The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Both. Canon.



And I'm not digging into filly stuff because AJ and Twilight were both equaly heart-stoppingly adorable as fillies.


Nothing indecisive about the cute.
So the CopyGrunt thing stopped, but I decided to keep doing something like this. I couldn't do Doctor Whooves and brown, as Wiegert took the color (No worries), so I'm going with Lyra and turquoise.

The hex value for the color is 00E5D5 is you want it.

Now all I have to do is find a decent Sitting Lyra image.

Which I did. Star Trek Lyra is go.
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So the CopyGrunt thing stopped, but I decided to keep doing something like this. I couldn't do Doctor Whooves and brown, as Wiegert took the color (No worries), so I'm going with Lyra and turquoise.

The hex value for the color is 00E5D5 is you want it.

My eyes are being tested by looking at that text colour (it's a little bit too bright).

Anyway, after spending well over an hour fiddling with colour settings, and after 2 restarts, things are starting to go well with that Lyra drawing that I'm adding colour to. The coat might need to be a little bit darker, but I'll continue as normal and see if it looks any good once I've finished it.

Nothing indecisive about the cute.


Adorkable > All other forms of cute.:P

That said, AJ is still 2nd most adorable to me.



My eyes need a rest, so I'm not entirely sure. And I won't be going back to it until tomorrow.

How is 00A9E5? I guess I did overdo it a bit.

Yeah, that looks pretty good.

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Still not sure.

I mean, right now I think it looks just right after I went at it with the burn tool, but I can't be sure with how tired I am right now.
Now her coat is the right brightness, but it is too red; and her eyes have lost almost all of the detail they originally had. While her hair does look better (if a bit dark), I almost even want to say that it was better before. Burn tool wasn't the way to do it, in my opinion.

Does Gimp have a Hue/Saturation tool?

I was thinking like this:


I used this as a reference:

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Now her coat is the right brightness, but it is too red; and her eyes have lost almost all of the detail they originally had. While her hair does look better (if a bit dark), I almost even want to say that it was better before. Burn tool wasn't the way to do it, in my opinion.

Does Gimp have a Hue/Saturation tool?

Just dropped the red level a bit. The more I stared at it the more I started thinking the same, but I wasn't sure if it was just because my eyes are bleeding:lol:


And I actually kind of like the darker look a bit more.

EDIT: I think I'll try and lighten up the eye. Well, the iris anyway.
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If only I could go to Bronycon. But I doubt I'd ever be able to. But if I ever actually go to New York (like I ever will), I just might. But I will check out the videos of it on YouTube. And that last Applejack line ("Apples to buck") almost reminds me of this:

*goes searching for Bronycon videos*

Okay, found videos of the panel with Nicole Oliver, Ashleigh Ball and Andrea Libman, and there was this one funny part. The interviewer says "It's targeted towards, young girls" and one of them says "Really?". Can't tell whether Andrea or Ashleigh, but funny.

And Andrea's transition between Fluttershy and Pinkie was hilarious. And Ashleigh's reaction to the Hey Ocean/pony comments like "Applejack can sing" and stuff like that. And Applejack can sing.
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I would have finished it much sooner if I hadn't left the program by mistake as I was about to save it. I had to colour the entire mane again :lol:

Yeah, that pissed me off, but I'm quite pleased with the result. I've already altered the colours as they were too washed-out, but I might need to alter them more, unless any of you guys think it looks alright as it is?

And I realised that I hadn't used the full size version of that image until I was halfway through colouring it, so it's kinda small compared to Mint's piece.
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Looks good to me, but my eyes are pretty much useless as far as picking out details.

In fact, the only reason I'm not sleeping right now is I, only 20 minutes ago, realized I forgot to put my sheets in the dryer.:ouch::lol:


And here she is with brighter eyes.

I dropped the size of the one in my other post, just to save those with a slower internet speed.


I would have finished it much sooner if I hadn't left the program by mistake as I was about to save it. I had to colour the entire mane again :lol:

Yeah, that pissed me off, but I'm quite pleased with the result. I've already altered the colours as they were too washed-out, but I might need to alter them more, unless any of you guys think it looks alright as it is?

And I realised that I hadn't used the full size version of that image until I was halfway through colouring it, so it's kinda small compared to Mint's piece.

Maybe a bit less blue/bit more white in the tears, so they stand out more? Otherwise, I can't think of anything about it that I would do differently.
^Odd coincidence for a post involving Star Wars, considering I was just about to post this.

Maybe a bit less blue/bit more white in the tears, so they stand out more? Otherwise, I can't think of anything about it that I would do differently.

That I can do, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Getting the right colours though (especially the mane) took some time, plus the eyes were rather fiddly to colour. I just boosted the saturation once I'd finished and it looked fine after that.

And that one I posted wasn't the final version, but I add the source link to it, although the differences between the 2 are negligible really.

Good night.
Ashleigh Ball is asked to say "Forget you I can eat all these apples". Then I realize that line is from APPLE.MOV. Oh, bronies.

One person perceives Twilight as a grad student. So does my mom.
So that last one I last posted, I accidentally fixed the eyes on the one with the wrong coat color. So I just fixed it again, but this time with the corrected color:


And that is where I'm done for the night.

What's up with her horn?

Yeah, I just noticed that, too. Should be an easy fix. And I can't go to bed yet because we have one of those front load washers that wigs the 🤬 out if the load is out of balance. So yay, I get to stay up waiting for another 30 minutes:grumpy:

Might as well fix it now, I guess.


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The whole VA panel at Bronycon was great. So the next one is to be June 30-July 1st? Maybe I'll try and catch a live stream, or at least do the catch up thing I do with new episodes, where I wait until it airs and then catch up on the Internet. But whatever, I'm gonna catch it when it happens.

With Lauren Faust there, I know it's gonna be so awesome!


And please, tell me if I overdid it on the mint, and I'll try again tomorrow.
I did... things.


Might have done Octy so if I screwed anything up, I can take corrective measures when I do the AJ one.
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^ Well, even I couldn't have done a better job, Toro.

Nice work guys. You are very good at coloring. And I'm serious.

Brainbread, that Gilda looks awesome. Maybe the problem could be fixed if you move the eyes closer together.

Have you received my message on DA?

Another prize for another contest winner.

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