and I swear the ONLY normal one is Iron himself (and that includes Gilda's family)

I ran into something interesting.
somepony noticed that wherever else the other girls go, everypony ELSE has clothes on!
Epicness is appropriate as well:

I'm still waiting for the GTP Bronies online Brawl tournament.

Edit: Okay. Finally finished it. Is #2 now. Sorry Gravekeeper.



This is a awesome.

All of my Yes. I told you guys Tank needed a tail rotor. And twin jet engines. And stub wings with hardpoints.


This is also awesome.

RD: Why am I Mr. Pink? Pinkie Pie is pink already!
TS: Maybe next time you won't be so quick to judge who can be a pet or not.
RD: Why can't we just pick our own colors?
TS: No way, no way. Tried it once, doesn't work. You got four crazy ponies all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black. Nopony wants to back down, even though they're supposedly friends. No way. I pick. You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.
FS: ...What's wrong with yellow...?
RD: Mr. Pink sounds like Mr. P:censored:, no offense, Pinkie.
PP: None taken, Dashie!
RD: How 'bout if I'm Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me. I'll be Mr. Purple.
TS: You're not Mr. Purple. Some pony on some other job is Mr. Purple. You're Mr. PINK.
R: Really, Darling, it doesn't matter what your name is, does it?
RD: Yeah, that's easy for your to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, you wanna trade?
TS: Hey! NOPONY'S trading with ANYPONY. That's the way it's written down on my checklists! Now listen, Mr. Pink. There's two ways you can go on this job: my way or the road with comparatively superior height. Now what's it gonna be, Mr. Pink?
RD: Geez, fine, I'm Mr. Pink, let's move on... And it's "My way or the highway," nerd.

Toro, I had to look up Charmin Ultra, we don't have that here.

What do you guys use? Sandpaper? Koalas?

Edit: Gravekeeper has been working on that post for 45 minutes now. I'm scared.

:lol: I'm at work, so I've been tending to customers and hiding the pony tabs from the manager whenever he walks by.
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The thing is the manes (hair), in best order are:
Therefore it's obvious that AJ would rank low. I mean she doesn't even do anything to her hair she just makes pony tails, the only pony lazier would be Pinkie. She wakes up like that.
*Note, Dash has a superior mane because... it looks awesome. :D

I rated purely based on appearance, not the amount of effort that goes into it:
Pinkie Pie

That's based on normal show style.

Now if we allow for alternate styles, I'd have to go with Bed Head Twilight in first with straight maned AJ 2nd.

RD: Why am I Mr. Pink? Pinkie Pie is pink already!
TS: Maybe next time you won't be so quick to judge who can be a pet or not.
RD: Why can't we just pick our own colors?
TS: No way, no way. Tried it once, doesn't work. You got four crazy ponies all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black. Nopony wants to back down, even though they're supposedly friends. No way. I pick. You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.
FS: ...What's wrong with yellow...?
RD: Mr. Pink sounds like Mr. P:censored:, no offense, Pinkie.
PP: None taken, Dashie!
RD: How 'bout if I'm Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me. I'll be Mr. Purple.
TS: You're not Mr. Purple. Some pony on some other job is Mr. Purple. You're Mr. PINK.
R: Really, Darling, it doesn't matter what your name is, does it?
RD: Yeah, that's easy for your to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, you wanna trade?
TS: Hey! NOPONY'S trading with ANYPONY. That's the way it's written down on my checklists! Now listen, Mr. Pink. There's two ways you can go on this job: my way or the road with comparatively superior height. Now what's it gonna be, Mr. Pink?
RD: Geez, fine, I'm Mr. Pink, let's move on... And it's "My way or the highway", nerd.

Can't find the right image.....that's awesome.

:lol: I'm at work, so I've been tending to customers and hiding the pony tabs from the manager whenever he walks by.

I kind of figured that big thing took up the majority of that time.

What do you guys use? Sandpaper? Koalas?


:lol: I'm at work, so I've been tending to customers and hiding the pony tabs from the manager whenever he walks by.

Real men use 80 grit sandpaper. :scared:
That's why I use 3 ply super toilet paper. (Which I must buy more of because we're running out.)
I love doing that at work. :D

I rated purely based on appearance, not the amount of effort that goes into it:
Pinkie Pie

That's based on normal show style.

I did take look into consideration, however Rarity definitely has the best style while Dashes mane is the coolest.