The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So, no one posted this for some reason:


It doesn't need reason, and I really like that pic.

And I don't think is safe to colour 105556, I had way too much today I can barely handle it.

(*Goes back to Ace Combat 5 soundtrack, Joseco never played "The Unsung War" for some reason, maybe it wasn't adequate. But my god that song is epic, not as epic as "Zero" or "Agnus Dei/Megalith" but is still quite epic*)
They censored the word loser in the Canadian broadcast of Boast Busters?

Not just the word, but the entire line.

"When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser."
Looks like Canada lost something too: That very line.
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Then you probably shouldn't post it. No nudity, no sex, no swearing. Context is also very important for borderline images. We basically base what is appropriate for posting based on what is appropriate for posting in the Anime thread, but about a notch or two lower.

As a corollary, we do tend to talk an awful lot about stuff that can't be posted here, either by posting Ponibooru image codes with warnings or mentioning off-hand where it comes from (for example, Ask Molestia images are occasionally posted here when they are safe, but more frequently someone sees the newest update and mentions it and everyone goes to look at it themselves. The same happens whenever JJ uploads his personal tumblr for images that cannot be posted).

Once I upgrade my membership again this afternoon I'll send you a PM with more specifics about what is and what isn't allowed in this thread (and the forum as a whole). We generally have a lot more leeway than over on SSMB (other than swearing), and we generally try to self-moderate to make things easier for the moderation staff; so if you post anything that is over the line one of the regulars of the thread, either me, Mint (History's Greatest Hero), Wiegert (History's Greatest Monster), or Brando (um... Brando) will tell you about it.

You could have at least said that I was the Australian or something. :sly:
Don't worry new guy, if you post something that crosses the line we'll tell you.

And AJ episodes, I'm liking this idea. Weren't we saying the other day that we needed AJ episodes? Hopefully this'll fix some problems people have with her personality. I'm looking at Coffee here, if I remember correctly.
Last trillion pages since I last posted

Screw them all...I'm too perpetually tired for all this.

Used this in my SSMB image-war with Tor, before the hedgestapo appeared and raged that I wasn't posted rule34 Sonic as my avatar instead, and some stuff about how posting shipping is worse than having swearing all over a board populated by ten year olds...

Then I just wandered to my fuse box rage quit via the mains.


But seriously, though, I cannot express how platonic and adorable this pic is. :3
So I started reading Reharmonized again.

There are no Sea Ponies in G4 because Discord killed all of them. Because he could. As a joke.

Before I resume my reading of Dischorded, I feel like I should adress something first:

Really? I thought Dash's chapter was one of the strongest of the set (Trixie's I don't think counts because of how vastly different it is in scope).

I didn't view it as PTSD so much as a logical endpoint regarding the theory regarding her personality (as seen in Sonic Rainboom) that Dash's bravado and self-importance are a front to shield her from her own insecurities, and that when Discord pulled what he did he dragged them straight up to the surface and displayed them to everyone in Cloudsdale. And what he ultimately did did seem pretty damn traumatic to me, especially when it was all her fault for trusting him as she was of sound mind when she betrayed everyone rather than him corrupting her and then making her choose.

Is that response in regards to the first Dash healing chapter, or the second? Because the second one actually dives into things in quite a bit more detail than the original one did; the Mare Do Well events in particular.

I'm actually addressing to the first Healing chapter, the problem with it is that it takes pride over ego, in the sense that prioritizes the pride that RD might present over her place of origin rather than addressing her own ego satisfaction that leads her loyalty, one of the main problems is that it presents her as a traitor by pride, rather than a traitor by ego, in canon (as far as I understand) she decides to save Cloudsdale because is the source of her ego (taking in count the Sonic Rainboom events), as such she betrays her friends in order to save Cloudsdale, following this logic we find that the most traumatic thing she can experience is the betrayal that she executes over her friends, rather than the devastating events over Cloudsdale (I know that the chapter addresses both, but it takes Cloudsdale as the basis for the trauma, which I think is incorrect considering canon).

One of my biggest gripes with that chapter is how Cloudsdale is portrayed, and the fact that is used as a traumatic event, rather than the escape from the reality that Dischord created (the canon way, as far as I understand).

Don't get me wrong the chapter shows a real big deal that RD must affront, but it doesn't correspond quite as it should, the reason for this is Trixie; as I mentioned a while back, Trixie is very similar to Rainbow Dash in the sense that both seek the attention and appreciation of the people around them, the problem with writing both is that both will fall over the same points, because their personalities are actually similar (if not the same), writing RD over the basis of loyalty by her pride gives some space for Trixie's egocentric behaviour to show, but taking such away or partially from RD takes some of her character, and that is something that cant be done, given the circumstances in which these characters are portrayed.

(*Goes back to Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother*)
Fluttercruel. You stupid, stupid idiot...

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.



That was an astoundingly clever story decision. I'm sure akira will agree when he gets to it.

I'm talking clever like it was when TNTNE

mentioned that Captain Dash explained cared more about Spitfire than she did any of the Mane Six because she knew Spitfire longer in that universe than she ever did them.

That clever.

I'll reply to what you said in a bit akira. I think I should try to take a moment to get my bearings about what just happened.
Is it just me or is Ponibooru a bit slow? I click on something, but then it takes like a minute to load. Anyone else noticing this?

Not sure if 105787 appropriate to post here. No, it's safe.
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Dash wasn't wearing pants in the original version of that JJ pic (not the one Naveek is talking about)? I didn't even notice that.

Is it just me or is Ponibooru a bit slow? I click on something, but then it takes like a minute to load. Anyone else noticing this?
Ironically, when I went to look it loaded faster than it has for me all day.


Not sure if 105787 appropriate to post here.

