The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
That is very pretty. I love it.

Oh, Toro, there was a fic you told me about where the main cast become princess that you thought I'd be interested in, I meant to ask yesterday but completely forgot. What was that one called?

There's a couple.

Duties is the big one. But honestly, as well-written (if occasionally overly-flowery) as it is, the entire thing is just wasted potential. So much potential for a powerful story, and it touches on it in spots, but then it goes off and does its own thing instead. It makes the story seem longer than it should be for the sake of being long, and it brings up ideas that have far reaching and huge consequences and then ignores them beyond what they mean for the Mane Six (for example, taking the control of the weather from Pegasi and giving it to Rainbow Dash exclusively purely to try to force character building for her, then acknowledging in the very next chapter how terrible the idea was because things immediately go to hell with natural disasters and Pegasi society on the brink of collapsing because Celly basically made all of them redundant to Equestria, but then just ignoring it to focus on Sweetie Belle because Rainbow went through her character development so everything is fine). I've been following it since it started, but I'm honestly probably going to drop it. The author is a good writer, but he's ignoring the problems with his story to focus on stuff that honestly isn't remotely relevant, like anime filler or something. Well written filler, but that isn't enough to make me care. Especially not when each chapter is 10,000 words long.

The one I suggest is the one where the using the Elements made the Mane Six immortal. They weren't princesses or Alicorns, but for all intents and purposes they were the same thing. That dealt with all of the heavy themes fantastically, but I'd need to find it.
Wow, I haven't seen a block of text that large in this thread since late last year, I think. [/Just_sayin']

Not sure if repost but here's the new Mr. Poniator video.

Uh, it was on the previous page actually ;)



Damn that's cute.
The one I suggest is the one where the using the Elements made the Mane Six immortal. They weren't princesses or Alicorns, but for all intents and purposes they were the same thing. That dealt with all of the heavy themes fantastically, but I'd need to find it.

Well if you don't think the first one is worth getting into, then I'll just avoid that. I'd be interested in checking this one out once you find it, though.
I'd be interested in checking this one out once you find it, though.

Took me about half an hour, but I found it. And it apparently had a sequel story that I was not aware of, so I'm gonna make time to read it today. I'll probably wait until you read it, then reread it with you.

Wow, I haven't seen a block of text that large in this thread since late last year, I think. [/Just_sayin']

Well, not without spoiler tags at least.
Well, not without spoiler tags at least.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Disregard the spoiler tagged text blocks.

And the new episode was possibly better than last week's. It was equally as funny as Ponyville Confidential, plus Pinkie was in brilliant form again. I swear she's moving ever closer to breaking into my top 2 favourites (I'm not just saying that because of my avatar either).
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New episode! I can't wait for 1080p.

Dat alliterative cake.

Black and white silent films? Guess Sweetie Belle can't sing now.

Never knew the culprit until they did. That I liked.

Quite the portmanteau cake.

Blue Doctor Whooves with a cake cutie mark?

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Some of the official ones are worse than that.

The fact that I know this is true worries me to an extent.

Also, the best way to get a piece based on the new episode done before JJ is by drawing it before the episode airs. Like this:



The Bowler hat looked cute on both Twi and Pinkie too.
Took me about half an hour, but I found it. And it apparently had a sequel story that I was not aware of, so I'm gonna make time to read it today. I'll probably wait until you read it, then reread it with you.

Alright, thanks:). I'll probably start that tomorrow, though. Between the PS3 I'll be picking up after work and watching the new episode I don't think I'll have time. And I was planning on reading chapter 6 of HoG while downloading all of the updates and some GT5 DLC.

Then again. The link wont work on the app. If it's not too long I'll read it later, then.

EDIT: Yeah, opened it through the browser, I'll probably just read that later, then.

I knew I forgot to post something before heading to work:dunce:

Thanks for posting that, I was too distracted watching the clock to remember to post it.
Something I never noticed during the episode:


That reminded me of A Clockwork Orange....

Wait, Kubrick Pinkie is... canon?!


Twi love her some ill-fitting clothes.

The best kind. Well, the other best kind.

It's odd, the best kinds of clothes are either lose fitting or skin-tight latex. Anywhere in between just doesn't seem as good.