The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

It's Teh Home of Witty Banter, although about 80% of the program schedule consists of TG repeats.

British TV channel names (well, the more recent channel names at least) aren't exactly inventive.


Oh my...
I'm mad that even Wiegert can draw better than me, while watching Top Gear no less.

Also, did Toro change the thread title just for me? >:3

Partially, but also I did it to put 'Dat Spitfire in the OP.

Then I decided that regular JJ Spitfire was good enough for the level of inappropriateness usually present in the OP. Because, you know. Spitfire.


I think I'm going to start work on SchoolgirLestia anyway.
Is that your colouring job Wiegert? :embarrassed:
Wait it's not. Didn't read the tag properly.

I should colour one of those JJ images. All of you guys make me feel like a bad brony for not colouring one yet. (Or doing any art)
This might be the best Rainbow plush I've ever seen (no offense to Brainbread):


The proportions, the coloring, the hair. It's all perfect.

Probably why it is nearly at $400.
I can see why someone would pay such a large sum of cash for that plush.


I think I'm going to start work on SchoolgirLestia anyway.


I still plan on doing that one, but it looks as though you might beat me to it.

Is that your colouring job Wiegert? :embarrassed:
Wait it's not. Didn't read the tag properly.

I only wish that I could colour JJ's art as well as Michos. Still, I might actually do a good job colouring SchoolgirLestia.


Nope. I'm definitely not trying to bump off a certain Brony with this pic.

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I still plan on doing that one, but it looks as though you might beat me to it.

Well, hurry up! Someone needs to color it before Michos gets to it, because now he is reaching back into JJ's older stuff. If we both get it done first, he might not do it. I mean, he just did this one too:

Well, hurry up! Someone needs to color it before Michos gets to it, because now he is reaching back into JJ's older stuff. If we both get it done first, he might not do it.

Well, I can only suggest that you go ahead and colour that one then because I won't have time to do it myself until Saturday evening at the very earliest. Here's hoping you beat Michos to it.

And don't let the fact that I wish to colour the same image stop you from doing it yourself.

So I'm still not bored with the whole "Everyone imitate CoffeeGrunt thing, but at the same time I want to use a new avatar. Can't. Decide.

And thanks for the comments on the coloring job. I'll still probably go back and clean the edges at some point in the future.

No idea why I went with Twilight, though.

Because best pony. That's why.

Nice sketch.👍

Looks like it's coming along nicely.👍 Looking forward to seeing it finished.

Probably why it is nearly at $400.

If I had the money I'd be willing to push it even higher than that.


Nope. I'm definitely not trying to bump off a certain Brony with this pic.

Well haha, because it didn't work!

*is dead*
So I'm still not bored with the whole "Everyone imitate CoffeeGrunt thing, but at the same time I want to use a new avatar. Can't. Decide.

I was planning on ending the CopyGrunt thing at the very end of the week, so I'll probably change back on Sunday evening (or Monday morning).

Because best pony. That's why.

Nice sketch.👍

Honestly, Twilight isn't far off becoming my new favourite pony right now, and thanks.

It's good to see positive feedback on your coloured JJ pic on Ponibooru.

This is really good.

And I am enjoying the positive reception of my coloring on Ponibooru.

EDIT: I was just hit with sudden tired and the realization that I have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow.

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Go for it.

Okay, thanks.

I have a new idea for the lineart on this one (a combination of what I did for the first one and what I did for the second one), and I'm going to see if I can pull if off. If I can the way I want to, this should come out even better the Best Pillow Fight.



Edit 2 - Electric Scootaloo:

Gonna call it a night.
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This one isn't too bad:

Also, I'll almost certainly be away when the new episode is aired. But then again, I almost always wait for the YT uploads anyway.

And 108734 will most likely be of interest to CoffeeGrunt.

Good night.



Augh my fingers. I had to individually stitch on her toes. My fingers hurt ;_;

Edit: To explain this more clearly, the core of her feet is packed with beads to give it way and allow her to properly stand. This is not condusive to stitch into, thus I cut my finger pressing too hard on a needle, again. Whatsathimble?
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Ugh, it's way too late. I really have to go to bed. But first, one thing.

Spike is not whining. He is complaining.


Lauren Faust should appear as a character on the show. Why not? Perhaps refer to her as "The Creator" of Equestria and of an even higher order than Celestia and Luna. Anyone with me?

Anyways, since it's so late...
I took notes. since we have to wait for tonight and people watching the streams, I can't put them up.
Well, I probably won't be posting again or watching the episode until way later in the day. But I made it a whole 3 weeks, so another 12 hours shouldn't be a problem.



Filly Twilight with lollipop >>>>> anypony with anything ever.
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Wow, so that's 2 episodes where Twilight didn't feature, or the rest of the Mane Six for that matter (apart from AJ of course).

And the apple family has an Austrian relative.

YT Comment

[Winter Wrap Up]: Ponyville has wrapped winter up manually for hundreds of years, in honor of its Earth Pony founders.

[Family Appreciation Day]: Young Granny Smith helps found Ponyville.

Conclusion: Granny Smith is hundreds of years old.

Corollary 1: Ordinary ponies live for hundreds of years.

Corollary 2: Celestia suddenly seems less impressive.


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A thought just occured.

You know what is now canon, according to this episode?


That is now canon.



Mint can suck it with his Filly Twilight. I got Canon Bunnyjack.

I wish she had joined Apple Bloom and dressed up like that, but I reckon she would have done so anyway at some point in the past seeing as it's a family tradition. So yeah, I guess it is Canon.

And Bunny Bloom made me HNNNNGGG!

*Goes back to Flesh Field - The Lashkar*