The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
The Cakes seemed more scared leaving a cake in the care of Pinkie than they did with their own children. o__0

I'm just wondering why they chose Big Mac to carry it instead of, say, a trailer of some sort, or just let Twilight carry it with her magic?


Bloody amazing.
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Yay Celly!
I know everyone always goes on about Alex S, Living Tombstone, and Eurobeat, but for me, Glaze is best pony musician. So much epicosity.

EDIT: Wow, I posted that before actually listening to the piece posted above. Re-affirmed my views even more
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First, awesome episode. So. Many. References. So many.
Also, dat humanized Twi, anyone else think of Kingdom Hearts? Someone mod it NOW.
Loved the episode if only for Detective Sparkle. So cute with that bubble pipe.

The rest was still great, though. And damn it now I want cake.

And that music is really great:drool:
Loved the episode if only for Detective Sparkle. So cute with that bubble pipe.

The rest was still great, though. And damn it now I want cake.

And that music is really great:drool:

New episode? Toro! Naveek! You know the drill, go! :sly:
I don't know know the drill. I have no idea what you're talking about. I already saw the episode, if in 480p.
Oh yeah, that. The episode was already posted a while ago, forget if Toro. But yeah, I remember what you mean know. I'll win next week.

The captions don't agree with Cheerilee.
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Well, not without spoiler tags at least.

Speaking of which:

So glad you suggested this one, I was actually going to ask for something to bring up some tears tonight anyway, so that was well timed. Thanks.

First I'll just say that everyone in the story was perfectly in character.

I actually liked that they kept everypony's cause of death ambiguous in this. Not knowing all of the details somehow made it seem more.....I don't know of a word for it, but it just felt like the story was better off for it.

And the way it went through their memories as they thought about whether they would would have taken their roles as the elements was the best bit of the whole thing. Rarity attempting suicide after discovering Sweetie Belle hit me....really hard, though. Especially after she found that note.

And the effects of their immortality on their children was a....very clever idea. That's honestly something I had never thought of and actually makes a lot of sense.

And even with all of the sad it manages not to be an all around depressing piece of fan fiction. Very good mix of the good and bad, and I love that about it.

And now Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel:

Why did you let me go this long without reading it? I know you tried to get me to read it but you should have tried harder, Toro. Spamming my inbox or something, maybe.

So anyway, I.....never thought I'd say this, honestly, but Gilda is awesome.

I never thought I'd be saying that what Gilda did to Fluttershy and Pinkie was showing admirable restraint. I mean, her whole life up to that point was a big giant mess filled with savage beatings and humiliation, and Dash was the only thing in her life that wasn't. So to have Pinkie constantly interrupting like that and making it impossible for them to enjoy time alone together made her anger and frustration perfectly understandable.

And the whole thing with Celestia was....kind of terrifying and amazing all at the same time. I mean, to answer an act of war so swiftly as to just wipe out all but 3 of a major colony in virtually no time at all is just....incredible, brutal, and obviously extremely effective.

And that moment at the end of chapter 5 just.....that was incredible and there's no other word for it. Easily up there with my favorite chapters of anything I've ever read. I mean, even with the hype you put behind it it still managed to completely blow away those expectations. I mean, it's honestly been too long since I've read a story that really had something that hit so hard that I felt chills run through my whole body even reading it for the first time. But the last 2 paragraphs send chills through my body just thinking about them.

And the bar fight at the very end was :censored:ing badass.

Really, thanks for pointing these 2 out to me. Amazing stories. And I'd need to think about this, but I think Heart of Gold might be in my top 5.

Also, if you listen to music while reading, or are at least open to the idea, I have a suggestion for chapter 5.
Hans Zimmer - Old Souls
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Also, if you listen to music while reading, or are at least open to the idea, I have a suggestion for chapter 5.
Hans Zimmer - Old Souls

I'll try and remember to once I reach chapter 5, even though I usually listen to the Deus Ex 3 soundtrack when reading stuff these days.

And I'm not sure if I'll get on with part 3 tomorrow, but this story is my top priority right now, unless one of the other biggies updates in the next few days. So far I'm liking really HoG, but I know it'll only get better from what you and Toro have said, so I look forward to continuing this story.


The bubble pipe makes me cringe in this episode. I just see the sharp edge and imagine the feel of it poking my tongue. :yuck:
:lol: I love it how it says "Kurt smells like teen spirit"in the background. Maybe it doesn't say spirit but it is a reference... Obviously.
As well as, "It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." I think that's Deus Ex...

And I loved the episode, all that style mixin'!
Starchaser, that comic fills me with emotions. Sad and then happy, you can't just do that to a person. XD

Did you guys know the RD academy comics continued. It's now about 20 pages. Linky.
I haven't read it all yet so I'm not sure about any strong language. I'll report if there is any though.
There are a couple of rude-ish sections but nothing too bad. But it'll stay as a link because it's 20 pages long.

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And now Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel:

Why did you let me go this long without reading it? I know you tried to get me to read it but you should have tried harder, Toro. Spamming my inbox or something, maybe.

So anyway, I.....never thought I'd say this, honestly, but Gilda is awesome.

I completely agree, this is probably my favourite fic.

In fact. Forget probably, it IS. When I started reading it I wasn't particularly impressed since I thought any attempt to justify Gilda's actions in Griffon the Brush Off would just fail, but it really didn't. Such a brilliant story.

Shame it hasn't updated in a while, but the author has been going back and basically re-writing the whole thing. Not huge edits, just tightening things up here and there.

The only other fic I read really is For Want of a Dawn, and that seems to be getting slightly formulaic now anyway. The author was this close to making a truly brilliant story, but it seems to be meandering more and more now.
One day, I'll read it. One day...

Nick Nack's been very busy with pre-reading, from what I can tell. Guy hoovers up moonfics like dust bunnies...
I completely agree, this is probably my favourite fic.

In fact. Forget probably, it IS. When I started reading it I wasn't particularly impressed since I thought any attempt to justify Gilda's actions in Griffon the Brush Off would just fail, but it really didn't. Such a brilliant story.

The only other fic I read really is For Want of a Dawn

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