The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Just finished the face and arms. Arms being surprisingly easy to do. They're still rough around the outside, but when I'm done coloring it as a whole I'm going to have a version with the rough edges and one with clean edges. So far the rough parts actually look kind of cool.

Also, I was planning on a lunch break since I haven't eaten all day and it's 2:30, but it is far too important that I win this.

So I'm sitting here, when I decide I'll do the shoes next. Then I realize. I have to turn this:

Into something resembling this:

I'm not sure I'm this skilled, but I might be, so here goes.
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The dream Rarity saw about RD. She mentions it in the last chapter. The same dream from chapter 10, when she was standing on top of RD, while she was flying...


EDIT: Nope, he confirmed, that I'm wrong.
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I've got a few more things to tweak here and there, but I actually like the edges the way they are. I might go back and smooth down the edges, eventually, but I'll save that for another time. Unless, again, I get bored and just start working on it.

I just want some comments to help me see what to improve, since my eyes have just kind of glazed over and I'm probably missing some things. I'm still not finished, I've just reached a point where I couldn't see what to go for next.

I would add some soft shadows to make the picture less flat.


Wow, that made a much bigger difference than I thought it would. And I feel like that's something I should have done, anyway. Thanks for the tip.

Anything else? Or can anyone see anywhere else I should add a bit more to the shading?


Welp, first bronze winner received her prize! ^_^

Loving this piece unit. It's really cute.

Mint, I think it needs shading on the shirt, face and hair. The top half is still too flat, other than that it's looking good.

I wonder how Coffee(The real one) is going to feel about that.

Good!. Now add some shadows to the boots and the make the hair that flows behind her darker. This will make the pic more 3D.



I also added a little more shading to the shorts, and touched up the headset a bit.

EDIT: Oh, and I added some very subtle shading under the eyes.
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I wish I actually knew how to shade. Like, at all. We'd make quite a team, unit.


Want me to upload that to Ponibooru? I uploaded mine a few minutes ago, and Michos (Mr. Color ALL The JJ) actually commented on it.
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Toro, I didn't realise that was the image you were working on. It looks good.



Take that Akira.


(Not sure if posted in colour yet.)
Unit, if you want I can send you the full size version I have on my computer that still has the transparent background. I just filled in the background to white so it was easier to put JJ's watermarks back on it.

Damn, those are some really nice coloured pics you guys have done, and I thought you were doing that Octavia drawing, Toro?

And I'll try and colour in that Celly drawing on Sunday, seeing as I'll be out doing stuff tomorrow as well as watching and discussing the new episode.

We aren't. Still need to hear from Wiegert. Get some sleep.

Sorry, I've been dead for the past 20 or so hours. Is this about some sort of group thing? I don't have a mic though... yet.

Oh, and uh, I sketched this earlier (yes, I finally drew a Pony!):



No idea why I went with Twilight, though.
Unit, if you want I can send you the full size version I have on my computer that still has the transparent background. I just filled in the background to white so it was easier to put JJ's watermarks back on it.

D'oh... I forgot to put the watermarks...
You can send it, but don't expect me to color it again xD

BTW, you did a good job coloring it!

Oh, and uh, I sketched this earlier (yes, I finally drew a Pony!):



No idea why I went with Twilight, though.

Nice job, Wiegert! Watching Top Gear and drawing Ponies, brilliant!

Uh-oh! Israpony has ousted Celestia and Luna! And there's a Nuclear Reactor involved! Will our heroes oust the frightening foe? Will things blow up?
@Jim, that's the first one of them I've watched. I think it wrecked my brain a little. :lol:
Minecraft and ponies, what will people think of next.
@Brainbread, what did you do to Gilda? She may have been mean... and a thief... and a bully but she didn't need to die like that. :sly:

Seriously though looks good so far, keep us updated.
Watching Top Gear and drawing a pony? That sir, is a well spent day. 👍

Nice job, Wiegert! Watching Top Gear and drawing Ponies, brilliant!

It was a TG repeat on Dave, so they edited out some of the good stuff to make room for the adverts.

And thanks

Also, did Toro change the thread title just for me? >:3

He changed it last night. I was expecting to find a large number of Spitfire images posted here when I returned, but instead I find a load of JJ pics coloured by Mint, Toro and Unit.

Also, not sure if Mint found this already, but.... 108515.

*Goes back to Hybrid's 'We Are In Control'*
I heard that in Twilight's Magic Kindergarten fantasy from Lesson Zero, there is a "baby alicorn" in the class due to an animation error, but I'm not sure if I ever noticed it. I do know the pony is there, but can anyone point out which pony it is? I think it's the yellow one at the front of the class, but I'm not sure. Here's the scene:

It looks like the yellow one to me.

Purple mane, yellow coat, rear right. That's the Alicorn.
Eeyup, that's the one I was referring to. Maybe they should just have some intentional errors. They kept Derpy's eyes, why not?
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