The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
ScratchTavia comic linked because enormous.




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I'm currently distracted, so I'm just browing DA and posting the good stuff here as I go, really. Can't do much else.



These comments are awesome.

EDIT: I could :censored:ing swear I added filters for that lilmissrarity thing a long time ago. Yet somehow there are new ones on ponibooru that are showing up. They've got the tags, but for some reason the filters have disappeared.


EDIT: So I just read the summary for Hearts and Hooves Day.
2nd favorite ship becoming canon? Hell yeah.
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EDIT: So I just read the summary for Hearts and Hooves Day.
2nd favorite ship becoming canon? Hell yeah.

I didn't think that you rated that ship so highly, although it isn't one that I've read much about if I'm honest.

And I can see Big Mac getting proper dialogue in that episode rather than him just saying a couple of words here and there.

Also, I'm really not looking forward to returning to the place I was working at today. It's left me feeling a bit dispirited actually. The fact that I'm not even getting paid doesn't make me feel any better either.
It snowed over the weekend, and now it's freezing where I live, even for a full coat. Typically over the winter, we don't get snow, whether it be in December or anytime. It seems like we could almost sing Winter Wrap Up at the end of winter with all this snow.

Also, I'm really not looking forward to returning to the place I was working at today. It's left me feeling a bit dispirited actually. The fact that I'm not even getting paid doesn't make me feel any better either.

Welcome to my world (they do pay, not much but I cant complain), is the bloody routine that makes you feel subjugated, I got sick of the whole thing after the second month and it is so boring, being surrounded by people 5 or 10 years older than you makes you feel slightly out of place, there is no topic to talk about and you cant go out with any of your co-workers because they are either too boring or too old to actually do something.

I swear god that after a while that thing drives you crazy, but there is always the night clubs and of course the money, because when the money is yours you can do pretty much whatever you damn want.

Speaking of which:


Yeah, I can post Rarity whenever I damn want.

And 113839 is the best shipping because I say so.

(*Goes back to King Crimson's In the Court of the Crimson King*)
I didn't think that you rated that ship so highly, although it isn't one that I've read much about if I'm honest.

And I can see Big Mac getting proper dialogue in that episode rather than him just saying a couple of words here and there.

It's been high on my list for a while, simply because it was the next best Big Mac ship I could think of, but I started thinking more about it this morning at work, actually. And then suddenly I loved the ship.

Especially when I think about their interaction in Macintosh.
Wow, Ponibooru is faster than ever!

It happened to Timmy Turner.

"What is this "Fourth wall" thou speakest of?"

Now all we need is a Rarity/Wahaha one

For whenever a mod fires the moon cannon on a brony.


(avoids Cupcakes reference)

''Hey, you know what this calls for? A party!"

Bon Bon: "That incredible, amazing car!"

Welcome to my world (they do pay, not much but I cant complain), is the bloody routine that makes you feel subjugated, I got sick of the whole thing after the second month and it is so boring, being surrounded by people 5 or 10 years older than you makes you feel slightly out of place, there is no topic to talk about and you cant go out with any of your co-workers because they are either too boring or too old to actually do something.

Pretty much exactly how I feel. The trial only for this week though, but damn! I have never been so bored in my life. If they do give me the position, then at least I'll get some money out of it. If not, then at least I won't have to suffer the incredible tedium associated with that job.

It doesn't help that the people helping me find a working position are incredibly gaffe-prone, as I've found out over the past few months

And 113839 is the best shipping because I say so.

Wasn't that already coloured, just not by Michos?

I feel kinda bad for liking it though, what with it being the WRONG ship 'n'all.

It's been high on my list for a while, simply because it was the next best Big Mac ship I could think of, but I started thinking more about it this morning at work, actually. And then suddenly I loved the ship.

Especially when I think about their interaction in Macintosh.

I should have remember the interaction between the 2 of them in Macintosh.

The CMCs involvement in this episode reminded me of what happened in The Romancing Quest as well.
And it would have been interesting to see a full-on Big Mac episode like Lauren had planned on making, but it was turned down.




Spike finally gave up with the cheesy chat up lines and went straight to the point.

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It doesn't help that the people helping me find a working position are incredibly gaffe-prone, as I've found out over the past few months
Is incredibly annoying and uncomfortable, it seriously makes you want to go out once you get in. All the conversations end up in to those stupid weather talks in my case, not even politics but weather, is just unbearable.
Wasn't that already coloured, just not by Michos?

I feel kinda bad for liking it though, what with it being the WRONG ship 'n'all.

Yes it was coloured but I didnt like it very much, those quick colours that start to pop up after JJ uploads something are good but not that good.

And you know that Woona could use some company right?

Speaking of:



(*Goes back to Pink Floyd's If*)
Wow, lack of activity. Oh well.

Yo dawg I heard you like cutie marks...


Princess Apple Bloom?

So Scoot's talent is... airing the show?

DAT FLANK. No five year old would get what's so significant about that number.

Dr. Whooves Intro.



Really good song.

Also, does anyone know the source of that art. I know it, but for some reason I just can't remember, right now.
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Two birds in one shoot.

And so, here is the thing:
I've been over this over and over again and it keeps bothering me every time, it was the very same answer I needed to develop in other to understand the issue on a global scope, the answer if apparent if not evident after all: "Self Awareness".

Crossfade's actions did not conclude on the cliffhanger, the questions were answer by themselves all the time, it wasn't a matter of a correct or logical action because there was a correct answer(the answer that the reader was meant to take). However is not a matter of choice as the conclusive outcome was already decided by the previous actions, as such there was no decisions to be taken because they were already taken previously by Crossfade's self working as the plot device, it wasn't about the drugs either as they were a mere vehicle to drive the plot(and the mechanism to make the Self-awareness work).

There was something that didn't fit and it wasn't the genders thing, that something was the "Self Awareness" which was present all the time presented as narration, what Crossfade did was stay on check of herself while recognising herself on that environment, this was purely accidental as the narration did came across moments of identification with herself, but these moments were broken as the hallucination(which was other form of Self-Awareness ) take the role of the "evaluating self".

It was the answer I was looking for yet somehow I completely dismissed, and I felt like it was pointless to keep this to myself as Nick Nack might be reading, that explains the uncanny feeling about that fic.

Goodnight everyone.

Sure, why not?

Spider Pony





That won't end well.

Okay, I tried something. I searched on Google Images for "Apple Bloom pony" with safe search on ''moderate'', and ended up getting some Rule 34 results anyways (facehoof). Then I tried "Apple Bloom rule 34" with safe search on ''strict'' and got nothing explicit. No, I never clopped to ponies. That was a test influenced by some unexpected results.

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It feels like I don't even know you anymore, man.

Yeah, well, I really need to stop doing that thing I do where, once I find something I like, I just kind of end up glorifying it in my mind until it's one of the best things ever, and then after a day or two I just start getting tired of it. I don't love the ship as much as I did yesterday, but it's still one that I really like. And I don't like crossing ships, so I started thinking about it because it's the next best I could think of for Big Mac.

And 114196.


Spider Pony

My first thought was Trainspotting.


This is really great, but honestly, I prefer the original:

Mainly for that bass, but overall I just like it more.


I've got 2 copies of Skyrim for the Xbox already. I'm now seriously considering buying one for the PC. I'm not joking. I really might just buy it again.




My sub box is just packed with amazing stuff this morning.:D

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