The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Why do I find that Spike/Rarity Dragonpony-baby thing so adorable?

And when I say "thing" I mean the idea of it.
Continuing with Healed chapters:

That AJ chapter was pretty intense and very cool, very long and worthy, the amount of creativity that went into that chapter has to be recognized.

Also, Applejack is now the new Neo? I mean with the whole "there were other versions of you" and all that really sounded like the end of Matrix Revolutions, just saying.

Not just that.

She's also got something like Fluttershy's Stare that basically has the same effect that it does when Fluttershy uses it, but also basically makes Applejack into a living polygraph.

It comes in real handy in helping Dash get over her problems, and Rarity and Pinkie Pie both do something really funny when Rarity realizes that AJ can do that.

Some alternative shipping.


*goes back to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia*


So the soundtrack to Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is actually really, really good. Well, the Hans Zimmer part anyway(as if it needed to be said), haven't got to the other parts, but if memory serves I will like it.

I really need to watch that movie again. It's been at least 5 years. I liked it then I'd probably love it now; might not be ponies, but I've still grown to like horses in general much more since becoming a Brony. This seemingly random thought brought to you by:

5 years and I still know why he has an eagle for a cutie mark....

Yet another humanized ruined by a horn:


And I had to cancel my Pinkie reading because of the JJ stream, is the last of the year and there are a couple of requests that I want to see.

(*Goes back to stream*)
*tries to load ponibooru, it loads*
*doesn't see anything good, next page*
*finds the image below*
*takes forever to load, searches Doctor Whooves wet mane to find nothing like that*
*ponibooru finally loads*


Night. 2012 is almost here!



And whatever happened to "APPLES APPLES APPLES APPLES"?

And I'm gonna go look at the Ask Doctor Whooves tumblr. It's funny!
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Ponibooru actually loaded something:


What a twist!

Well I'm pretty tired to go on, either stream or fic, I'm just done.

Also, Happy new year Brando-K :cheers: (your are like 6 hours away), and goodnight everyone.
Thanks Akira. :cheers:

I don't know when I'll be on next, so if I'm not on until I get back from the country side, happy new year everypony.

I was just looking around, and my god. People have been throwing explicit images at ponibooru like crazy.:scared:

And this is pretty good.


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Gary oak is a complete jerk, and Celestia cant be that easy to catch.



♫...Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?...♫

(*Goes back to cleaning*)
Okay, that's a lot of explicit images that have uploaded on Ponibooru in the past few hours, love that Doctor Hooves comic (reminds me of the Glass Blower fic I read earlier this month), Rarity Can-Can is best Can-Can, and that last comic which Toro linked.... damn, my heart.

And that pic is sweet, unit.

Anyway, I'll be off soon (New Year's stuff), so I'll see you all next year.

Happy New Year Bronies! :D
I'm actually trying to get a non-brony to join my MLPRP. His biggest problem with the show is...actually, the holes in the storyline. that, and he has trouble with the sugaryness and bad puns...
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I was hoping you would do a New Years image, unit. Looks great:tup:

And what am I doing for new years?


Jim Prower
I'm actually trying to get a non-brony to join my MLPRP. His biggest problem with the show is...actually, the holes in the storyline. X3

He's watched enough to pick up on inconsistencies in the story, but he's not a Brony?
He's watched enough to pick up on inconsistencies in the story, but he's not a Brony?

Not really watched...and not in the story. More the concepts like weather and sun/moon control.

I basically had to describe much of the universe's lore and the like this morning to help him build a character for the RP. He's to be a dragon, we've decided, and we're now deciding stuff about where dragons come from and what they do. X3
It seems that even in the amazingly happy universe that makes up Veggie55's Adult Scoots comics, Dash is apparently still destined to die no later than age 30.

Probably with an explosion involved.

Begging for a cameo.



An invader!


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That is actually pretty cool, your style really give some impact to the fireworks, I quite like it.

And my god this people is fast:


Either that, or there is even more reasonable people(Rarity fans) out there.

(*Realizes that Spitfire is slowly becoming fandom sex symbol*)

Duplicate overload!

Ponibooru still as slow as molasses will be tomorrow.

Must... keep... digging... so... slow...
Eeyup. I see what they did there. I just got the issue today. 200 mph!

Still waiting for Ponibooru to load.
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