The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Calling someone Purple? After what happened at my Secondary School a few years back, I find that highly amusing. Toro as Apples makes sense I suppose, and I am a stalker (wait, did I just say that out loud?), but calling unit Arty will just end up reminding me of Arty Ziff though.

I'll tell you what, Coffee can definitely be called Sel[insert obvious "nickname" here]ert.


Apple Bloom is "best" sister.

Good night.
Well thanks for the welcome guys, can't get over flutterfly, i love that even though it's a show aimed at young girls, the characters are unique and not "stereotypical girl characters" like *insert random barbie movie*

On a totally unrelated matter, just finished watching both seasons of K-ON for the 2nd time (this month) and still can't get over Mio's "MOE MOE, Kyun!" :3

Sorry the subtitles aren't in english.

Assuming that's a nickname you have given me.

Yes, I was going off your avatar... Which I, only after looking closer, noticed isn't mecha. :P

Stalky, what happened with the word purple?

These names are subject to change at any time with or without notice. If you come up with something better put it down here and it may change.

@jc18137, Take that rubbish over to the anime thread. :sly::lol:
It's located here.
Lots of us here like Fluttershy too.
lol, i will, its the reason i only posted the link, as its a pony thread, but i also enjoy Rainbow Dash and her shenanigans.

btw GT5 update 2.03 now available, 246mb.
Okay, enough with the ponies. I must go. Night. Also, this popped up on EqD earlier today:

Voice acting is pretty good, but could be louder. And this proves Photo Finish is not Pony Gaga. And she never was anyways.

I have seen a couple Lady Gaga PMVs before (A Rarity/Fluttershy Bad Romance one and a Born This Way PMV starring Pinkie), but never have I seen anything like that aside from Equestria Girls.
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I saw that filly Twilight earlier. Didn't have time to post it, myself, so I'm glad someone did.


Oh, and nicknames, I'd like to see what some of you would have for me other than Purple.
Wow, today was possibly the most soul-crushingly boring day I've ever had, and I have 3 more left this week. *Sigh*

This apprenticeship trail better not result in my death (through boredom, that is), although having to spend 8 hours a day sending the same bloody email to different companies is incredibly mundane.

Stalky, what happened with the word purple?

My old head teacher was, quite frankly, obsessed with that colour. Every wall in every room was painted purple, and he ordered tonnes of purple furniture to fill each of those rooms. The fact that my friends kept making jokes about his obsession is what made it funny though.

Anyway, humans:

EDIT: Also, Zebras:

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I'm gonna start writing that fic about Crescent I've been putting off, but I need a title. It's going to be something like Dreams and Nightmares in that its a kind of an origin story.
@race'emhard, probably something about being a soldier.

I still regret buying Skyrim on the PS3, I want Fluttershy trying to kill me when I walk past her nest.

Coffees nickname: CaffeinatedBeverage or if you aren't a fan of the drink, Disgusting. :D
We should call him Macchiato because it's a type of coffee and it's fun to say.
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Coffees nickname: CaffeinatedBeverage or if you aren't a fan of the drink, Disgusting. :D

I think he's had more nicknames than anyone else in this thread after we messed around with his name in the quote boxes the other week.

113932, I need those royal cookies!
I think we should give the members here nicknames other than their user names.

Mint- Purple
Toro- Apples
Wiegert- Stalker
unit- Arty

Anyone like this idea. :dopey:
(I'm so sorry, I don't really have much to do right now. And my head is random sometimes.)

A nickname for a nickname? Wait, what?

Arty? Whyy xD

BTW, CS1.6 nickname was R00K!3 (Rookie)

I'm gonna start writing that fic about Crescent I've been putting off, but I need a title. It's going to be something like Dreams and Nightmares in that its a kind of an origin story.

Sounds interesting.

By the way, I'll probably cancel D&N. Writing text and drawing a scene sounded like an easy plan. I definitely bit more that I could chew.

EDIT: oh, and that pic I was working on yesterday. Well... it's not finished yet. Had a busy day =(