The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
You crafted a meaningful, entertaining story and, regardless of whatever flaws people may point out (justified or not), you can rest knowing that it brought just a little bit of joy to a lot of people. And that alone makes it worth it.

And for that, I tip my hat to you. Congratulations. :)

Well, crap. How am I supposed to give The Explanation now that you posted that? I'll just look like an ass.


*goes back to Dan Vs.*
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Oh my god if you are talking about what I think you're talking about I'm going to strangle you.

I won't harp on about it, but just at least try to remember that you self-admittedly enjoyed the vast, VAST majority of it before descending into hatedom, k?

Look, as a fan of the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, I KNOW what being cheated out of a decent ending twice in the same story feels like (Evangelion not only literally defined Gainax Endings, but also produced an apology replacement ending in the form of a full-length feature-film to attempt to rectify the mistakes they made in the last two episodes of the original TV show itself - and instead created something so abominably awful that it literally beggars belief as to why they even bothered) - but I've never allowed myself to be blinded by that to such a degree that I've forgotten how brilliant the series was up until that point.

I can guarantee you that re-reading it in as few sittings as possible will help.

Oh, and thanks for making me link you to TVTropes; I just got locked in a loop because of that... :P

Plus the subplot with the feather was done even better than it was when Building Bridges tried it.

It was similar to Building Bridges to the extent that I almost laughed. I mean, seriously, the whole "Pegasus feather" thing came in, and I was like "Building Bridges much?" - and there was, in my eyes, zero difference in the quality of the implementation of it between the two stories, either.

Kindness' Reward was, all told, extremely derivative - unfortunately not bettering that from which it was derived, and being vastly over-reliant on the uniqueness of the ship over the uniqueness of the plot and plot devices.

And was dropped in the reader's lap basically without warning. TwiLuna setup, character building, ship building, character building, ship building, character building, ship building then BAM! Cloning blues, Twilight's an alicorn, political drama, revisionist history, etc. All in the span of half a chapter. It doesn't hurt the story too much, but it almost seems like she got to the penultimate chapter and realized that she didn't know what she wanted to do with it.

TVTropes? NNNNoooooooooooooooo- *swallowed into another loop*

In all fairness, the plot was thickened fairly evenly and progressively up until that point, and while mingled in quite subtly with the character development, was just apparent enough that the epic plot twist didn't feel forced or abrupt when it finally hit, though remained ambiguous enough that what eventually transpired came as a surprise; I was shocked into awe rather than being put off by the massive antagonist shift in the final stages of the story, and the battle that ensued was exceptionally well-executed to say the very least.

It felt more like Twilight growing some proverbial balls and being forced by her new-found love into becoming adaptable to protect Luna than an attempt at a quick-seal band-aid deus ex machina ending, to be honest.

I have to say that the actual purpose of Spark, the basis for why Twilight was there in the first place, got lost towards the middle of the story only to come screaming back in in the last chapter.

It formed a powerful undercurrent throughout; Twilight's every action in that fic was basically governed by her love-driven need to find a solution to Luna's illness - and the Alicorn transformation and ensuing epic brawl in the final chapters were Evilestia pressing Twilight's Beserk Button and thus making her badass. It worked brilliantly (and TVTropes vengeance is SWEET).

And it is so much fun to discuss this crap with someone as crazy as me again.

I concur. Though it is 4:30AM where I am now, and I still haven't finished reading Fell Into the Right Hooves yet...

Holy Damn JJ.

*checks dA*

Nope, nowt.

*checks Molestia*

Nice plot, but nothing new.

*checks LoveTomorrowLove*



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Look, as a fan of the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, I KNOW what being cheated out of a decent ending twice in the same story feels like (Evangelion not only literally defined Gainax Endings, but also produced an apology replacement ending in the form of a full-length feature-film to attempt to rectify the mistakes they made in the last two episodes of the original TV show itself - and instead created something so abominably awful that it literally beggars belief as to why they even bothered) - but I've never allowed myself to be blinded by that to such a degree that I've forgotten how brilliant the series was up until that point.
NGE also wasn't immediately followed by a different show covering basically the same story themes, only far better than NGE ever did. NGE having a crappy ending also didn't make me feel like I was personally stabbed in the back.

I can guarantee you that re-reading it in as few sittings as possible will help.
You know me better than that.

I'll just go read something better instead. Something that I can personally connect with nearly as well, but not be rewarded for it by having it thrown back in my face and kicked a few times for good measure.

Kindness' Reward was, all told, extremely derivative - unfortunately not bettering that from which it was derived, and being vastly over-reliant on the uniqueness of the ship over the uniqueness of the plot and plot devices.

Kindness' Reward predates Building Bridges. And the only "Trixie Returns" shipping story that it does not predate that I can think of is Out in the Cold (because Ballad and ATaTS don't count, especially not the latter), and most of the Mane Six's roles in the two stories were not the same.

