The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
That gif isn't filly Twilight, but I do think she's the cutest out of the Mane Six. Her intelligence, coupled with her personality and the sheer number of cute facial expressions she's given in the show back up my opinion on how adorable she is.

But... BunnyJack is canon...

I'd expect that sort of thing from Tom, but from you?!

I didn't actually mean that gif, I meant the image further up the page. Twilight stood on some books.

Oh, right. I think you can blame/thank the artists for that.

But... BunnyJack is canon...

I'd expect that sort of thing from Tom, but from you?!

Wow, I really have dropped the ball today, haven't I? :lol:


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Language Warning:

The bit you're interested in is at around 2:00...

And I don't normally watch YTP. This was a DasBoSchitt April Fool's joke, though...
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Add a language warning for that video, Coffee.

And DasBoSchitt uploading a video these days is almost as rare as Aldea Donder updating Alicorn. It's well worth the wait though, oh yes. :D


But... BunnyJack is canon...

I'd expect that sort of thing from Tom, but from you?

Now look at our avatars. Do you really want to tell her she's wrong?:P
Poor Toro. He never stood a chance against the combined Earth-destroying powers his, mine, and Mint's avatars. Plus he knew the risks.
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Gonna make a wild guess, but I believe OADAD: Obligatory AppleDash, with either AppleDash doubled for redundancy or having other meaning I can't seem to crack yet.
My guess is still Once A Day AppleDash.

And poor Toro died the way he lived.

Being brutally beat to death by a pink party pony.


The collateral damage Pinkie caused when she took out Toro actually lead to the Earth's destruction. We're all casualties, you see.
I don't get it, are Naveek and Mster trying to troll, or are they genuinely that naive?

(For the record, the BBC News images has 1st April 2012 on it, Naveek.)
I know it says April 1. I'm just apparently sucking at saying that it would look to hard to believe if it didn't say April 1. There needs to be supporting details.

I've been kind of dead this morning, I did something I could normally do in half an hour in almost a full hour.
I know it says April 1. I'm just apparently sucking at saying that it would look to hard to believe if it didn't say April 1. There needs to be supporting details.

I've been kind of dead this morning, I did something I could normally do in half an hour in almost a full hour.

I think it would be impossible to believe regardless of the day it was posted, given it is talking about the Earth exploding.

Unless, of course, you're thinking hundreds of years into the future when we have settled on another world. :P
And poor Toro died the way he lived.

Being brutally beat to death by a pink party pony.



"It was effin' hot."






Look: More proof that Greg is terrible.

One day there will cease to be AA artwork that I'd like to see that he won't tell me about.

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"It was effin' hot."

I believe the ground beneath your feet turning into molten rock as the planet was dying would make you think that.



Look: More proof that Greg is terrible.

One day there will cease to be AA artwork that I'd like to see that he won't tell me about.


Yeah, because chances are you will see any new piece he uploads before I get a chance to, like you normally do. So logically, that makes me a terrible person.

Wow. Just realised I never even watched last week's episode. No wonder I didn't understand any of the Cakelestia stuff.How did I even manage to forget anyway?

I was kinda expecting them to run a story on Diamond Tiara at the end, or let her run the CMC photos anyway. Also, am I the only one who doesn't like Featherweight? He looks silly.
So, are you saying that Pip's based on Richard Branson, or is Pip his successor?

I've got nothing against Featherweight though. He does, sadly, remind me of Pip, but he sure as hell isn't as annoying as him.
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Yeah the episode was really good, for some reason I loved Sweetie Belle in this one.

Yeah Featherweight does look a bit like Pip, but I found him more annoying. Was nice to see AJ and Big Mac trade roles as well. Also dat Trixie reference.

Also the best possible thing ever, is that I only have to wait till tomorrow now for the next one :D