The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
As for you Tom, I sent Twilight Version 1
Thank you. Thank you so much. Really, that is awesome. You're awesome.
"Sexy Twilight" a 800hp, Purple Chrome GT-R SpecV
And with this you are best pony:D
I Also do have a lavender LF-A, I just think the Skyline is easier to handle and get more power out of, if you want I'll do the LF-A As well.
And yes, her colors are off, sorry I suck at color matching with GT5's failure paint chip system :lol:
As much as I'd love to have it, the first two are really more than enough, really.

Thank you again.

Oh, and Toro, just noticed the ZZII. Thanks a lot for that:D

You guys are both awesome.
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Thank you. Thank you so much. Really, that is awesome. You're awesome.

And with this you are best pony:D
Its no problem :D
Well it ain't letting me send it, so it'll be up on share until I send it sometime tommorow.
I don't even own a single Gran Turismo game....

What the heck am I doing here anyway? xD

Eh, I spend more time in this thread than I do in any other on this forum, and I own every GT game :P You aren't alone.

Confound these ponies, they drive me to obsess. :D

I totally don't sit here and refresh the page every 5 minutes or so to see if anything new has been posted. Nope. Nada. Nyet. Negatory.
We've been trying to figure it out for nearly a year now Coffee. :lol:

Also you should join us in the chat again.
Weigert added me, so when I get trade time, he gets a Sexy AJ too.
Also anyone wanna help me with a Gala shoot sometime?

I've seen bunny Twi, but bunny Filly Twi?


....It's too much. *thud*
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And the effects of their immortality on their children was a....very clever idea. That's honestly something I had never thought of and actually makes a lot of sense.
I thought that was a pretty nifty aspect of it too.
By far my favorite thing about it was what had happened to Spike though, and how each of them was coming to terms with it in their own (wonderfully in-character) way. Ripping away their (and the reader's) chance to see Spike grow alongside them as a character was a gutsy move that really paid off.

And now Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel:

Why did you let me go this long without reading it? I know you tried to get me to read it but you should have tried harder, Toro. Spamming my inbox or something, maybe.

So anyway, I.....never thought I'd say this, honestly, but Gilda is awesome.

And the whole thing with Celestia was....kind of terrifying and amazing all at the same time. I mean, to answer an act of war so swiftly as to just wipe out all but 3 of a major colony in virtually no time at all is just....incredible, brutal, and obviously extremely effective.

And that moment at the end of chapter 5 just.....that was incredible and there's no other word for it. Easily up there with my favorite chapters of anything I've ever read. I mean, even with the hype you put behind it it still managed to completely blow away those expectations. I mean, it's honestly been too long since I've read a story that really had something that hit so hard that I felt chills run through my whole body even reading it for the first time. But the last 2 paragraphs send chills through my body just thinking about them.
At the risk of ruining something rather big that comes up in Summer Days, keep the main thought of those two paragraphs in mind. Specifically, the relationship that the events of the former have with the events of the latter. One of those "think it through" things I mentioned before you started the story. It's actually a really clever thing once you make the connection.

And yes, I agree with everything you say. I don't joke around or exaggerate when it comes to HoG, and I mean it when I say it is second only to TNTNE in my mind.


Really, thanks for pointing these 2 out to me. Amazing stories. And I'd need to think about this, but I think Heart of Gold might be in my top 5.

In fact. Forget probably, it IS. When I started reading it I wasn't particularly impressed since I thought any attempt to justify Gilda's actions in Griffon the Brush Off would just fail, but it really didn't. Such a brilliant story.

Just curious, but when did you read it? He's already rewritten the original several times (and who knows what he's gonna do this time), so I'm curious which version you got when you read it.

And in my defence, neither fic has updated in such a long time (well, For Want of a Dawn updated the other week but still) so I haven't had anything new to talk about :P
How about that chapter? First one I think he's written in the entire story that has the impact of anything from Sunset; because for the most part I'd agree that it has been pretty formula so far once you start seeing the pattern.

Those must be some good drugs.

Well, I went away for three weeks on a tour of Europe and I get the feeling the fandom did a thing or two while I was away. What's up?
Welcome back!

