The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Well that was a waste of 2 hours. It consisted of me looking for one song by trawling through the artist's discography (I knew the artist, but I didn't know the song name). I went through virtually every track before I reached the last one that was left, and it just had to be the very last one, didn't it :lol:

I hate it when I'm fixated on finding a particular song that I can't find (which happens often), but actually finding it feels great.

You just had to say something. I can feel myself becoming a hipster with every delicious sip.:lol:

Toro's comment was pretty much bang on :lol:


I hate it when I'm fixated on finding a particular song that I can't find (which happens often), but actually finding it feels great.

I know how that feels, just like a moment ago when I found that the NSX trailer song was Nero's Me & You(Dirtyphonics Remix), then I hear the song until I get feed up with it.



Pretty nice.

And this Fluttershy looks quite nice:


But the head geometry got sort of screwed, is really good but the head bit is not very "canon".

(*Almost forgot about POV Canterlot, this should be interesting*)
*eating candy canes left over from Christmas because we bought 180 thanks to a lack of communication*
(I bought 5, my mom bought 5, and my dad bought 5 without telling anyone else)

*checks Molestia*

*puts down candy cane slowly*

I don't think I want it anymore.
I know how that feels, just like a moment ago when I found that the NSX trailer song was Nero's Me & You(Dirtyphonics Remix), then I hear the song until I get feed up with it.

I stumbled upon a 3 part video series of someone drawing an image of AJ, and the description said "Various Titles by Amon Tobin". I heard one track in the final video and I just had to find it, and it turned out to be "Always".

The annoying thing was that it was on the very first album that I began my search on (Foley Room). I just happened to overlook the one song I was searching for.

But the head geometry got sort of screwed, is really good but the head bit is not very "canon".

I see what you mean. Not too keen on that head shape personally, but the art style isn't bad though.

*checks Molestia*

*puts down candy cane slowly*

I don't think I want it anymore.

Do you remember when I had just eaten some waffles moments before seeing one particular Molestia update a few months back?

Yeah, now you know how I felt that day :lol:
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Is it just me, or is it dead here? There's like... zero activity. I'm bored.

I, for one, welcome our new pony overlords.

Are they flower shaped?

Cupcakes: The Movie. Anyone?

CMC.mp4 anyone?

Derpy wears a fez now. Who's cooler now?

I remember when watching the Bronycon VA panel, and somebody asked Ashleigh Ball to say that very sanitized line in Applejack's voice. And with her slight hesitation, for a second it almost felt as if she was gonna let the original line slip. Imagine what it would be like if it did! :scared: We're all glad it didn't though.
It doesn't seem dead in here to me, Naveek. There tends to be almost no activity in this thread between 6AM and 12PM GMT, though.


"*Gasp*.... Pants!"
*eating candy canes left over from Christmas because we bought 180 thanks to a lack of communication*
(I bought 5, my mom bought 5, and my dad bought 5 without telling anyone else)

*checks Molestia*

*puts down candy cane slowly*

I don't think I want it anymore.


That feeling when you just thought of the perfect joke, but think it is probably too dirty (even though it requires some lateral thinking).
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This is a cool song and all, but the artwork that appears at around 1:08 reminds me that we haven't seen anything new from Moe since June or July. I wonder if he/she will ever draw more amazing and distinct pieces like the ones that were uploaded on Ponibooru last summer (they didn't have a DA account).

And I wonder if the first Pinkie Pie-centric episode of season 2 will be any good. Guess we'll have to wait a few hours to find out.

That feeling when you just thought of the perfect joke, but think it is probably too dirty.

I hate that feeling. But if you think it's too dirty to post here, then it probably is.

Still, it's your call. I would like to find out how "perfect" this joke really is though.
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That feeling when you just thought of the perfect joke, but think it is probably too dirty.


Is there any way to clean it up enough to where I will get the joke without you saying anything you shouldn't?

That feeling when you just thought of the perfect joke, but think it is probably too dirty (even though it requires some lateral thinking).

You must tell us, you must.

Edit: So you Ninja'd me. I think I get the joke.
*eating candy canes left over from Christmas because we bought 180 thanks to a lack of communication*
(I bought 5, my mom bought 5, and my dad bought 5 without telling anyone else)

*checks Molestia*

*puts down candy cane slowly*

I don't think I want it anymore.
Do you remember when I had just eaten some waffles moments before seeing one particular Molestia update a few months back?

Yeah, now you know how I felt that day :lol:

You guys need to put more Saucy on your meals, I have no idea of what I'm talking about but it doesn't seem to taste bad since everypony enjoys it(well it depends, did I mention that I didn't know what I'm talking about about).[/Don't_know_what_I'm_Talking_about]

Also, POV healing Canterlot(or should I say POV Dischorded Luna):
Well a pretty good chapter which focuses on Luna, it briefly describe some events that seen to explain why Luna was banish to the Moon(it seems to be the case, however this is not entirely clear). From there it takes the whole "Discorded" situation that involves Luna and Celly(which is the Discorded version of Celestia, apparently). Fairly similar to other chapters that describe the madness of Dischord, this time featuring aristocratic ponies and some of the ponies present at the Gala(like Blueblood), is pretty interesting to see how Luna maintains her reason just like twilight, to then reach a point in which she remembers how she was when she was Nightmare Moon, and there is when the Grimdark gets 🤬 doubled.

