The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Mint should know. It's from minecraft right?

I think he plays minecraft.


Pictures without context, yay.

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if anybody else is sick of gay Braeburn shipping...I just hit a BraeburnxPinkie ship at fimfiction
if anybody else is sick of gay Braeburn shipping...I just hit a BraeburnxPinkie ship at fimfiction

Hey now:
Acceptable Use Policy
You will not use these forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.

Pretty sure gay Braeburn is a U.N. Security Council resolution at this point.

Which means we could break it with no repercussions.[/political]


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if anybody else is sick of gay Braeburn shipping...I just hit a BraeburnxPinkie ship at fimfiction
My problem isn't Braeburn being gay, it's that there's virtually no art of him that doesn't involve some sexual theme. Well, at least, there wasn't back when I made those posts Toro quoted. Vectors don't count.
...I may be the only person in here who gets that.

That's from that fan video, right? I've seen it before, but I had to look it up before I knew what you were talking about.


Not quite lethal, though.
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Just read the last chapter of Allegrezza.

It was mind-blowingly good, though I had hoped for a little more controversy to be caused when Vinyl and Octy were publicly outed as fillyfoolers - but the ending was truly heart-warming, and a fittingly excellent finish to such a glorious fic.

Loved it. <3 :D
I don't know whether accepting Exty's compliment will make Toro hate me more... xD

Oh, you don't even know.

I was in the middle of doing schoolwork when eX gave his little review. I closed the Word document the schoolwork was in and opened the *other* one. I'm looking through Chapter 12 right now to make sure that was the last one I read.

That homework is due tonight in 3 hours, but damn it, I will have that thing done by tomorrow.
> On the internet while doing schoolwork

Bad move for productivity, Torny... :P

EDIT: And I've noticed, Tornado, that there's no link to that massive fanfiction shortlist in your signature here. What up with dat?

There's a bunch of these uploaded recently on the guy's channel, these are just my 2 favorites.
EDIT: And I've noticed, Tornado, that there's no link to that massive fanfiction shortlist in your signature here. What up with dat?

It's in the OP instead.

My signature predates current signature formatting restrictions that were introduced in... 2007, I think; so I leave it that way because I'm pretty sure I'm the only regular member who still has a signature with the forbidden tags. Plus I like to screw around with the OP every once in a while; and when you aren't logged in (like the dozen or so guests, including the elusive Anon 250) you can't see signatures (but the OP is always there).

That reminds me. Michos still hasn't gotten around to doing that one picture. Hm...
^ Cool. I've actually been sifting through a good number of shipfics on that list, and I have to say, you've made some good choices - though I personally feel that Spark should be highlighted in bold.

Alicorn Twilight is BOSS.

Sadfic epilogue is SUPERBOSS.
In addition to that ^, I think it's chuckle worthy that Spark is the thing you took issue with not being boldfaced and not the (I've been told) more obvious thing.

And no. Spark made me cry even before AJ was best pony, so I can't even imagine what it would do to me now (plus the main storyline that was the pretext for the ship kinda wanders around and gets lost around the middle of it).
^ What do you mean by tha-

*notices that Allegrezza is not bolded*


*engage love and tolerance mode*


My two favourite EVER fics.


EDIT: And Tornado, you cry at everything. Except My Little Dashie. Which is the ONLY piece of literature that I have ever cried at. -_-
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Toro is whatever the opposite of biased is towards Allegrezza. It's like that runt nephew he never bonded with. xD

I'm still toying with the idea of giving Velvet the spotlight, one day. I just can't pull a a narrative together in my head for her.
Because he's pro-IWSYT, and pro-CoffeeMockery... xD

Because she flat out despises Spark. Seriously, cannot stand it. It riles her up when people walk by her other works, and commend Spark.

That...actually looks pretty :censored:in' awesome.

This is how I feel right now:

Bass canon.

This is how I feel when everyone else leaves the house. In other words: right now.

EDIT: And I wish I read more fics so I could actually comment on what you guys are talking about. I know enough to get what you're saying, but not enough to add to it.
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^ Why is Torny anti-Allegrezza? O_o
Well, if you for real want to know than I can post it in the thread so Wiegert will know too.

I still have to explain why. Which means I have to finish it. Which means I have to read 5 chapters of it to finish it.

EDIT: And Tornado, you cry at everything. Except My Little Dashie. Which is the ONLY piece of literature that I have ever cried at. -_-

I do not.

Looking through the list:

Pony POV (Okay, yes, I cried a lot, and I still haven't gotten the courage up to read past where I stopped, but that's still just one story).
Heart of Gold (Only Chapter 5 and 6, but shut up it's Gilda)
A Precious Rainbow (Okay, yes, I cried. I cried a lot, but it's a Cupcakes sequel so leave me alone).
Sunset (And the original ending wasn't the current ending, so shut up)
TNTNE (Only Chapter 8. Which I cried a lot at... Shut up. Everyone here got wrecked by that chapter.)
The Empty Room (Only Chapter... I think 6)
Macintosh (Okay, but I guarantee Mint cried more than I did)
The Party Never Ended (Shut up. It's Buttersc0tch at her creative best)
The Last Sonic Rainboom (Shut up. It's The Last Sonic Rainboom)
Yours Truly (Shut up. It was masterfully written).
Spark (Shut up. Applejack died)
Applecores and Rainbows (Shut up. It's soul-crushingly heartwarming AppleDash)

That's out of, like, hundreds of stories. And very few of them are pandering straight-up sadfics, which I am proud of.