In all fairness, the plot was thickened fairly evenly and progressively up until that point, and while mingled in quite subtly with the character development, was just apparent enough that the epic plot twist didn't feel forced or abrupt when it finally hit, though remained ambiguous enough that what eventually transpired came as a surprise; I was shocked into awe rather than being put off by the massive antagonist shift in the final stages of the story, and the battle that ensued was exceptionally well-executed to say the very least.

There was no build up to the main twist, though. It went from "Twilight finds a clue about Luna's sickness" to "Twilight is an immortal and obscenely powerful golem, Celestia looks more like Nightmare Moon than Luna because she's evil, Celly was trying to kill Luna the whole time, this isn't the first time Celly has done this, Celly was doing a bunch more evil stuff off screen in the past" all in the span of half a chapter.

It formed a powerful undercurrent throughout; Twilight's every action in that fic was basically governed by her love-driven need to find a solution to Luna's illness - and the Alicorn transformation and ensuing epic brawl in the final chapters were Evilestia pressing Twilight's Beserk Button and thus making her badass. It worked brilliantly.

The battle was great. The rest of the Mane Six coming to Twilight's aid was great. Twilight being driven to fight by her feelings for Luna was great. The character development that led to all of those things being logical was great.

The thing that directly led to the main conflict was not, in my opinion.
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I was missing those Joseco overloads, is amazing what you can do with basic shapes and some details attached to them. I really like the attention he puts into Octavia, makes her special somehow.

And the episode was pretty good, one could say that is a very sophisticated metaphor to what happens in the fandom. There were a couple of interesting moments, but overall it was pretty average, good but not special, and it wasn't that bad either.
Almost forgot:
From the EAR/AIM:
Sec. 91.117 - Pegasus speed.

(a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Princess, no pegasus may operate below 10,000 feet MSL at an indicated airspeed of more than 250 knots (288 m.p.h.).

(b) Unless otherwise authorized or required by ATC, no pegasus may operate at or below 2,500 feet above the surface within 4 nautical miles of the primary cloudport of a Class C or Class D airspace area at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots (230 mph.). This paragraph (b) does not apply to any operations within a Class B airspace area. Such operations shall comply with paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) No pegasus may operate in the airspace underlying a Class B airspace area designated for a cloudport or in a VFR corridor designated through such a Class B airspace area, at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots (230 mph).

(d) If the minimum safe airspeed for any particular operation is greater than the maximum speed prescribed in this section, the pegasus may operate at that minimum speed.

...It's amazing how similar the Equestrian Air Regulations are to the US's regs, huh?
Real Pegasi fly at 250 Knots in Class B airspace and use Unicorn based IFR as guidance.

I wonder if they taxi like helicopters do.
You know, a fic in which Spike and Trixie are working together to help each other get with their respective crushes sounds like it'd be quite a funny little romp. Hmm...
And that's how the ballad was made, long guess but it got me thinking about this.

Writer's help or idea bucket, I will never know.



It was amazing indeed.
Almost forgot:

Real Pegasi fly at 250 Knots in Class B airspace and use Unicorn based IFR as guidance.

I wonder if they taxi like helicopters do.

It was amazing indeed.

I'm just imagining a series of unicorns projecting radar waves at an ATC centre.

I think that the Pegasi would walk instead of dragging their hooves across the ground.

On a side note, I think that my sanity is now at zero.


NightMare Moon!! Trixie! Vinyl!




I can't breathe!!

Meh, we don't have Toys"R"Us anyways...
Oh, and Wolvy, don't worry. Your dreams will come true.


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I know where coffee is coming from with Fimfiction. they seem to consist of three types in there...Trolls, Nitpickers, and drooly fanboys (rolls eyes). there's some truly terribad stuff in there (a Sonic crossover written by a dyslexic that needs pre-editing), but one guy's reaction to a "cancer" sadfic REALLY took the cake

i hate to be "that guy" but i really dont read, nor care about "these" kinds of fics. why should i read it? why should i care? i have already lost family to things alot worse and deadly things than cancer. very low on my list of things to give a **** about "oh i need to write a fic about kidney failure and dedicate it to people who will never read it"......

the only reason why im here posting, is because when the front page is filled with bull(bleep)fics. i cant help but tell one off. you happen to be the 1st i saw today and in a bad mood after a (bleep)y marathon. "spikes sexual misadventures" will get more attention from me than a fic about breast cancer IN EQUINE species....i have little to no experience in this, but i would guess even if equine could get it, it wouldnt be the same...

please for gods sake, i need to find the proof readers who approved this (BLEEP)and (BLEEEEEEEp) them till i get tired of it!!

every person who posted on that story starter promptly ripped him a new one for being insensetive.

so I think I know what Coffee always means. I bet he gets spelling trolls making fun of all those extra letters on purpose, and spelling nitzis who literally don't know that Britain uses an entirely differed education system :P

addendum: the guy just told everybody to bleep off, and announced his hate for an excess of skyrim fics :P
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Partly, Sniffs...partly.

