The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
It's done, it's done.


Well I think it's done, let the criticism begin.
I'll put the source here as soon as it finishes uploading to Picasa. (It's big)
Edit: Wait no I wont, Picassa doesn't like the large image.
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It's done, it's done.


Well I think it's done, let the criticism begin.

Eh, maybe a bit too dark. Perhaps you could try reducing the saturation a bit, or just make the coloured areas lighter somehow.

You did a very nice job with the eyes though.

Plus, a talking AJ plush.


Damn, it's just... too cute!
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Eh, maybe a bit too dark. Perhaps you could try reducing the saturation a bit, or just make the colored areas lighter somehow.

You did a very nice job with the eyes though.

Thanks, is this better?

Personally I like the darker fur on the original, it adds depth. The bag was defiantly too saturated though.


Damn, it's too cute!

My Heart!!
Personally I like the darker fur on the original, it adds depth. The bag was defiantly too saturated though.

The bag was much too saturated, so it looks far better now than it did before. The coat is fine as it is, and so is the mane colour.

Also, more armoured pony:

And I didn't feel this way the other night while I was colouring Lyra, but now my eyes are starting to strain since I've been working on a certain pony for the past couple of hours, so I'll leave it and finish the rest some time tomorrow.

Good night.

Thanks, is this better?

Personally I like the darker fur on the original, it adds depth. The bag was defiantly too saturated though.

Too much brown in her eyes, methinks. Most fan art for her I've seen tends to make her eyes light orange or yellow. I also think the gradient should go to a lighter shade of the base color rather than to white like it appears to here.

Good night.
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I just noticed something. Twilight Sparkle was number 42 in Fall Weather Friends. And "The Egghead's Guide to Running". Okay, these people haven't just created a show with a shocking fandom, they've created a MONSTER. And I love it.
The scene:

Go and look at the top comment. Now.

As if referencing Star Trek multiple times wasn't enough.
First it was parasprites, then it was Discord being Q.
Looks like they...

But anyways, night.

Remembering the hex value can be a bit confusing.

And I've realized that around these parts, this thread is where I usually only live. Not that I don't mind.
Some thoughts...

Well, in the original storyline (series) Princess Celestia predicted everything regarding NMM's escape. I personally think that it was her idea to bring Luna back. The Stars, the Main6 heroes, the NMM's actions... Celestia knew everything what will happen and how will things end. She knew that she will be captured, but she also knew that she will be freed when Main6 wielding the Elements will defeat NMM.

She had to wait for a perfect night for this to happen. Heroes to assemble, etc. Otherwise it wasn't possible to bring Luna back.

She probably created that book, that Twilight studied.

In my opinion, Celestia and NMM arranged a deal. Well, at least they had big plans for this Summer Sun Celebration. They did had different targets.

Celestia wanted to bring Luna back, while NMM wanted to rule Equestria in the eternal night.
Celestia was at least one step further. NMM captured her easily. She probably haven't even fought back knowing, that the Elements will do their job. NMM's plans failed quickly.

^ Two messages I sent to BronyCray connected. I'm very interested how will he end the story.


I like how there's still the old style/new style divide between these two, even in the ATG. :3

Also, I managed to get everything tidied up with that picture leaking thingy. Shame, I liked the idea of people here seeing it...I'm pretty, damn happy with it. :D
Am I the only one who hasn't seen that picture? xD

Also, I got two packs of modeling clay!

And I'm extremely happy to see those new GT5 news!!

There were a lot of comments about the art instead of the plot, too, but still.

I feel like today is going to be one of those days where things bother me more than they should.....
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Just noticed that Mint made a comment on this image just moments before I did:



'Awesome' is just one of the many overused words that can be used to describe this pic.

You're complaining that a fanbase largely populated by Americans has a few morons kicking about here and there? :P

Wait, there are some morons in this fandom? After all these months watching ponies, I hadn't even noticed :lol:
I don't think it's possible to overuse a word like "awesome" when you're talking about that.

Also, just found this;


Some great stuff today.

You're complaining that a fanbase largely populated by Americans has a few morons kicking about here and there? :P

Funny you should say that, since only one of the people in question was actually from America.:P

And comments like Somepony's are fine, since they actually commented on the art instead of only saying something about the plot.


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I'll probably change back tonight, though.

EDIT: I got tired of that a lot faster than I thought I would.

Before anyone tries to think about it too much.


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Read the description.

He's working with big names now, apparently.

Can't say I'm surprised, honestly.
RD is short sighted, so she can't read the book from that distance.

Kudos to anyone who knows what I'm referring to.


Scoots is a master of the cheesy grin!

And then I realized there was a top comment like this on this video.


Never in a thousand years would I ever have noticed that. Coincidence, or just unfindable Easter egg?
Speaking of My Little Star Trek...
FIM Part 2. Fast forward to the 18 minute mark, when the mane 6 defeat Night Mare Moon.

Compare to this:

There's also the Discord/Q, and some others. And speaking of My Little Star Trek, I have that sitting Lyra avatar. This show is not G. Rated R for Really Amazing References. NON GIRLY PONIES WARNING WINNING
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I appreciate a slow day. Makes it easier to keep up.

And let's see, at least two dead nameless lackies, one or two about to be, Twi pulled something ramming another...

Yeah, I think my RP qualifies for Grimdark tags now...
So. Gilda apparently is one of my most liked plushies, according DA. I had so many requests for her, I made another one.

I have to make another one for myself still. :D





If you are interested, take a look at my DA - the auction link is in my DA

This accurately describes how I feel about stitching at 2 AM. (Edit: Its by Jackle-App)

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That Gilda looks really good. Shame you couldn't have it in your bed as a soft toy. It'd ruin the feathers. Any plans on making one with fabric in place of feathers?