Now, this is some pretty cool stuff; Zecora looking like something out of a Lovecraftian horror novel in a mod so outdated that Neanderthals would have laughed at it - and if you couldn't tell from the eye-wateringly blurred-out textures and square grass, that's supposed to be a scene from Ocarina of Time. The Ocarina of Time thing works well in the Source Engine - Zecora, on the other hand, doesn't work with either Ocarina of Time OR the Source Engine.
Now, maybe if modders actually started using worthwhile technologies such as CryEngine 3 and Unreal Engine 3 to integrate Ponies into games, then it'll be interesting and worthwhile - at the present time, however, this stuff is practically nightmare-fodder. Which is, apparently, worthy of being featured on EqD.
My Little Derpy: Logic Is Magic.
Moving on from vile, quasimodo renders of pointless side-characters, outdated technologies and cubist scenery, and we have some rather interesting micro-synopses for the last two episodes of the series:
Episode 25 - A Canterlot Wedding Part 1
Air Date: April 21
Synopsis: Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, is marrying Princess Celestia's niece, Cadence.
Episode 26 - A Canterlot Wedding Part 2
Air Date: April 21 (Listing the same date for both, I'm stumped)
Synopsis: Twilight discovers a dark secret about Cadence right before the wedding.
And just like that, Cadence was given an actual purpose. I sense a controversy brewing in Canterlot - and because of that, this could be an
extremely interesting finale to a stunning season of episodes.
Ladies and gentlemen, things just got good. ^_^