The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
:lol: You can't ki- *dead*

*Rises from the dead*


I'm in awe...


Good thing I made these pills that prevent hear- *dies again*
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Honestly, I find that last image of Twilight more creepy than cute. It's all because of those soul-violating eyes.




Chicks dig him. :3

And the comic that inspired that piece is bloody adorable.
"Poni in a box"


So I'm not the only one to have discovered this user. Some great work there, animation started off as way above average, and is now moving to super intensely super awesome.

He made a cool... I don't know what to call it... It's an SFM PMV for September.


Spitfire is not amused by Faust's inability to lift.

So I'm not the only one to have discovered this user. Some great work there, animation started off as way above average, and is now moving to super intensely super awesome.

He made a cool... I don't know what to call it... It's an SFM PMV for September.

That is really impressive. The Poni in a Box one was featured on EqD this morning (and now in the OP), so that's how I found it.
Love the new Avatar, Logan.


now that I think about it, I don't think Greg's changed his avatar since like...June.

Also, that commission is awesome.

I was actually going to use it as my avatar last night, but I already promised myself that I could keep my current one until the end of the year. So Logan went for it instead.

I haven't changed it since the day after you left for Basic.


Nice to know that Molly cares.
I was actually going to use it as my avatar last night, but I already promised myself that I could keep my current one until the end of the year. So Logan went for it instead.

I haven't changed it since the day after you left for Basic.

I've not changed mine since...


Since I joined, actually. XD

Awesome work Valter, you got the body style and proportions perfect!
Only thing that I would change is to give it the foglights and the rims from the show. 👍

Nice commission Greg, and I love the new avatar Logan.


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Valter, does it feel like you're running in the 90's? :D
Ed I'm stealing your joke.

Very cool, I'm also loving the monochromatic styling. 👍
That commission is cute as all hell Greg, and that picture is as awesome as all hell Valter. Did a great job adding Twi in.


First commission's done. :3
That came out great, Greg.

Pic from me. More practice with the tablet.



That's really nice Valter. You're a natural with the tablet.

I went to that setting but it seems like there are some missing.
Namely this one that I got off of eX's Facebook.
That's because ponykillerX redraws a lot of his older work and gets rid of the original. Those two Rainbow Dash pictures are probably the same picture, just the first one you posted is the newer version.

Your best bet is looking through DB to find stuff.
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The First Little Ponies


On the other end of the illustration spectrum is the Capodilista Codex, a series of illustrations commissioned by 15th century Italian ambassador Giovan Capodilista. At first glance, everything about the pictures is what you'd expect from Renaissance art. There are knights and ladies on horses and -- hold up. There's something weird about those horses.


I can't quite put my finger on it.


Oh, now I see it. The horses want to do me.


"There's nothing little about this pony... ladies."

Regardless of who is riding the horse or whatever important words are printed in the air behind it, each and every pony looks like it wants to have sex, like, right now. Some of them are looking at the viewer, and some of them are looking back at the rider. No matter where they're looking, they've got heavy-lidded, lusty gazes. This one has a tractor beam on his male rider's lopsided boob plates.


"You should see his codpiece."

And it's smiling -- IT'S SMILING. Horse after horse features a coquettish little nodded head and what I can only assume is mascara. The cumulative effect is that there's a whole army of horses with bedroom eyes.


"My mind's telling me neighhhh ..."
"But my body, my body's telling me yeeeeesss!"

There are only two possible explanations for these sex-hungry colts. One is that the anonymous artist was the first brony. Two, and most likely, the horses really did look like that because they were all possessed by someone from the future -- someone known for her sexy, heavily medicated gaze.

Seventy-five percent of you are going to have really weird dreams tonight.

Hundreds of years from now someone will look back at Brony art and think the same thing...

Bedroom eye ponies have been around longer than any of us knew.
And words can't really describe how much of a pain in the ass all of that was to copy over on my phone.
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That's because ponykillerX redraws a lot of his older work and gets rid of the original. Those two Rainbow Dash pictures are probably the same picture, just the first one you posted is the newer version.

Your best bet is looking through DB to find stuff.

Ok, thanks Logan.


James; I believe that you're looking for this one?


As it happens, I found this one saved in my pictures folder. ;)

It's the full-sized .PNG download version from the original dA page back when it was still up there.

I knew I was right to save all those images...
YES! Thanks eX, that's the one.
I actually had to go to your FB because I couldn't find it on the DA and I remembered that you had it as a profile pic for a while.
Finally watched the new episode.

I don't see why people are so critic about it. It wasn't bad.

It wasn't the best, yes, but it wasn't bad.
I see King Sombra as an ancient tyrant. He doesn't talk much, but hey, do all villains have to say their take over the world plans to everybody?

I didn't liked how Dash acted when she and AJ were protecting the fake crystal heart... Ponies tend to overreact when under pressure though.

I do like how Twi is gaining new abilities and levels up almost every episode. I wonder what Celestia wants to do with her. (This again shows, that Celestia almost always has some kind of secret plans. Maybe she can see the future? Hmm...)

Did you saw that black book Luna showed in the end? What is that!? D:


Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Cadence
Prince Shining Armor

Where's the king and the queen?


Queen Chrysalis
King Sombra

...ookay. :I
Kings and Queens are always evil. XD

And that's how I feel about the episode unit, it wasn't the best but it wasn't bad either.

Also I'll see you guys in a few days, I'm going riding and I'll be back on Monday.