The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Source please :3

Right here.



Crackle is indeed, a majestic creature.
I actually meant to post that last night. But I was so tired I could barely hold my head up. Guess I forgot. Still best vector, though.

I found something even better Toro.

(Mint's lovey-face gif here)
So much want.

She has multiple books for her saddle bags...which can be removed entirely.
my_little_pony_twilight_sparkle_plush_mlp_fim_by_razielledbx-d4tk7bv.jpg Much. Want.
Wow, so my Paypal just got given £100 outta nowhere. No mention from anyone on my dA or on the Paypal message itself as to the whos, whats, whens and whies. Well, anyway...

Unit, you don't need to pay for D&N anymore, I'll do it free. I'm gunna refund that Hitcolt fic guy's money, as the idea is trash, and then dust off that Octy short and close commissions. I don't need the money anymore, and I want to return to doing it all casually.

I think D&N will also probably be my last fic. I just don't wanna write anymore, (for good reasons this time.) I don't need to write, and cheesy though it sounds, I have everything I need right now.

Still, what's left in my Paypal afterwards is gunna buy Dan a real nice Twilight plushie for his birthday. :)

In fact, I'm gunna give it some time...then I'll buy him that Twilight plushie.
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Wow, so my Paypal just got given £100 outta nowhere. No mention from anyone on my dA or on the Paypal message itself as to the whos, whats, whens and whies. Well, anyway...

£100? Wow, looks like someone out there likes you.

I'm not sure if I was the only one who thought that taking on all those commissions would be to time consuming for you, but now you can get on with whatever you like. Do you actually mean that you won't be writing anything else now? That's just a bit of a surprise to me, but I'm not complaining.
Probably quitting writing overall. I just don't want to.

I dunno, everyone seems to think that everything I write must be as good as Allegrezza supposedly was. I've lost all fervour for Heartstrings and Gumdrops now, in fact, I just don't feel like writing anymore.

I just don't want this E-fame chase anymore. No matter how many fans I got, it was all just a sea of "lol epic chapter." It was escapism, because my life was in such a sorry state that I needed something to get creative and vent with. Now, well my employment woes are all sorted, financial ones went down with them. I have someone I love, and a goal to reach them over in New York.

Just...writing seems like I have to sprint to stand still. I have to write at a standard way above my norm now to even get a second glance. What I've written can be my legacy, I suppose. I'll still be on here in bronydom, watching the episodes, but I haven't even visited EDaily in two months.

In fact, the fandom's actually starting to bore me...
Allegrezza did surpass all expectations though. Hell, I wasn't expecting such a positive reception towards it, but that's just what happened. Trying to equal it with another fic would most likely remove all the fun that you got from writing your earlier works too, so I can sort of understand why you lost fervour in writing.

I suppose if writing isn't something that you want to concern yourself with from now on, what with other, more important commitments going on all of a sudden, then that's totally understandable. At least what you left behind will be remembered by those who enjoyed your stories, and you still have friends in this fandom (you haven't really missed much of EqD in the past couple of months either, in all honestly).

In fact, the fandom's actually starting to bore me...

What? As a whole, or just certain aspects of it?

Thank you!

Wow, so my Paypal just got given £100 outta nowhere. No mention from anyone on my dA or on the Paypal message itself as to the whos, whats, whens and whies.

I'm happy for you, CG!

Unit, you don't need to pay for D&N anymore, I'll do it free.

But I Pinkie promised! D:

I think D&N will also probably be my last fic. I just don't wanna write anymore, (for good reasons this time.) I don't need to write, and cheesy though it sounds, I have everything I need right now.

Probably quitting writing overall. I just don't want to.

I just don't want this E-fame chase anymore.
And the fandom's actually starting to bore me...

I understand why are you deciding to retire.
You still be remembered though.

...Coffee, if you don't want to write anymore, then maybe you can stop right now. I mean, if you feel like D&N is going to take valuable time from your life, then don't do it.
Probably quitting writing overall. I just don't want to.

I understand. Writing can be difficult at times, even without pressure caused by internet peers. Sometimes, it's just too easy to run out of ideas, even after just a few paragraphs. But doing something good is always good. I still have no idea why I haven't started reading Allegrezza yet.:crazy: I'll get around to it in a week from... NEVER. No, I will eventually. I'm just not entirely made of time.
Those are just too cute, especially the first one.
My mom makes quite the chocolate cake.
Anyways, I must go, my bed needs me. Night.
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I've been putting off my response to Coffee all day, and I honestly still can't think of anything to say. So...

New thing I'm doing, not at all stolen from the Anime thread: OADAD.


Linky (thanks Jim).

Hairband theft is the Best Possible Thing.

You need to explain what OADAD means. I know one of the words will be "daily", but I don't know what the rest are.
Something I forgot to post last night:




EDIT: So I was just talking woth Toro in the chat about me commissioning a $60 drawing of Toothless from Aphexangel. I just realized it's $20 per extra character. So for $80 I could commission Twilight snuggling with Toothless. The mere thought of it being a possibility almost gave me a heart attack.

I really might do it. It'd kill me for sure, but it'd be worth it.

And I say this a lot, but that really is the best possible thing I can think of.

EDIT: Actually, I'm not sure I'll do a multi character thing unless I can find an adorable pose I really like where their eyes are open. All of the poses I was thinking of for the two of them involved sleeping, I really should stop thinking about this until I'm home and can talk about different ideas.
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It certainly is a possibility, but all his slots are full right now so you would have to wait for him to open some up more soon.

I would see about commissioning a piece if there were any slots open too, but I haven't given it much thought. Honestly though, that would be really great if I could get him to draw something based on the criteria I'd give him, seeing as he's one of my favourite artists in this fandom.



I wonder how much more than $1000 a Luna plushie like this this would end up going for.
*clutches chest*

Oh god. I have a feeling you missed Toro on purpose!

*goes back to work things while clutching chest*