The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

That really, really doesn't fit Rarity. Looks cute on Twilight, though.

Yeah, pretty much. I really like that hair style on Twilight.

>Select several American teenagers, at random,

>Ask their opinions,

>Find them to be bigoted and narrow-minded,

>Fail to feel surprised,

Y'know, when I was little, America was the place to be in my head. Movies, games and cool stuff were all made there.

After talking to natives, I can't help but feel your embracing of several ideals has resulted in brain damage being a dominant part of the genome. Videos like this just seem to scream that possibility. xD

Of course, criticising a show and thousands of fans based off 30 seconds of intro is also pretty dumb.

The way the show was presented to them made it feel like "Here, this is something to be made fun of, now make fun of it so we can put it on the internet" rather than "Here is some unbiased and fair information with which to form an opinion."

That's the reaction I would expect from a majority of the people on the planet when the show is presented that way.


Love the look of this version of Spike. And that's a continuation on this.

And he has a vector of Spike in the description. With a watermark. Damn it. I would have loved to have that saved somewhere. I might just edit out the watermark and not upload it, just for myself. It'd only take 5 minutes.


I would never play it if it were a thing, but this still looks awesome. It involves quite a bit of dismemberment, in case you haven't played.
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I was just about to post that:lol:






Nice to see Cereal has good taste in tumblrs.
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Still kinda wish I hadn't watched the original version earlier. The hilarity of the dancing almost managed to undermine the outright gore in that video though, almost.

And Ponibooru appears to be down. I guess I'll go with my original plan for tonight and look for something to read.

Whoa, wasn't expecting a ponified version of Creep. Nice stuff, although it's quite melancholic.
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Wait, so is Ponibooru working for you right now? It's just that I can't seem to get on that site due to some kind of error that's persistantly appearing each time I try and go on it.

*Goes back to Forbidden Fruit*
*checking Ponibooru*


Hello there Aloe and Lotus. I see you're getting along with Twilight.

I really need to follow Joseco's tumblr more closely, because I don't even remember the non-colored version of that going up.

You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. Provided, of course, you don't have questionable images blocked. And it's human, before anyone gets any ideas about me.
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Huh, I'm not sure what the problem was, but I managed to get onto the site via Google Images. Strange :odd:

*checking Ponibooru*


Hello there Aloe and Lotus. I see you're getting along with Twilight.


Oh... I can certainly remember the original one going up on his tumblr. I mean, it's not exactly hard to forget.

And the story I'm currently in the process of reading has further reinforced my belief that Big Mac is an awesome brother to have, plus this impending TwiJack adventure seem quite interesting (there's friendshipping in this fic rather than full-on shipping though).


I'll admit, I'm not the biggest fan of vocalised pony music, but this is one of only a few exceptions that I've come across over the past few months. Brilliant vocals 👍
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It's been more than 36 hours and still only one, poorly done, mind you, Twilight Sparkle recolor of the baby design.

Hell, Prince Blue Blood got a good one before her, or any of the mane 6:

If I can find that vector with Twilight's hair, at least, I think I remember a vector that was just Twilight mane and tail with a transparent background, I'll probably just do it myself.
EDIT: Found them. And now I just need a high res vector of the baby design in the same pose as that Blueblood.

And that Vanilla Twilight video, so much potential, ruined by autotune. Incredibly poorly done and choppy autotune. Great lyrics and, from what I can make out through the autotune, a very nice voice.
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And that Vanilla Twilight video, so much potential, ruined by autotune. Incredibly poorly done and choppy autotune. Great lyrics and, from what I can make out through the autotune, a very nice voice.

My sentiments exactly. Nice tune, shame about how the autotuned vocals are, well, naff really.


Okay, I can definitely agree with the choice of car for Rarity, and I can sort of agree with the choice of vehicle for Fluttershy, AJ, Hoity, Photo Finish, Celestia, Trollestia (and to some extent, Derpy, Spike and RD), but the rest appear to be totally random choices really. I mean, why is Luna the B Engineering Edonis?
*checking Ponibooru*


Hello there Aloe and Lotus. I see you're getting along with Twilight.

As it turns out I cant access Ponibooru, therefore I missed The Twiloe Lotus, damn.

My sentiments exactly. Nice tune, shame about how the autotuned vocals are, well, naff really.

