The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Made a Fluttershy Beanie! She's for sale, you can find the link in page on mty DA.


And Jackle's half of the art trade


Hmm, I still can't understand why the Cake's would consider RD as a babysitter for their kids before Pinkie Pie. I wouldn't have thought that she would be the best pony for the job, certainly not. But you have to say that Pinkie would have been a better candidate, and that they would have asked her before RD.

Also, more Guy-ra:




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So watching the episode so far I've realized some things are better with hands or magic. Using you mouth like that is just disgusting.
Fluttershy craves acceptance.
Pinkie wrecks physics... again.
Chancellor pudding face is back. :lol:
Pinkie is Jerry Seinfeld.
Surprise, Surprise.
Lesson of the day, eat food.
Twilight doesn't have ABS.
I think Pinkie's part Giraffe.
Super magic.
(Will update as I watch episode)
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*goes back to the most boring movie ever made*


Also, new episode was pretty entertaining. I think the word responsibility got said at least four-hundred times, but other than that, I just love Pinkie episodes. :D
I've seen Constantine. Stuff of consequence does actually happen in the film between the long periods of wooden acting and bad set pieces.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture, by comparison, is 2 and a half hours long and only 40 minutes or so are spent actually doing anything.
As to why I'm watching it... I'm bored, and it's just on in the background while I work on something.
And who's that in the bed next to her?


Although she seems to be lacking a certain magical appendage, but ignore that.
Watching it now.

Changing a diaper with your mouth. And human parents think they have it bad when changing diapers.:lol:
Watching it now.

Changing a diaper with your mouth. And human parents think they have it bad when changing diapers.:lol:

I wonder how my parents felt on such a task, even with hands...

I'm just glad I don't have to deal with a younger sibling. I'm an only child, so I don't have to deal with anything like that, and I don't think I will have to anytime soon. I'm getting all the attention I don't need.

But yeah, the episode was funny. Both a Pegasus and a unicorn can be quite a royal pain. When Scootaloo sees Pound Cake, she'll be angry. And when Sweetie Belle sees Pumpkin Cake...
Wow. I was worried that we would have to have an entire episode of those... things, but it appears they modified the designs of the baby Ponies to something less... horrifying, for this episode. These two are actually pretty cute.
Pretty much this. Their eyes still kind of weirded me out when they were shown from certain angles, though, but they were pretty cute.

Edit: Now that I think about it, Twilight was kind of a bitch in this episode (albeit not intentionally). Which was a sentence I didn't think was possible to express.

When has Twilight ever been known to sugar coat things? Granted, it did still kind of make her sound like a bitch, but I kind of feel like someone had to say it.

And I'd rather be told straight up like that then completely ignored like the Cakes did.

Poor Scoots.
And poor Sweetie Belle, too (she hasn't used magic either, has she?).

I have a theory for this.

For the Pegasi(sisis): when they're born, they can use their wings because their bodies are lighter, but their body mass grows disproportionately to their wing size, and their wings don't catch back up until later in life.

Speaking of:


As for the Unicorns: "Strange magic surges". Maybe they become more powerful than most unicorns are at adult hood during these surges. And even after the surges stop, they can't actually control it until they're older.

Just theories, though.

*waits for Mint to color it*

Saved it. Don't actually have time to color that right now.
EDIT: I might not be able to pull off the hair. I'll try, but that's gonna be a bitch to get right with how rough the edges are.

All in all it was a good episode.
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< Because I decided that, while I love my old one, it's a bit too much to fit into 120x120. I still need to fix the edges. I accidentally left the feathered edges on.

*goes back to pizza and Breaking Bad*
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So I searched Allegrezza on DeviantArt and found about five pieces of fanart I never knew existed...and a song.

This is just silly.

Considered pasting them all at once to SSMB as a brute force "My ship wins en masse" deal, but no, because the SSMB mods don't like fun things.

Can't do it here, either. Would stretch the page or...something.


Can't do it here, either. Would stretch the page or...something.

We once filled a page spamming each other with the same 2 YouTube videos(Was a long time ago, not sure who was or was not here). I don't think anyone would mind a long page that's actually filled with different things.
The filly and Minecraft ones are my favorites.

The filly one because it's adorable, and the Minecraft one because, well, Minecraft. And I love pixel art.
Didn't really stretch the page that much, and that filly one is quite D'awwwww inducing, even if it does look as though Vinyl has ideas.




So I wasn't the only one who thought of Surprise during that scene.
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As happy as I am that this is a thing, I'm kind of confused about why it too so long to become a thing.

Either way, I've kind of been waiting for something epic involving the mane 6 that fit as a wallpaper.

So I wasn't the only one who thought of Surprise during that scene.

I never even thought if Surprise! I just thought of Flour Pie or something like that. If only Pinkie had cracked an egg on her head. And speaking of Surprise, that was Pinkie's first line aside from the gasp.
I'm sure someone here (probably Mint) has read the first 2 chapters of Fixing Up Miss Smartypants. Well, part 3 is up if anyone is interested.





This was uploaded a few hours ago:

And I thought JJ worked fast

I'm sure someone here (probably Mint) has read the first 2 chapters of Fixing Up Miss Smartypants. Well, part 3 is up if anyone is interested.

Wait. When did part 2 go up?

I really need to keep track of these things.
Couple weeks ago, actually. I passed on it because I'm still not sure if it is a CMC-driven plot (because I don't want to get invested in something that I'm sure I would hate), and my backlog is too big at this point anyway.

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