Why wouldn't it be? Seems fine to me.

Screw them all...I'm too perpetually tired for all this.

Used this in my SSMB image-war with Tor, before the hedgestapo appeared and raged that I wasn't posted rule34 Sonic as my avatar instead, and some stuff about how posting shipping is worse than having swearing all over a board populated by ten year olds...

Then I just wandered to my fuse box rage quit via the mains.

Why do you think I asked eX to come over here? One of maybe 3 people who I don't feel look at everything I do over there in that thread with a microscope. I wish gato would come over here too, because he doesn't seem to post in anything but that thread anyway. Oh well. On to more pressing matters:


But seriously, though, I cannot express how platonic and adorable this pic is. :3

First of all, that is plainly not platonic.

Second of all:

You just got served.
If there is something clever about these stories is how the antagonists became appreciable, I mean:

Diamond Tiara, really? is probably one of the most hated characters on this fandom and is still a bit appreciable in that story, that was bold. Trixie is easy to empathize but DT is not, however using Generosity/Rarity/Sweetie Belle to comfort DT actually works, feels weird because there is a little window to make it work, and it works beautify.

These stories actually pick up, you were right about that foreshadowing Toronado, is amazing.
Why wouldn't it be? Seems fine to me.

Hipster Celestia just doesn't add up. Oh well, at least I filtered out everything except "safe". Yes, I play it safe. Too safe. I'm bored.

And though this is a bit early...

CMC are adorable.
I just spent the last 8 :censored:ing hours working on this damn lego star ship, and I'm still not done. That's 13 hours total. Just have to finish the 2 side wings and the exterior guns and stuff:D

Complicated thing, this Imperial Shuttle.

Hey, guys! Someone told me that I could find some Ponies here OH HOLY **** JACKPOT GOLDMINE SHIPPING OH MY

Welcome to :gtpflag:


Still think the shading is kind of odd.

It's unique, but I wouldn't say it was odd. I really like that style though.

Is it just me or is Ponibooru a bit slow? I click on something, but then it takes like a minute to load. Anyone else noticing this?

For me, it's moving as fast as it normally does.

In other words, not very.

*Continues searching through Ponibooru*
Ponibooru: An agonizingly slow way to get your pony fix.

And I didn't know you could search through Ponibooru. I thought you could just click on the next page and wait for it to take forever to not load.


Best rage face.
I'm not sure if that promo is official or just awesome fan work. Seen this? Just found it on EqD. ***WORDING WARNING...

I forgot about that thing. I only remember a parody Rick Mercer did, and now that. Sometimes ponified things are better than the original, knowing it or not.


It's not official, but that is a brilliant impression of Twilight's voice.



Ponibooru is SLOW!

Indeed. To quote Scootaloo, "That's so awesome!" The impression sounds so much like Twilight, you'd almost think it really was real.
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Also, three Molestias in one day? How long has it been since that happened?

And the Celly/Luna fight got colored too. Twilight's Awesome face is even better in color.
This is a fly by, the ponibooru's comment of the year goes to:


And my god did I laugh at that.

Thanks fandom, now I just realized that I'm completely sick.

(*Goes back to Healed Applejack chapter*)
^ Re-read the Epilogue of the first story before you do it. So much callback.

For History's Greatest Hero:


Ha ha, now he'll have to change his wallpaper again.

Ha ha, now he'll have to change his wallpaper again.

So you reckon Mint will change his current wallpaper (which he pretty much asked to be made), for the image you just posted?

*Waits for Mint to make the biggest decision of his life*

And I've been extremely tired since I got back, so tired in fact that I forgot that I've been listening to this for the past 30 minutes:

Yeah, better get some sleep I think. Good night.

For History's Greatest Hero:

Ha ha, now he'll have to change his wallpaper again.


I'd set one big slideshow, but then I can't use Rainmeter :(


Well, on the bright side I doubt I'll be changing it again.....ever.


Seriously, though, first thing I did when I saw that was go to the post on ponibooru, favorite it. Then I couldn't find it in the listed source, so I did a quick search in case it was the wrong source, and found this other thing(Small amount of blood(probably didn't need to be linked, but whatever)). Really fantastic piece of art, that. Love the emotion.

I have a friend who might just explode when I show him this.

He's a Brony and a huge fan of Dexter.

I've only seen a few episodes of the show, but that was still awesome. Really great work with the voice in that.

So you reckon Mint will change his current wallpaper (which he pretty much asked to be made), for the image you just posted?

*Waits for Mint to make the biggest decision of his life*

Good news is the TwiDash I requested still works as a phone wallpaper.:D
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It's right here. The author apparently just uploaded it to DA.

I even left a comment, I liked it so much. I never do that.

Edit: Am I the only one who finds it weird when I stumble across posts made by one of the regulars here before they became insane regulars here?
It's right here. The author apparently just uploaded it to DA.

I even left a comment, I liked it so much. I never do that.

Edit: Am I the only one who finds it weird when I stumble across posts made by one of the regulars here before they became insane regulars here?

1. I have never Favorited an image that quickly. I didn't even read past "It's right..." before I clicked the link:lol:. And thanks for letting me know.

2. I do find that weird. I find it even more weird when I stumble across my own posts from before I became a regular here, though. And even more so when I find posts from my old account.
Continuing with Healed chapters:

That AJ chapter was pretty intense and very cool, very long and worthy, the amount of creativity that went into that chapter has to be recognized.

Also, Applejack is now the new Neo? I mean with the whole "there were other versions of you" and all that really sounded like the end of Matrix Revolutions, just saying.

All in all great chapter, it really fits AJ nicely, I guess that Pinkie's chapter is next.

(*Prepares tea, gets ready for Pinkie's chapter*)

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