The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Oh. Lyra X Bon-Bon.


Not Lyra or Bon-bon. That comment was unrelated to the current pic.

Maybe AppleDash will be done. In the furuure!

All I can say, that I already made pics with one of the characters. Some of you guessed one of the characters correctly. The other character can't be found in my gallery.
I'm just going on this thread real quick to say i was bored a month or two ago. I turned on my t.v. and i saw transformers on the hub, i got distracted and went out to eat. When i came back, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was on, so i gave it a chance. And boy, did i love it, it was the episode were the ponies are doing a play about the three tribes: the earth ponies, the unicorns, and the pegasus's. It has very witty writing and it's one of the best children shows on today rivaling Adventure Time, i guess you can say, i'm a brony now.
I'm just going on this thread real quick to say i was bored a month or two ago. I turned on my t.v. and i saw transformers on the hub, i got distracted and went out to eat. When i came back, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was on, so i gave it a chance. And boy, did i love it


So Hearth's Warming Eve was the episode converted you, eh? It was a good one I'll have to admit.
Welcome to the herd.

Well.. I've started to draw ponies myself.

I wont' directly post here because they DON'T look great... But I post them all on my Tumblr.

Yeah... I use only a mouse and Photoshop, and have no real prior drawing skill. So be warned.

Pretty good for no prior experience and using a mouse.👍

And lately I've started feeling like I should take another shot at actually drawing something. Might just make an attempt tomorrow.
Damn, beat me to it. I was just about to mention the one I think you're referring to.
I'm just going on this thread real quick to say i was bored a month or two ago. I turned on my t.v. and i saw transformers on the hub, i got distracted and went out to eat. When i came back, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was on, so i gave it a chance. And boy, did i love it, it was the episode were the ponies are doing a play about the three tribes: the earth ponies, the unicorns, and the pegasus's. It has very witty writing and it's one of the best children shows on today rivaling Adventure Time, i guess you can say, i'm a brony now.

Great. Hope you enjoy your stay.

That picture. So you started with Hearth's Warming Eve? Not a bad place to start. I started with The Return of Harmony, the one with Discord.

And by the way, does anyone actually know the original name of this thread? I first saw it when it was called "I just watched an episode of the new My Little Pony", and I bet there may have been an even earlier name. Does anyone know? I remember when I didn't even know what a brony was and saw a pony avatar plus a brony user title. Times sure have changed. Before "Da magics" happened, I remember looking in this thread and somebody said about how adorable it was or something, and there was a gif of Apple Bloom making the "Aren't you gonna stay for brunch" or "Why would you post that" face. No text though.
By the way, I found it:
It's still adorable though. I now have diabetes from viewing this:


But in all seriousness, characters with personality, clever and witty humor, good side-stories? This is far more nefarious than just another run-of-the-mill kid's show. So... good. Friendship is 🤬 magic. I just love Fluttershy.

Errr... :ill:

I mean beer is awesome, screw the Toyota Prius, bring back V10s in F1, and Black Sabbath is the greatest band of all time.

*quietly clicks tab, looks over shoulder, and continues watching episode*

But anyone know the original title? I'm just curious.

The Americans have a word for that, they call it 🤬 awesome.

Also drawfriends:


Who did this, whoever did should be banished for a thousand years...

...Either that or Molestia's special.


Also what is "shipping symmetrical docking" and how do I do that, I mean that some serious tagging there.

And welcome to the herd jc18137 :cheers:

(*Goes back to Fuwa fuwa time Mio's version*)
And by the way, does anyone actually know the original name of this thread? I first saw it when it was called "I just watched an episode of the new My Little Pony", and I bet there may have been an even earlier name. Does anyone know?

That was the original, back when MercilessOne was in charge of the thread. He was eventually banned for something unrelated to ponies, and then the crazy person took over.

Although shortly before being banned he changed it to "GTP Bronies and Friends", if I remember correctly.

*checks ED*

🤬 Yeah!

Twilight is best pony.

How long has it been like that? I hadn't actually checked ED on my laptop since this morning, and the phone version always looks different.
And by the way, does anyone actually know the original name of this thread? I first saw it when it was called "I just watched an episode of the new My Little Pony", and I bet there may have been an even earlier name.

There were no earlier names.

And as Mint said, Merciless changed the thread name to something a little more up to date. I think it was changed on the same day he was banished, actually.

The Americans have a word for that, they call it 🤬 awesome.

But that's 2 words :P

How long has it been like that? I hadn't actually checked ED on my laptop since this morning, and the phone version always looks different.

It's been that way ever since that rap battle Twilight won was featured, which was almost 90 minutes ago.
*purposely ignores Toronado's crazy Gibberish*

Oh look:


Feel that chest pain.

(*Goes back to Propellerhead's Spybreak and Enter Matrix, it has been years*)
I think we should give the members here nicknames other than their user names.

Mint- Purple
Toro- Apples
Wiegert- Stalker
unit- Arty

Anyone like this idea. :dopey:
(I'm so sorry, I don't really have much to do right now. And my head is random sometimes.)

:lol: Nicknames sound like fun. Though, anytime I would post, I would certainly forget them.

Usually that kind of idea comes up when someone is bored, very bored. Are you bored?