Okay, I can definitely agree with the choice of car for Rarity, and I can sort of agree with the choice of vehicle for Fluttershy, AJ, Hoity, Photo Finish, Celestia, Trollestia (and to some extent, Derpy, Spike and RD), but the rest appear to be totally random choices really. I mean, why is Luna the B Engineering Edonis?

Seriously there are just some random choices, as far as Luna goes I'll pick an Audi A6 but that's just me, however Gilda GT-R isn't that random, it sort of fits her.

And some really good quality shipping:



(*Goes back to weekends episode, Mr Cake getting doubtful always gets me, is too damn funny*)
I feel like the only people who would like an Aztec are either cross eyed or Walter White(Who is a baws, so it's fine), so that one makes sense to me.

And most of them do seem random.


That is amazing, just incredibly amazing, sadly I don't have time to give it a proper use, but is incredibly amazing and deserves mention.

Goodnight everyone.
Here's a cute animation that I didn't make. :P (The joke was going to be good but grammar ruined it :()
Linky because it's made with flash.
I feel like the only people who would like an Aztec are either cross eyed or Walter White(Who is a baws, so it's fine), so that one makes sense to me.

And most of them do seem random.

I like how someone said that they loved the choice of car for Gilda, and then asked what the car was in the comments. I just had to tell them it was a Skyline.

And I love how they gave Trixie a slammed Scion xB :lol:


That is amazing, just incredibly amazing, sadly I don't have time to give it a proper use, but is incredibly amazing and deserves mention.

Goodnight everyone.

I'm not up to the task of colouring Rarity right now, whether it be that drawing, or one Ayzuki's. I feel that I wouldn't be able to get the colouration of her mane right unless I worked on it for a good length of time.
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Rarity with a ponytail?

Well it IS a pony. And of course she has a tail.

I know. I'm just trying to suck at trying to make a joke.

And am I the only one here who knows about the appearance of the CMC in the first episode? In the first episode, when Night Mare Moon first appears, it cuts to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle scared.

The Pre Crusaders

And in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, a CMC focused episode, Twilight says that you may have a special connection with your friends even before you've met them. And this is shown in the first episode with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Well she is a.... ah screw it.

Also, Living Like Cherry tumblr. I've linked it rather than posting the latest reply from that tumblr because of the sheer number of individual panels in it. Celly and Luna's expressions in the final frame are brilliant though, which is the main reason why I wanted to mention it :lol:

And am I the only one here who knows about the appearance of the CMC in the first episode? In the first episode, when Night Mare Moon first appears, it cuts to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle scared.

You've brought that up at least 3 times in this thread already, and yes we are aware of that particular scenario.
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Well she is a pony. :sly:

I like it too.
Edit: Tree'd, with the same joke.
Curse you Naveek, curse you!! *Shake fist here*
Okay, I win, and I shall not be a Trixie because of that. But...

And fine, I'll stop bringing up the CMC in the first episode.

And there, I'm using ponytail Rarity as my avatar for now.
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Rarity with a ponytail?

Well she is a po.....


Hey, wait a minute....


EDIT: Found them. And now I just need a high res vector of the baby design in the same pose as that Blueblood.

Well, I found a vector of Pumpkin and Pound cake together. The I did something, and everyone died.

Vecotrs used:
Twilight Tail
Twilight Mane
Dash Mane & Tail
Time: 2 hours

There's a few stray pieces floating around the outer edge, but I'll get those in a few minutes tomorrow.

Oh, and have I mentioned that Dash is my 2nd favorite?
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That's actually a great idea, what with one being a Pegasus and the other a Unicorn. *Waits for Toro's reaction*

Also, if swap your top 2 ponies around, you'll end up with my top 2. And yet, I'm not a massive fan of both of them being shipped together.


EDIT: 113045, Pony genetics explaination? If I wasn't so tired I'd take a look at that thing in detail.

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Also, swap your top 2 ponies around and you have my top 2, and yet, I'm not a massive fan of both of them being shipping together.

Well Dash was actually near the bottom of my list when I first started to enjoy the ship. For some reason I just keep liking her more and more.

Well she is a po.....


Hey, wait a minute....


Well, I found a vector of Pumpkin and Pound cake together. The I did something, and everyone died.

Vecotrs used:
Twilight Tail
Twilight Mane
Dash Mane & Tail

Okay, is the "Well she is... Oh" a new joke around here? First it was CopyGrunt, now this? I don't know. And the baby RD and Twilight are just too adorable. And I was gonna post something, but I forgot. Oh well. Anyways...

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