Holy Damn JJ.
The usual Twilight "Me Gusta" image just doesn't cut it here. That's

Oh...oh my...

Well, someone must've asked for something there, then. xD

Well, crap. How am I supposed to give The Explanation now that you posted that? I'll just look like an ass.

I'll be honest, Toro, possibly to the point of looking like a ****...but I stopped caring about The Explanation three months ago.

Because I've already heard every critique. I've just had people telling me, "finale was nice, but this misplaced comma ruined it for me." I've heard that the story has no conflict, that it meanders towards the end, that I'm talking out of my ass the whole way through, that VinylTavia is a barely disguised RariJack, that it has a pretentious writing style, etc, etc, ad nauseum...

That's why I'm pulling out of EDaily and FiMFiction, because otherwise, I will just quit writing. That might work out better, at least I won't be writing any mediocre self-inserts that you feel the need to kick down like a sandcastle with an essay post I'll simply skim through. I've finished the fic, and my first intent is to start pretending Allegrezza doesn't exist anymore.

I mean, Exty's posts prove one thing. I could go off, write amazing stories, maybe even non-pony that gets published. And someone, somewhere, will still be telling me that Allegrezza is better. I'll still be receiving demands for a sequel even a year from now, and I simply cannot be bothered to deal with that.

I mean, you know better than most, Toro. Look at all the fics you read in September. Now look at the many still write? AVery Strange, ButterScotch, Esper Derek, how many names have simply stopped caring about this fandom, about writing? Updating at a trickle of what they used to.

Plushie and custom makers get paid, artists get commissions, what does a writer get? "Rite moar."

Sorry, Toro, but my plan right now is to take a long holiday from writing...

By the way, this isn't aimed at anyone in particular. general frustrations. I mean, I had the best chat with one of the "deities" of this fandom, which basically revolved around him saying writing is for *****, get a real profession.

It's not a hobby any more for me. It's a job with 750 bosses, and no paycheck.
well, coffee...finished Allegraza. whata finalie. you DO know that, thanks to your fic, Octascratch is considered a OTP almost universally (even by people who think Tavi's actually Pinkie's sister Inky!).

meanwhile, reading the end gave ME an idea for a storyline to add on.
Uh... guess I didn't miss anything last night. Not quite sure why I couldn't access this site, or DA, or pretty much every other site I frequent, bar Ponibooru (so yeah, I did see what JJ was up to, me freakin' gusta is all I can say).

Coffee, when something like Allegrezza gains far more attention and popularity than expected, then it's obvious that many people out there just want to see you write more without any regard for what else you wish to do, and that just helps to creates pressure on the writer. Plus getting the square route of jack in terms of pay for your written work (whereas other people getting large sums of cash for other forms of fan related stuff) isn't exactly nice to know. If you reckon ditching your fic posts on EqD and FiMFiction is going to help, then fair enough, seeing as quiting the whole writing thing isn't something you want to do when you have this fandom to provide so much inspiration (maybe even for stories that aren't even pony related in the future).

And you've been say that you wanted to take a break from it all (well, writing), so just forget about what some of the fans want you to do and just take that well deserved hiatus.
Coffee, you deserve the break. Enjoy yourself do something for Coffee. (I don't really know what's going on, last couple of pages tl;dr.) But if you don't want to write any more that's up to you. I say do what you feel like. (Be like the boy.:sly:)

Now I need to read through all the fan fics I've missed recently (well during the past 2 months where I haven't read anything).
I've got:
VST Season 2
My Little Alicorn
Other miscellaneous stories that I can't think off because it's 2 am.


Good night.
>Reference to crappiest .MOV video and Cupcakes,
>Scroll past without care...

Hey guys, you know when we say, "Oh, proportion's a bit off."

Big Mac bouncing Pinkie style had to be the most entertaining part of it all. Plus a few, decent lines in there.

Oh, and the apocalypse Ponyville would suffer. xD
Each time he opened his mouth I lauched my flank off :lol:
His voice was too hilarious when he' was talking like that.

Anyone noticed Lyra and BonBon together? As well as Doctor Whooves and Derpy? Although he was shown later during the song running all alone. Maybe Derpy wasn't his special somepony.

EDIT: there was a funeral during the song. :|

^ Okay, this was already discussed.


^OOkay... well, there's a nice Episode Followup on ED. Check it out.
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Why am I having such a hard time believing that that is just a coincidence? Surely inspiration was taken from that PPG episode (which I still remember after all these years).

Oh hey look, anthros... that actually looks quite go... oh, someone else thinks they look alright as well.

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