The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I'll probably get to it, but really, with my TwiDash obsession, the only thing that drew me into the story in the first place isn't really a big thing for me anymore. It's still a good ship, and if that were the main focus of the story I'd still be eager to read it. And while the CMCs driving a story isn't so bad to me if it's done a certain way, the CMCs felt more like a tool to force the story, rather than an actual part of the story in this. I mean, I might still get around to it, but it's not high on my list of priorities anymore.

Oh, and this is really, really awesome.



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I just skimmed through the comments, and it looks like it became just as much of a total mess starting with the second chapter as I feared it would.

Truly a shame, because I really enjoyed the story's setup.

Edit: Someone did a bunch of recolors of the Dash BAAAWWWS pose. They all look great... except AJ's, which looks like it was cobbled together in Paint.

le sigh
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So I wasn't the only one who thought of Surprise during that scene.

Exactly what I thought. (As noted in my notes so I would remember the episode in the morning. :P)

Forgot to say that I enjoyed the episode. I didn't expect something with baby ponies to be so good. It seems that every episode we expect to be good isn't what it's cracked up to be and vice versa.:boggled:👍
Today's episode was one of the best episodes thus far, I mean is so stereotypical and predictable as it gets, but it was so well done, not quite the best but it ranks among the top ten at least. Pinkie centric episodes are just so entertaining.

There is also a comment from both Twilight and Rainbow Dash that explain the babies incredible abilities which are very Fairy Oddparents BTW ,and I also find very suspicious that two earth ponies have a Pegasi and a Unicorn, Mr Sunshine should be worried :lol:(and I seriously loled hard at the implication, he was worried and everything :lol:).

Speaking of which:


Image comment filled with pure win
"Congratulations, Ms. Sunshine, it's a boy! ...unicorn! Woops."

I haven't loled so hard since quite a while :lol:

(*Stops briefly to take a breath, then keeps laughing*)
So I was slumming out in the dank, disgustingly moist internet cloaca that is youtube, when I saw that the Featured Video was Florence and the Machine's Cosmic Love, and I thought to myself, "Oh, I love that song! Even better, there was a very well-made PMV with it some time ago!"

So, I go ahead and watch The Stars Will Aid Her Escape, and then the comments make me realize something I had overlooked the first time the video came out: the video finishes with two diverging endings played side-by-side. The video implies that Twi and Luna are two sides of the same coin, and cannot co-exist at the same time, so we are shown an ending where NMM is defeated and Luna ceases to exist, and another ending where Luna is saved, brought back, and thus, Twilight, as her stand-in, now ceases to exist (the video is edited so that she's not shown at any moment of the return of Luna celebration).

. . .


I'm gonna have this on my mind for some time now, dammit.

*goes back to the most boring movie ever made*

Why're you watching A.I. Artificial Intelligence?


I have a theory for this.

For the Pegasi(sisis): when they're born, they can use their wings because their bodies are lighter, but their body mass grows disproportionately to their wing size, and their wings don't catch back up until later in life.

That is, almost word for word, how I rationalized it in my head when I saw the episode.


By the way, here's my stuff =)

And I'm drawing something!

My name is not Barack Obama, but I approve of your pony stash :D

I might have to draw something as well, if anything, to combat the rampant AppleDash, TwiDash, and OctoScratch running wild in this forum (even if I like all those pairings, I reserve the right to be petty and contrary). Twixie is way too underrepresented here.
Twilight x Derpy, or Twerpy, is underrepresented as well. to find my work there...

I'm sure I caught 3 of your pieces in that video (Derpymon, Trixie casting a spell, and TNTNE cover art).

I found that earlier and was hoping that you wouldn't find it because I was 100% certain that you would post it here if you did :lol:


One of the best Rarity plushies I've seen recently.
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My name is not Barack Obama, but I approve of your pony stash :D

I might have to draw something as well, if anything, to combat the rampant AppleDash, TwiDash, and OctoScratch running wild in this forum (even if I like all those pairings, I reserve the right to be petty and contrary). Twixie is way too underrepresented here.
Twilight x Derpy, or Twerpy, is underrepresented as well.

Haha, thanks!