Okay y'all, I'm in a good mood(mainly cause of that bunny day comic), so I'm giving away Twilight, Dashie and AJ Trans Cammer Mustangs to whoever wants them.
What Greg said. That's really nice of you.

I totally don't sit here and refresh the page every 5 minutes or so to see if anything new has been posted. Nope. Nada. Nyet. Negatory.


Also anyone wanna help me with a Gala shoot sometime?
That actually came up in the chat a few days ago, and we were waiting for you to pop in to ask you about it. Me, Tom and Greg all stopped to look through your gallery, and you've got some really impressive stuff in there.

Just think up a time and I'm sure a lot of us will be happy to try to help.

Such a silly Pony.

I've seen bunny Twi, but bunny Filly Twi?


....It's too much. *thud*


Oh, and Toro, just noticed the ZZII. Thanks a lot for that:D

You guys are both awesome.


Also, Bunnyjack:



Very nice stuff.

At the risk of ruining something rather big that comes up in Summer Days, keep the main thought of those two paragraphs in mind. Specifically, the relationship that the events of the former have with the events of the latter. One of those "think it through" things I mentioned before you started the story. It's actually a really clever thing once you make the connection.

And yes, I agree with everything you say. I don't joke around or exaggerate when it comes to HoG, and I mean it when I say it is second only to TNTNE in my mind.


I'll be sure to keep that in mind, then.
For all of you guys who use facebook and don't like its colours... Not pony enough? Look no further. Here is the solution.

Like the page, follow the directions and theme around either Trixie, or any of the mane six. I actually don't mind facebook now. :lol:

EDIT: And I just noticed, you can also have Princess Celestia, Daring Do, Derpy, Luna, Octavia or Vinyl Scratch. But they aren't complete yet, no images are there, just a colour scheme.
You all know deep down you want one... :sly: But, you know what will happen if you had one. :(

It'll attempt to take over the world with it's crazy cuteness.
It'll be taken by someone jealous that you have your own little pony. Right...?
Yeeaah, you go with that. :P It will be taken away for being in the wrong place. At least then you'll meet Celestia...
That actually came up in the chat a few days ago, and we were waiting for you to pop in to ask you about it. Me, Tom and Greg all stopped to look through your gallery, and you've got some really impressive stuff in there.

Just think up a time and I'm sure a lot of us will be happy to try to help.

I'M THOUGHT OF, YAY. Thanks though. I've been meaning to join the chat, but with my computer down, and for some reason, not being able to get it on the iPad has kinda stopped that from happening.
Anyways, last night I made up the cars, they're not matched to their color schemes, but rather their personalities, like their dresses that Rarity did, and they need something a lot cooler than a carriage. Sorry Twilight.

Rarity: Diamond white Ferrari California, on chrome wheels. What else for Rarity than a classy, luxurious, convertible Ferrari?
AJ: Cherry Red 427 Cobra. If this thing doesn't scream AJ, I don't know what does. With a down home, backwoods muscle car feel, but enough power and style to turn some heads, it seems fitting,
Dashie: Sonic Blue Mica Lamborghini Murcielago SV. Speed and agility, nothing better than a near 700 horsepower, 4 wheel drive, light weight speed machine for someone capable of a sonic rainboom.
Twilight: Sparkle Wave Toning Lexus LF-A. High tech, more magical than any other car, not to mention enough power to kick you into last Tuesday. With all the fancy gadgets, screens and magic that went into the LF-A, she'd be right at home with it, and Spike wouldn't look bad in it either.
Pinkie: Plum Crazy purple BMW M5. Picking an exotic for pinkie was a hard choice, but in the end, you have to think inside the chimney. Solution? Why nothing else makes more Pinkie sense than a 500hp, RWD, 4 door car. And just like Pinkie, it defies the laws of physics.
Fluttershy: Pegasus White Jaguar XKR. Something unique for Fluttershy, enough luxury and power to fit in with everyone else, but not so flashy and crazy that she would stick out, so a nice white Jaguar fits her pretty well. If that's... Um okay with you...

So what I'm gonna do, send the cars to whoever wants to help, and it'll be shoot, where I'm not sure yet, not sure if it should be a Gala theme, or with the wedding coming up.

I'm open to any suggestions seeing as y'all would be helping.