The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Watched the new one. Here are some of my thoughts:
Congratulations Apple Bloom, you're the new Sweetie Belle.

That jam. Since when was Rainbow Dash related to the Apple family?

And that's how Equestria Ponyville was made.
Guess what just popped back up:




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Got home 30 minutes ago. Just finished watching the episode. Loved it.

And I still hate Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon every bit as much as I did before the episode started.

The whole 'Origins of Ponyville' story was cool to see.

Big Mac's got an actual line, so that's awesome.

Applbloom's costume was really, really adorable.

Now to read back into the thread.

Filly Twilight with lollipop >>>>> anypony with anything ever.
I highly disagree. :sly:
I have yet to see evidence to the contrary...

Mint can suck it with his Filly Twilight. I got Canon Bunnyjack.

....still no evidence here.




Now available in a much larger resolution.

With a clear background.
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I agree with what Mint said. So I don't need to write a large response. :sly:
Because I watched the episode tired last night I don't fully recall what happened.:ouch:
I do know I enjoyed watching it though. :dopey: And Young Smith was cute.
I'll watch it again after my friend goes home... Or maybe while he's here, I'm always trying to convert him and his sister.
well, everybody spotted everything but ONE thing...a new background colt in the school scenes.

also, I think you guys might not realize the time scale yet. have we seen evidence, yet, that the show takes place in the 21st century?
i think these take place in 1912!
or the Ponyverse is set in the equivalent of "medieval stasis" set at the late 19th/early 20th century level. after all, with magic AND goddeses watching over you, do you really NEED technology?
also, I think you guys might not realize the time scale yet. have we seen evidence, yet, that the show takes place in the 21st century?
i think these take place in 1912!
or the Ponyverse is set in the equivalent of "medieval stasis" set at the late 19th/early 20th century level. after all, with magic AND goddeses watching over you, do you really NEED technology?

Hydroelectric damn and modern skyscraper construction processes.

Of course, on the other hand, steam engines.
Pretty much exactly my thoughts. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if there's no necessity, there will be no invention. I do not doubt the technology level of Equestria can in fact remain completely unchanged for centuries, and I think it's proven that it hasn't. The only evidence of a time change is fashion, and that changes rapidly anyway.

randomly found this. What is Prince Douche doing muddin'?

also, I'm using this as an excuse for the existence of Bighoof 4x4.
Okay, I've only ever watched the first episode of this way back in June, but I decided to take a look at the newest installment:


I almost forgot how good the voice acting is in this abridged series, plus SweetieBot is awesome (and so is that Sisterhooves song near the end).
Since Mint won't believe in the amazing that is Bunnyjack, I'll just have to eliminate him.


Unfortunately my friends internet hates my laptop, so it's really, really unpredictable. I'll be surprised if this post makes it through, which means that I won't be posting again tonight unless this clears up.

EDIT: And then all appeared to be well. Not sure how long it'll last though.

Source<Big enough to crop a wallpaper from.

If I'm going down, Toro, I'm taking you with me!*shakes fist*

EDIT: I was planning on changing tomorrow, but I didn't feel like waiting an hour.
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It's Sunday, so I guess I'll stop copying that guy who has an obsession with shipping those two musical mares.






My possibly lame attempt at elimitating both factions (because why not?)

Wait, everyone's changing back now as well? That's.... strangely coincidental.

Good night.
Celly's hair is a total bitch to do. Like, 10 times harder then Dash's. Now I get Wiegert's problem with it.




*goes back to Archer*
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You call that activity? Since I know that he knows Discord is Q, I might just get my dad to watch The Return of Harmony. Did Q ever blow up the chocolate milk?

But anyways, it's late.


Though I can't leave with a white flash like Q.
Okay, let's try this again.


Wonder when the CopyGrunt thing will end. Not sure if the real Coffee is gone or just drowned out by us.

It does look like it's winding down. Maybe I'll follow suit and stop too.
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I liked the new episode. Thanks Toro for the link!

The history lesson was great, the map shown in the episode will help people to write their stories. Those apples are awesome and scary to grow. I wonder how they taste like. Granny Smith is funny ...sometimes.

Yay, got a new PS3 wallpaper!



Just to let you know I'm still arrive, currently drowning in PC issues. Trying to get to the bottom of them and whether it's my connection or the machine itself.