And draw more! You have such a talent!

I'm sure I caught 3 of your pieces in that video (Derpymon, Trixie casting a spell, and TNTNE cover art).

Cool! I have 2 chats and 3 tabs + Pixlr opened, so the video was kinda jerky. But I think I saw TNTNE cover art there.

Speaking of TNTNE...

Forepony Red!


I wanted to draw him long ago, but didn't knew what scene to choose.
So if you're searching through one of the Twilight groups on DA in the shipping folder, and you see something that looks sad in the thumbnail, you probably shouldn't click it unless you're ready to be sad.
"I wasn't fast enough"

Lesson learned:(

Anyway, while rolling around in the groups, I came across some things I hadn't seen.
One of those things:


This one isn't even about "prove TwiDash is best ship"(Although it still works for that:P) this is "I love this image so damn much." And there's already a version with a transparent background linked in the description. So....this avatar. It might not last as long as I had hoped.



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Applejack looks very nervous there. Dash does not.

According to *some* people here, that's how it "should" be.

And yes, I air quoted even while typing that.

Why're you watching A.I. Artificial Intelligence?


I haven't seen all of A.I., but more happened in the hour that I did watch then happened in the entirety of the first Star Trek movie. Which was twice as long.

Twixie is way too underrepresented here.

If only there was something that would get people's hearts going for such a ship. Some sort of Song or Ballad about her. That would get interest going again.

What I'm saying is, write faster.

I found that earlier and was hoping that you wouldn't find it because I was 100% certain that you would post it here if you did :lol:

I like how the artist thinks:
  1. Draw picture of AJ climbing on Rainbow, hugging.
  2. Give Rainbow AJ's hat.
  3. Give Rainbow bedroom eyes and make AJ look crazy nervous.
  4. Tell people who interpret it as a shipping image to go 🤬 themselves.

Some true GT5 forum logic, there.

Oh well. Still the best AppleDash vector I've seen.

So if you're searching through one of the Twilight groups on DA in the shipping folder, and you see something that looks sad in the thumbnail, you probably shouldn't click it unless you're ready to be sad.
"I wasn't fast enough"

Lesson learned:(

I'm pretty surer I know what one you're talking about, and I honestly don't know why it is in there.

So....this avatar. It might not last as long as I had hoped.

People are going to start drawing odd (and completely accurate) conclusions about what we do in here if we keep changing avatars to LESBIANS! and talking about it in the Avatar thread.

Speaking of TNTNE...

Forepony Red!


I wanted to draw him long ago, but didn't knew what scene to choose.

Was that what you were working on today?

*goes back to Super Troopers*
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I air quoted even while typing that.
I'm trying. I'm trying really hard to picture that in my head, and it's not working.
If only there was something that would get people's hearts going for such a ship.
Yes, if someone were to take letters, and organize them into words. Those words could be assembled into paragraphs. And then....then....I forgot where I was going with this.
People are going to start drawing odd (and completely accurate) conclusions about what we do in here if we keep changing avatars to LESBIANS! and talking about it in the Avatar thread.

Forepony Red!


I wanted to draw him long ago, but didn't knew what scene to choose.

Didn't realize you tree'd me with this. Really nice work:tup:

Oh no, looks like Hasbro is fighting back. A YouTube link I had to the second episode is now useless, as according to the dead link, Hasbro fired a copyright claim. And I know this is all too real, considering that the shutdown of Ponyarchive was really due to a cease and desist from them. SOPA hasn't even been passed yet, and MLP is getting wiped off the face of YouTube. Good thing there are lots of people as a counter force. Is our community gonna nope out? I don't know. I'll give it a year or two.

So much happened in that chapter that I can't recall most of the events which took place in it, plus it has been a few months since I read Politeia, so my memory of it has faded.

Anyway, it's another nice homage to TNTNE.

People are going to start drawing odd (and completely accurate) conclusions about what we do in here if we keep changing avatars to LESBIANS! and talking about it in the Avatar thread.

It's not fair I tell you! I mean, you and Mint are the only guys in here with lesbian pony shipping avatars (disregarding Coffee, because I can), and people are going to start thinking that we all discuss lesbian pony shipping.