EDIT: And why would AVery bust my balls for praising her best fic?
Because she thinks it is her worst story, but it is still the one that everyone focuses on rather than the superb Thunder and Lightning or the even better Kindness' Reward.
One thing I will say, I am not going to bother with EDaily anf FiMFiction for fic releases from here-on out.

Just too much effort, and the bloody people who populated the GDocs chat are :censored:holes.
Because she thinks it is her worst story, but it is still the one that everyone focuses on rather than the superb Thunder and Lightning or the even better Kindness' Reward.

Kindness' Reward was good, but it was no Spark. I suppose that I've read one too many "Trixie returns to Ponyville and falls in love with character X" stories (one of which is noticeably absent from your list, I might add - though I can't say I entirely blame you for that) to appreciate the originality of pairing her with Fluttershy, but the whole thing basically felt like a watered-down, predictable hack of Out in the Cold with a swapped-out ship.

Okay, maybe that was a little strong; Out in the Cold was, to put it bluntly, such a technical mess that I would put money on the placement of the apostrophes having been randomized, while Kindness' Reward showed a professional degree of grammatical correctness.

And Thunder and Lightning was certainly good, though I favoured the action, epic plot twists, imaginativeness and suspense of Spark, and felt that Rainbow Dash's sudden unexplained flashbacks and epiphanies about Fluttershy were almost awkwardly random, and ultimately wholly unrealistic and unbelievable. Spark's romantic story progression, on the other hand, felt totally natural and flowed beautifully, taking all the right turns at the right moments and remaining totally appropriate to the surrounding events.

And Alicorn Twilight vs Evil Celestia was some truly golden stuff - as was the hilarious "OH 🤬 I JUST WOKE UP IN THE SAME BED AS PRINCESS LUNA AND ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE WATCHING OH GOD WHAT DO I DO" scene that followed it.

And that's not even starting on the epilogue...
One thing I will say, I am not going to bother with EDaily anf FiMFiction for fic releases from here-on out.

Just too much effort, and the bloody people who populated the GDocs chat are :censored:holes.

Er... context? I thought the ED fans loved Allegrezza as much as everyone else?

(one of which is noticeably absent from your list, I might add - though I can't say I entirely blame you for that)
Great and Powerful? Me and Wiegert are reading that one, but it is still too early to call it. The author still seems to be getting the feel for how AJ and Trixie would react to each other...


Oh my god if you are talking about what I think you're talking about I'm going to strangle you.

to appreciate the originality of pairing her with Fluttershy, but the whole thing basically felt like a watered-down, predictable hack of Out in the Cold with a swapped-out ship.

I admit that Kindness' Reward was basically Out in the Cold, except Fluttershy found Trixie before Twilight did; but as soon as Rainbow accidentally almost killed Trixie it went off in an entirely different direction. And because of what Rainbow did, I still maintain that AJ's actions and reactions to the story's events are some of the most subtly brilliant AJ writing in a "Trixie returns" story I've seen.

Plus the subplot with the feather was done even better than it was when Building Bridges tried it.

Okay, maybe that was a little strong; Out in the Cold was, to put it bluntly, such a technical mess that I would put money on the placement of the apostrophes having been randomized, while Kindness' Reward showed a professional degree of grammatical correctness.
Hey, he fixed that for the sequel stories.

and felt that Rainbow Dash's sudden unexplained flashbacks and epiphanies about Fluttershy were almost awkwardly random, and ultimately wholly unrealistic and unbelievable.
You mean the thing that Vinyl decked her over?

though I favoured the action, epic plot twists, imaginativeness and suspense of Spark
And Alicorn Twilight vs Evil Celestia was some truly golden stuff

And was dropped in the reader's lap basically without warning. TwiLuna setup, character building, ship building, character building, ship building, character building, ship building then BAM! Cloning blues, Twilight's an alicorn, political drama, revisionist history, etc. All in the span of half a chapter. It doesn't hurt the story too much, but it almost seems like she got to the penultimate chapter and realized that she didn't know what she wanted to do with it.

Which is perhaps unfair, because Sunset was being written at the same time and it dropped a very similar plot twist in a much more built-up (and far better executed) way; but I have to say that the actual purpose of Spark, the basis for why Twilight was there in the first place, got lost towards the middle of the story only to come screaming back in in the last chapter.

And it is so much fun to discuss this crap with someone as crazy as me again.



Holy Damn JJ.
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Coffeegrunt, I just wanted to say congratulations. I just saw that Allegrezza was completed. I am still not caught up enough to read the finale right now, but the chapters I have read so far have been damn good.

I have read several other Vinyl/Octavia fics (aside from, you know, the one I wrote), and I can honestly say so far, yours is the one I have enjoyed the most and have the most respect for. It's funny, endearing, and the characters feel like real people (er...real ponies, that is... well, you know what I mean.)

I have read some of the new work you've posted as well (the dystopia one-shots you've done so far are awesome and I really would like to see where you go with it). I can't wait to read through Allegrezza and then see the next thing you have in store for us.

Ending a project, for me at least, has always been bittersweet. The satisfaction that comes from seeing a story through to the end is a great feeling, but there is usually for me a sense of ... longing. Like you're saying goodbye to the characters and the world you've created for them (maybe not forever, but for at least a while). And deeper than that, for me at least, there is always the lingering doubt, wondering if all that effort I spent crafting this narrative was spent well, if people really would enjoy it, if it was all really worth it at all.

You crafted a meaningful, entertaining story and, regardless of whatever flaws people may point out (justified or not), you can rest knowing that it brought just a little bit of joy to a lot of people. And that alone makes it worth it.

And for that, I tip my hat to you. Congratulations. :)
So Allegrezza just finished? I might read it sometime. I have no idea why I haven't bothered to check it out. Maybe tomorrow.

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