I actually like that Luna maintain her reason even when she has to face her other self, and she is actually analytical in such a mess, probably is one of the main reasons of why she is becoming my favourite fanon characters, is also quite interesting to see an alternative version that puts Luna as the saviour by sending those letters to twilight.

Another great chapter, a bit more Grimdark than the others but actually quite good, I just wish that they author stop that random silliness of breaking the 4th wall, it just gets stupid at times.

Apart from that:


Is pretty similar to Wiegert's(and something tells me that it is indeed Wiegert's), I must say that is not bad at all, and I actually quite like that pencil coloured style, it fills quite nicely the style it was going for.

You asked for it:

Now break down the two images as logical statements.
That weird moment when you make a huge post and get tree'd several times, to then have absolutely no clue what the joke was about.

And I was sort of missing my music(specially Satie), I should bring an MP3 player next time I decide to go on holiday. Speaking of which I have to attend some stuff and therefore I might not catch the episode tomorrow until well past afternoon or after tomorrow, either way is quite late.

Goodnight everyone

Now break down the two images as logical statements.


It wasn't worth it...



Is pretty similar to Wiegert's(and something tells me that it is indeed Wiegert's), I must say that is not bad at all, and I actually quite like that pencil coloured style, it fills quite nicely the style it was going for.

That's not my coloured version.


Good night.
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*thinks about it a little more*


....*thinks a little more*


EDIT: (Decided to remove my rambling about it)

EDIT: OK, my brain is also easily distracted when I'm this tired. A quick look through my DA favorites and suddenly I feel fine.:)

I'm actually glad you told the joke, it was good:tup::lol:
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Wow, it isn't very active in here. Oh well. Know how Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle never seem to meet until Call of the Cutie? While in the first episode, when Night Mare Moon first appears, the three can be seen huddled in fear. Foreshadowing anyone?

But Swarm of the Century had aftshadowing, if there is such a thing. The polka that carried the parasprites away was heard again later in Pinkie's flashback from The Cutie Mark Chronicles, playing at her first party. But the flashback is from a much earlier date than the parasprite attack. Wow.

Anyways, it's late, so...


And somebody on YouTube called Twilight Sparkle "Rule 63 Timmy Turner" or something. Sounds about right. Now which rule is the one where the same person is put in another body? For example, Discord is Rule [whatever you call the body swap rule] Q. Anyone?
Remember this comic?

Well someone made this:


That comic is high on my list of favorites, actually, as well as the Rainbow Dash one by the same person. And I like this picture, as well.

Alright, I had intended on going to bed early so I could wake up tomorrow and watch the new episode, but it's too late for that if I want to make up for this lost sleep. Night.
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Wow. I was worried that we would have to have an entire episode of those... things, but it appears they modified the designs of the baby Ponies to something less... horrifying, for this episode. These two are actually pretty cute.
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Ep over...

Pound Cake for future Wonderbolt. I can actually feel the fanart being made NOW.

Wasn't as horribly unbearable as I thought it'd be...then again, none of the shows have been. I've seen the theme before, but this was done with that typical Studio B polish and creativity.
Poor Scoots.


Edit: Now that I think about it, Twilight was kind of a bitch in this episode (albeit not intentionally). Which was a sentence I didn't think was possible to express.
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Poor Scoots.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Twilight was kind of a bitch in this episode (albeit not intentionally). Which was a sentence I didn't think was possible to express.

And poor Sweetie Belle, too (she hasn't used magic either, has she?). And as for Twilight, I guess being a hermit would stunt your diplomatic skills a bit.

New head-canon: having no sense of logic of what is possible or impossible, baby unicorns can perform in-universe unpossible magic, like phasing through objects. Seriously, forget Twi, Pumpkin Cake will be the one to bring balance to the Friendship.

That also means that Twi will be getting most of her body replaced with cybernetics at some point in the future, probably after a badly-thought out battle against Celestia in a field of fire and lava. The Cake twins will have to be separated to protect them, with Pumpkin going to live with the Pies at the rock farm.
I think those twins would be subject to some sort of examination if anyone else knew of their incredible power, and would probably end up being used as Equestria's new super weapon.

And did anyone spot baby Trixie and Rarity in the beds next to the twins near the beginning?

Poor Scoots.

She looked worryingly limp and lifeless in this episode though.

Now that I think about it, Twilight was kind of a bitch in this episode (albeit not intentionally). Which was a sentence I didn't think was possible to express.

Kind of, yeah. Still, Pinkie did desperately want her help, and Twilight offered to do so.