Oh, wait, we do. I suppose that their conclusions would be justified.
Oh no, looks like Hasbro is fighting back. A YouTube link I had to the second episode is now useless, as according to the dead link, Hasbro fired a copyright claim. And I know this is all too real, considering that the shutdown of Ponyarchive was really due to a cease and desist from them. SOPA hasn't even been passed yet, and MLP is getting wiped off the face of YouTube. Good thing there are lots of people as a counter force. Is our community gonna nope out? I don't know. I'll give it a year or two.

That was announced a while ago that the YouTube takedowns were official. And it has nothing to do with SOPA.

As for the community dying because of this, I think you're being a bit paranoid.


It's on eBay. Come Thursday I'd have the money to pay for it. But the auction ends before then.

I loved it at first glance, but once I realized you can take the earmuffs and scarff off....just...
. I want it so much.

And then I saw a link to something called Bill Me Later. I'm reading up on it, and I'm seriously considering this right now. Provided it doesn't get too much higher than it currently is.

EDIT: On second thought, the material isn't very good, apparently, so nevermind on that. I still want it, but I'm not going through the trouble if even the person who made it thinks the material isn't very good.

Right, I've suddenly been hit with a headache, so I'm off to bed. Night.

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So I was slumming out in the dank, disgustingly moist internet cloaca that is youtube, when I saw that the Featured Video was Florence and the Machine's Cosmic Love, and I thought to myself, "Oh, I love that song! Even better, there was a very well-made PMV with it some time ago!"

So, I go ahead and watch The Stars Will Aid Her Escape, and then the comments make me realize something I had overlooked the first time the video came out: the video finishes with two diverging endings played side-by-side. The video implies that Twi and Luna are two sides of the same coin, and cannot co-exist at the same time, so we are shown an ending where NMM is defeated and Luna ceases to exist, and another ending where Luna is saved, brought back, and thus, Twilight, as her stand-in, now ceases to exist (the video is edited so that she's not shown at any moment of the return of Luna celebration).

. . .


I'm gonna have this on my mind for some time now, dammit.

Yeah, I know how that feels, actually while I was thinking in something that will take a massive wall of writing(not a fanfic, but it still has some significance) this post got me thinking in a similar predicament:

Well imagine a chess game, all the set pieces are placed and you start to play your game, suddenly you became attached to a simple pawn, the pawn itself has no relevance, is just like any other pawn(e2,d2,d7,e7 one of the meaningless ones). Then just as sudden this pawn gets checked and such thing determinates the fate of your strategy, letting the pawn stay or not will have an effect on your strategy, by giving it away you will gain some strategical advantage, but by keeping you might have a chance to promote it to a queen or a knight, the possibilities are endless and most importantly you like that pawn. Then the question simply arises; should I let the pawn stay because I like it, maybe because it will get promoted, maybe because it will have some strategic advantage in the future, or should I just let it be gone, such thigh reinforce my strategy and therefore my game, maybe I could take advance of the upper hand that I will gain some ground in such eventuality, or maybe I just should treat it like any other pawn...

...that thing got me thinking to this very day, I guess that some decisions cant be measured.[/Slightly_philosophical]

In other news, new fad!



And new Woona:


+1 HNNNNNG provoked too.

(*Goes back to Keiki Kobayashi's Chandelier*)
*Checks rss feeds before going to sleep*

I feel like this would make a great T shirt.

Oh snap, Pinkie Pie style.


I actually quite like this.

And that's about it, I'm pretty tired and I think I'm going to bed early, I need to save some strength, that spearing time actually gave me more answers than the ones I expected.

Goodnight everyone.

Element of Generosity asked to give up some spare time to look after infants. Declines without any reason given.

Good night.
Kind of dead here. Gonna watch The Return of Harmony with my mom tomorrow, she knows about Discord. Anyways...

okay, you mushballs, now you make me wanna draw a few wedding-reception photos.

I looked a few hours later at TVTropes, and they pointed out something we all missed...especially us older guys. Pound and Pumpkin may just be a nod to the first two animated TV babies. Pebbles (Pumpkin) and Bamm-Bamm (Pound)