The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
ss2sonic Twilight in latex? That's relevant to Tom's interests.


I really don't know how to respond to that.

I know how I feel, just not how to respond.

News from BC!

Possibly two chapters at once?

I really need to get on HoG again before those hit. I really don't want a pile of fics that ends up becoming too much again.

EDIT: Explotable:

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This is perhaps the greatest image, in this thread, ever. :dopey:

I love Pinkie's face in that one, and Spike's... and Twilight's late-.... mane, yes.

News from BC!

Somehow I see this being quite a bit longer than 19/20 chapters long, but the prospect of having not 1, but 2 Pinkie chapters has me excited.

ss2sonic Twilight in latex? That's relevant to Tom's interests.

I believe it's relevant to everyone's interests, except those who don't like anthro.

I'm telling you, he doesn't draw enough of either of those two.

I await the day he draws those two again, preferably together though.







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And now, I'm afraid that I must dull the mood just a touch with a decidedly unfortunate announcement:

My TwiLuna shipfic, Music of the Night, is cancelled.

I have made this decision for a multitude of reasons; first and foremost is the fact that Princess Cadence, Celestia's niece (and, by extension, Luna's niece) is marrying Twilight Sparkle's brother. This makes shipping of Twilight and Luna completely infeasible.

On top of that, my experiences with the show and its fanbase since then have seriously altered my perceptions of many of the aspects of each of the characters - and the story plan that I had devised had a distinct air of inexperience about it. Additionally, I find it far more realistic, given the scenarios in the show itself, that the most logical - and, in my opinion, most romantically rewarding - pairing for me to focus on is without a shadow of a doubt TwiDash; the two are different enough as characters to compliment each other's individualities, though share enough common ground and interests for their relationship to have an adequate starting point.

Or maybe I'm approaching the whole "romance" thing from completely the wrong standpoint. Having never experienced it first-hand in a serious enough way for me to be truly knowledgeable about it, it's likely that I'll write something either too sexual or too mechanical - but hey, at least it'll be technically accurate and have some awesome imagery for you to sink your teeth into.

In any case, all that I need to do is map out a few scenarios based on my original ideas for Music of the Night - and string them together with a TwiDash backbone. The first thousand words of Music of the Night itself won't be anything but a great starting point - so I'll start on getting the initial planning phases done before going any further.

TL;DL: Mah fanfic dun been cancelled, but I've jumped over to the good ship TwiDash - and, to use a colloquialism, 'dis gun be good. Very good. ;)

A lot of prizes was given, a lot of pics will appear soon.

Nice. Now all you have to do is complete, what, 12 drawings? Good luck with those 👍

TL;DL: Mah fanfic dun been cancelled, but I've jumped over to the good ship TwiDash - and, to use a colloquialism, 'dis gun be good. Very good.

Well, hopefully you can take Music of the Night and use it as a base for a TwiDash fic, so let's see if you can get any idea together for such a story. Any idea when you might get started on it?

Also, zis:

Nice. Now all you have to do is complete, what, 12 drawings? Good luck with those 👍

That will depend on whether they will want their ponies on one picture on on separate pictures.

The first one will be a portrait of this character:

That DD drawing is awesome.

And you know, I love Twilight's geeky side the most, but....

...I have to say I love her "I could kill you with a thought" side, too.
That actually looks pretty nice. To me at least, it almost looks like it's wrapped in plastic wrap or something, which actually isn't a bad effect. Anyways, the hourglass has turned past 11, so I must sign off now. Since I have to go to sleep...

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Also, Killing The Minty: Late Edition.[/B][/COLOR][/B]

Oh god. That art style is amazing. So cute.



I'll just go ahead and call Giant and tell them I can't come into work today because I'm too busy trying to hug and comfort my computer screen.
Why is filly Twilight so much more HNNGG than any other?

That gif isn't filly Twilight, but I do think she's the cutest out of the Mane Six. Her intelligence, coupled with her personality and the sheer number of cute facial expressions she's given in the show back up my opinion on how adorable she is.

Forgive me for sounding dumb, but what is OADAD? >_>

Well, only Toro knows that...

And I may know it too.



This looks quite nice, plus his art style is still improving.
That gif isn't filly Twilight, but I do think she's the cutest out of the Mane Six. Her intelligence, coupled with her personality and the sheer number of cute facial expressions she's given in the show back up my opinion on how adorable she is.

I didn't actually mean that gif, I meant the image further up the page. Twilight stood on some books.

I agree though, Rainbow Dash is probably a close second in terms of facial expressions :P