The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
*clutches chest*

Oh god. I have a feeling you missed Toro on purpose!

*goes back to work things while clutching chest*
Don't worry, Mint. He did something horrible to me too:
I'm not History's Greatest Monster.
AphexAngel drew Applejack on Toro's birthday:


I'm not going to let him know!

You're making me feel bad, Toro, and you should feel bad for doing that. I don't even remember seeing those sketches on his tumblr earlier this month.
You're making me feel bad, Toro, and you should feel bad for doing that. I don't even remember seeing those sketches on his tumblr earlier this month.

I know I'm new to this thread, but may I ask what the hay is going on?! ( hahaha brony language :P )
Because Wiegert never mentioned that that artist drew Toro's favorite pony on his birthday.

Because he is Histories Greatest Monster.
Looking forward to Hurricane Fluttershy. This episode will be great. In the clip, I think I saw a Pegasus Bon Bon, though I might be wrong. She has interchangeable species and voices? I wonder if Bon Bon really got wings, or if that's just a similar looking pony.

And I wonder what's up with that weird big bull pony. Soon.

And I'm liking the sound of Ponyville Confidential. Nothing wrong with another CMC episode.
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Holy Celestia!! That Canterlot drawnig is the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time! :drool: Sorry, I try not to post things just saying appreciation of something in the thread (because after doing it for awhile I realized that it there wasn't much point) but that is just stunning.
Suddenly Weeping Angel ponies:


I like their cutie mark choices.

Time for even more preemptive suicide:

Also, it is cool when you realize that, even if he didn't draw it himself, Unit was the one who designed two of the characters in the new EqD banner.
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Well now he's probably going to be too dead to post in here.

That hasn't stopped any of us posting from beyond the grave on multiple occasions. Then again, we don't really know if Grave is immune to that sort of imagery by now.



She obviously hasn't seen Crackle, the most majestic thing that was ever conceived... ever.
I should write or draw something memorable, then I could make EqD's banner.

Tara Strong is best pony.

Also, the video was created and uploaded within 30 minutes.
Oh my God, Tara is just amazing...

And Unit be boss, although I do love my vector. Irony when I actually quit the Pre-readers two days ago. I've only ever reviewed like...five fics! xD

All the Americans get the time advantage, and by the time I'm available, there's just dregs. Bitter, moonbait, dregs...
Oh my God, Tara is just amazing...


And Unit be boss, although I do love my vector. Irony when I actually quit the Pre-readers two days ago. I've only ever reviewed like...five fics! xD

I was wondering if you had given up the Pre-reading job earlier, and my hunch was right. Does this mean that you have the shortest tenure of any Pre-reader, past or present?



*Wonders why Toro hasn't posted that yet*