The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I think that 90% of people living here are clueless what MLP is.

I haven't had any problems with people mocking me because of this. Although I think I might have problems if I was still studying in school. Mom's okay with my hobby.
My co-worker can't decide if he's okay with seeing bright colorful ponies or if he should hate them. He got pretty mad at me when I told him that the game designer of his most favorite game (Uncharted) and Drake (from Drake and Josh) liked ponies. He deleted me from contacts for 3 days. (He does that often when he's jelly or something)

Anyways, the first episode looks interesting. Can't wait to see it.

Just watched the season 3 clip... in HD! At least now I can hear what's going on without fans and members of the press laughing and shouting over it. I can understand why they were though, especially at the end. :lol:




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'Dat cuteness. I don't think you've made a pony grin that much until now. It's nice.

At least the image shows up on DA now. Not sure why, but that glitch does happen occasionally with newly uploaded images. I'm surprised it hasn't happened to you until now actually.

So I posted AJ with AJ on r/MLP...

And then the population of New York state increased by 1, thanks to you.
That is nice.


(Side note: The image URL still has FoxKin as his name. So DA doesn't change the image URL for profile name changes.)




In all fairness to Skipsy that piece was done back in May and he has improved since, but I like that second one a lot more.


I could watch this all day.

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Have some D'awwww.

So.. I bought this today.

14.50 at Hot Topic. It's so awesome.

You mean those are on sale already? Huh.

And I just saw the latest article on EqD saying they're currently invading some stores. Last time I looked, it wasn't confirmed that those were 100% legit, but I guess they were. You're lucky as hell to have them on sale over there though.
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Times like this I miss the medieval times festival in Maryland.

I know that's not what's going on there, but everyone wears ye olde stuff to make their bewbz seemingly double in size.


I guess I could always go for a triple kill:


There goes Andres and Greg.

Now just one more target:

Wait that's not-


(But seriously I cried just a little because of how sweet that is and I'm sitting in the middle of a Starbucks. Crying to ponies in public. Like a bawss.)

And I tried to find some AJ to go with these, but....I got to that Twi image first and I just can't get over it. Mainly because I've been in a similar situation as Shining and Twi. Only less badass and adorable respectively.
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Well that killed 10 minutes while waiting for Best Buy to open.

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In a fandom as large and creative as this there really is no way to win them all.

And I'll laugh if Molly's contest ends up being something ridiculously innocent and cute.
