The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Coffee posted some Allegrezza related fan art, which he asked us not to go and post elsewhere (kind of a sneak peek for us GTP Bronies, really). But someone (a guest we presume) decided it would be a good idea to post said image on Ponibooru minutes after it was posted in this thread.


I feel very sorry that the image leaked.

I haven't seen it myself, but judging from CG's comments it's something very good.

I'm also very glad that CG found an artist that made his idea/dream come true.
Well it looks like it might be deleted soon judging by the new tags, which is good news considering that the drawing wasn't supposed to be viewable to everyone until the final chapter of Allegrezza was uploaded.
That sucks Coffee. I don't know what else to say.

There's a saucy Octavia in drawfriends, it may help to cheer you up Coffee.

i hope it will not get uploaded to eqd
Drawfriends recently went up and it's not there, luckily.

But it might be a good idea to send an email to Sethisto so he knows not to post it somewhere else.

EDIT: In checking to make sure it wasn't there, I just jumped through everything else. I just looked at the header, and am now sad :(
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*peeks at naveeks avvy, and laughs* gimmie a big pic of that willya? and if you did that JUST to mess with Leonidae, i am going to FIND you. i'm getting rather tired of my best friend b-ing about ponies!

Want a full size Star Trek Lyra? Here you go.

I didn't use that to mess with anyone. I just was searching for a pony avatar and found that on Know Your Meme, so yeah.


Futurama did it.

And just one thing. What do you mean by "find"? Find me in real life? That's not gonna happen in a thousand years. That's what I guess you mean, as you already found me on here. Other sites? I don't know.

So Luna is the new Doctor Whooves? The time travel has been doubled!
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Looking again, I'm not sure if it will be deleted from Ponibooru, actually.

Maybe Coffee and the guy who drew that piece can sort something out with Seth so that it doesn't get posted on EqD too soon.




She must have a spine of steel to carry that on her back :lol:
Ponibooru copy removed. Blacklisted from EDaily by Seth. That seems to be the majority of potential damage it could do.

Got so annoyed I ended up resorting to playing Modern Warfare 1 to vent steam. Forgot how fun the campaign on that game is, especially the American part.

Anyway, I'll probably have to use tomorrow for writing time. If anyone wants a look at the pic, PM me. It's a pity I can't publicly show it, but I trust the regulars on here. Like others have was probably a Guest.


Ah, Brando...yes. Peperoger branded SaucyTavia. Wrong on every level, yet right on a few new ones, too. xD
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Can you put the image in the group Coffee? I think that because it's private no-one except members can see it. (Needs to be confirmed though.)

Edit: 99% sure that only members will be able to see it.
So according to that EqD discussion a few days back; Twilight is best pony, AJ is most underated pony, Luna is best princess and side character, Derpy is best background character, Scoots is best CMC pony (obviously), and TGaP Trixie is the top antagonist.

I'm... okay with these results.

Also, this art style is so damn good!


Ponibooru is faster than ever! So...

Sorry Dash, but it's too fast.

(avoids Cupcakes reference)
Twilight with Rainbow's wings, Applejack's hat, part of Rarity's mane, part of Fluttershy's mane, and Pinkie's tail. Oookay.

Reminds me of some Halloween episode of The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa get stuck in the TV, and Maggie tries to tell Homer, who thinks she is trying to climb into the TV.

Advice Derpy

Derpy Bunny



"Hey Scootaloo? What's bored to death and clueless? YOUR FACE!"

More bunny pony!


Pinkie, tear the fourth wall up.
*types in random page numbe on ponibooru*

*finds this:*

Holy 🤬 that was 2 months ago?

Damn those 2 months went by fast.

*goes back to searching random page numbers*

EDIT: "Oh that Scootaloo looks pretty adorable"

*clicks thumbnail*


People really need to tag explicit things as explicit......




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This was drawn by the same guy behind the ask rainb0w dash tumblr. So far it's my favourite ATG pic, where the aim is to "draw a pony in armor".

And I quite like this one too:



*Goes back to colouring the mane*

EDIT: I just checked DA. There is going to be something really great on best tumblr soon. Well withing the next few days.
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