The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Remember when Toro posted Molestia's message about those Hearts and Hooves Day dresses? Well...
And of them the only that aren't over the line here, are the one you posted and this:




This is really adorable.
*Checks Anime Thread*

Hmm, I think we can let some of those slightly more questionable Molestia pics slide (the dress/costume pics, mind).

Clearly I need to go deeper.


Oh God, please no....




The weird thing is, pretty much every image I've seen on Ponibooru today that I like, Toro likes too.
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Right, I forgot the Wonderbolts costume. That one's fine, here.

I was more concerned with the one with the bow.

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Eurgh. Melodramatic, melancholy, slow, dull, and accompanied by some of the most hideously out of tune vocals and mundane lyrics that I've ever heard in a pony tune - he's much better with MandoPony behind the mic, and in more upbeat songs with catchier melodies. This one was generic and slow to the point of being almost depressing - and by that, I mean the bad, emo-rock depressing, not the good, I'll Be Waiting depressing.

Another small niggle that I have with AcousticBrony is that structurally, a lot of his songs are extremely similar; listen to the intros of Spectrum, Crepuscularity, Loyalty, I'll Fly Higher and A Long Way From Equestria to hear what I mean by that.

Actually, you know what? Just listen to Loyalty; it's basically An Octave Beauty, but with everything that I criticised earlier on in my post replaced with a concentrated dose of awesomeness:

I'm gonna go hang out in the chatroom for the rest of the night, in case anyone wants to join me.
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1 last post.






As much as I'm alright with that, I feel like we shouldn't get into a habit of posting things that are quite that suggestive in this thread. Well, at least, not without some warning of the implication.




Eurgh. Melodramatic, melancholy, slow, dull, and accompanied by some of the most hideously out of tune vocals and mundane lyrics that I've ever heard in a pony tune

It does seem dull to me, although I'm not really a fan of that genre anyway.

That being said, I love Loyalty.



As much as I'm alright with that, I feel like we shouldn't get into a habit of posting things that are quite that suggestive.

Yeah.... saw that a few days ago and not once did I consider mentioning it here.

132077, coloured version.
Posting image codes is not a carte blanche ability to post whatever you want, especially when it is so blatant and lacks any real point beyond the obvious intention as that one. Please keep that in mind.
Posting image codes is not a carte blanche ability to post whatever you want, especially when it is so blatant and lacks any real point beyond the obvious intention as that one. Please keep that in mind.

Please take heed, race'emhard, or anyone else who is unaware of this. Many of us already know that even posting the code is a little too far for certain images, especially if they're as suggestive as the one race'em referred to.

dangit, you guys!

btw, anybody else blow up that hearts and hooves pic? the artist is a Twixie and Appledash shipper. BonBon's even putting up with lyra's "hand" thing for once!
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Eurgh. Melodramatic, melancholy, slow, dull, and accompanied by some of the most hideously out of tune vocals and mundane lyrics that I've ever heard in a pony tune - he's much better with MandoPony behind the mic, and in more upbeat songs with catchier melodies. This one was generic and slow to the point of being almost depressing - and by that, I mean the bad, emo-rock depressing, not the good, I'll Be Waiting depressing.

I posted it when I was a minute through it. After listening to the whole thing I felt the same way you do. I just figured since I already posted it I'd just leave it, since some people might like it.

Posting image codes is not a carte blanche ability to post whatever you want, especially when it is so blatant and lacks any real point beyond the obvious intention as that one. Please keep that in mind.

Yeah, pretty much this.



That really faint blush is adorable.

*goes back to ME3 demo*
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There are five completely distinct ways in which that picture is inappropriate. And yet it is clearly the best image ever drawn and anyone who disagrees is a Godless Communist.

Those fins. Mein gott!
*Ponders what image Toro might be talking about*

Well damn Toro. I honestly didn't mention that drawing, like, the night on which it was uploaded (I'm probably taking about the wrong one, but whatever).

Does it include Gilda?

It's okay, and I accept your apology. I'll be honest, it was hard to tell whether it was a joke, or you genuinely meant it. Especially after a few months without any, "Nah, I'm kidding, mate" breakout from it.

Also, that AppleDash Tumblr is too cute for words.

I need to get back to writing. However, Middle Earth is saying no, at the moment.

There are five completely distinct ways in which that picture is inappropriate. And yet it is clearly the best image ever drawn and anyone who disagrees is a Godless Communist.

Those fins. Mein gott!

Are you talking about that mermaid from a few days ago?

How awesome is this.
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I'll be honest, it was hard to tell whether it was a joke, or you genuinely meant it. Especially after a few months without any, "Nah, I'm kidding, mate" breakout from it.

And I apologize for that too. No more, I promise you.

*Ponders what image Toro might be talking about*

Well damn Toro. I honestly didn't mention that drawing, like, the night on which it was uploaded (I'm probably taking about the wrong one, but whatever).

Does it include Gilda?
Are you talking about that mermaid from a few days ago?

And I'm ashamed of all of you for not PMing me and making me aware of such a momentous time in history, as it is difficult me to keep track of what has happened in this thread when I refuse to go back any further than this page.
The Alley Way one? Really? You like it that much?

No. Pretty sure he's talking about what I referred to as "Gildashark" the other night.


I just couldn't resist making a Thunderball related comment for this image on Ponibooru.

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