The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Why do I like that art style so much?

And wait, they made Applejack's cousin into an apple? It's Cupcakes all over again.
How do those work, anyway? I occasionally check up on one of them, but beyond viewing them I don't understand them.

I think you can just join a group and upload your images to their group page as well as your own page. Apart from that, I don't know.

Damn, I can barely think straight now, I'm so tired. Good night.
How do those work, anyway? I occasionally check up on one of them, but beyond viewing them I don't understand them.

I just kind of joined, I'm not entirely sure what comes with being a member.

I think you can just join them and upload your images to their group as well as your own page. Apart from that, I don't know.

You could always submit art, but it's still up to the group admins whether it gets in or not. I just submitted something to the "Human" folder of one group and I still had to wait for approval. I think the benefits of membership depend entirely on the group.

*goes back to watching Office Space.*

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You could always submit art, but it's still up to the group admins whether it gets in or not. I just submitted something to the "Human" folder of one group and I still had to wait for approval. I think the benefits of membership depend entirely on the group.

A group can ask you to add a piece to their gallery too, as I've just found out (Lyrafanclub wants me to submit the pic that I coloured to their group).

Sounds like fun, but I don't think there'd be any benefit to me doing so; since I don't have any art to submit. You can view the group's content anyway, so...

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Just read The Birds and The Bees. If only it was longer than it was. But I'm kind of glad it said about Pinkie describing "Da magics" in "unnecessary detail" and no other info was given. I already know enough about this, and telling it though ponies just doesn't uh... seem cromulent. But it was funny.

Anyways, just my two cents bits. It was good overall.

But also...

Why is this so funny? There's something about dizzy Cheerilee...


Drostie Belle Derelle

*peeks at naveeks avvy, and laughs* gimmie a big pic of that willya? and if you did that JUST to mess with Leonidae, i am going to FIND you. i'm getting rather tired of my best friend b-ing about ponies!
I once linked Leon to a full sized picture of ponified star trek that was posted here a while ago.

He didn't click it though because he suspected something. :grumpy:
So I was doing it wrong, oh well, this newer version is better.
I'll continue tomorrow. The mane is done. :D

Yeah, I made the first version (which I accidentally deleted), but it didn't really look as good as my final piece. If I hadn't deleted the first one then I probably would have ended up with something that I wasn't satisfied with.


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Is it me, or is Ponibooru the worst possible way to get your pony fix? It's painfully slow, and O2 has banned it from their 3G service for some reason. :S

I can't see it, Wiegert. And the guy doesn't have a DeviantArt or something to mirror it from. :S

However, my counter-attack, for you guys' eyes only. Please don't spread this around, I want this to be something of a surprise to my readers for when the finale

The final, permanent Allegrezza cover's beginning to feel like quite a big thing, this finalisation. Kinda...sad, in a way, but it needed to be done.
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I can't see it, Wiegert. And the guy doesn't have a DeviantArt or something to mirror it from. :S


See it now?

And believe it or not, but Ponibooru isn't agonisingly slow today. I don't expect this sudden boost in loading speeds to last very long though.

The final, permanent Allegrezza cover's beginning to feel like quite a big thing, this finalisation. Kinda...sad, in a way, but it needed to be done.

It was fun while it lasted, but yeah, all stories must come to an end at some point. At least you can start something new with H and G. Who knows, it might even end up being more popular than Allegezza.
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I just looked at Ponibooru, someone posted the Allegrezza ending. DAMN YOU SPOILER TROLLS!!

It was probably uploaded by one of the guests.

We rarely drop below 10 guests, so I'd imagine a few of them are the kinds of people who would do something like that.

Can't think of any regular members who would have done it.
It was probably uploaded by one of the guests.

We rarely drop below 10 guests, so I'd imagine a few of them are the kinds of people who would do something like that.

We need to remember that there are... outsiders, viewing this thread all the time, so we'll have to be more wary from now on when it comes to posting certain things.

Anyway, good news everypony:

Coffee posted some Allegrezza related fan art, which he asked us not to go and post elsewhere (kind of a sneak peek for us GTP Bronies, really). But someone (a guest we presume) decided it would be a good idea to post said image on Ponibooru minutes after it was posted in this thread.