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Stupid Wind.
All people seem to want are Scootaloo's and Rainbow Dash's for beanies.
Good thing I've been making three of each at a time. >.>
I guess I need to get to work on the Scootaloo plushie I've been neglecting for a month!
That's because Scootalove is best love.
It was kind of making me sad until she got her revengeEDIT:
That's because Scootalove is best love.
NebuchadnezzarGruntYou should bet happy seeing as they added Depeche Mode.
NebuchadnezzarGruntI would imagine that making humanised Trixie look like a woman wouldn't be to difficult, and yet JJ is one of the only people who can do it right.
I didn't mean like that.
And the first part of that Skyrim crossover Mint mentioned last week is ready to read.
MS design is somewhat convincing, I guess that Joseco is the only one who can do that stuff right(In my mind I find her too young, maybe that helps for her appeal[/Not_pedo]).
Megasweet also tends to do a pretty good job with her.
This one?
Megasweet also tends to do a pretty good job with her.
And actually, I prefer his humanized Twilight over JJ's.
I mean, this is cute without context.
JJ Twilight is much more expressive and (when people aren't asking him to draw naughty things, but sometimes even then) far more in line with her personality. You can feel the social awkwardness and snarkiness (and in pictures involving Celly, the awe) in the JJ pictures, and none of that is there in any of the MS ones.
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg-GruntThere's a difference between being good-natured but occasionally egocentric beyond reason and being inherently self-centered.
The constant inner turmoil and depression caused because she knows what she is doing is wrong but can't do anything about it by herself (and is afraid to ask for help)?
The fact that she is advising Scoots to do certain actions when she realizes that she herself didn't do them?
*raises eyebrow*
I like Trixie. I like Trixie more than Dash. But I can't see a standard in which canon Trixie is better than canon Dash. Very similar in personality, and just as bad when they are both at their worst, but better?
Agreed, I must say that MS humanized aren't that empty, the problem is that JJ is very good at making expressions, the guy has been working for about 5-8 years making comics and that gives a really good basis to portraits his characters, probably MS lacks this skill however some of her designs are fairly good.Vladimir Makarov-GruntAgreed. JJ Twilight is far more expressive than the one MS tends to draw. I've seen enough from both artists to know that JJ's version of Twilight is, well, the one I prefer. I don't think I have the same problem as you when it comes to some of MS' humanised characters (AJ's alright, and I suppose Pinkie isn't too bad either).
Mint, you should give it a shot.
Report to your nearest REA recruiting station.
Report to your nearest REA recruiting station.
SchoolgirLestia, or some other one? I was actually thinking about giving that one a shot, but I'll refrain if you are working on it. I'll do that Octavia image instead.And I should try and either finish off colouring in that JJ Celly drawing