People keep talking about all the stuff that didn't happen, the lack of character development for Sombra being the big one.
I'll take a moment to talk about all the awesome stuff that did happen.
The whole moment with Spike opening the door and his biggest fear being that he had to leave Twi? Yeah, that's the kind of emotional depth I didn't even expect. I
actually felt a little wetness in my eyes. And with that it makes
this comic even more of a Feels-bomb than it was before. It's like the
tesseract of feels after that.
And the bit with Twi's worst fear was pretty intense as well, though knowing it was all an illusion kinda lessened the impact.
Those two are the big ones, but handing the spotlight over to Spike, having Rarity seem the most worried out of the rest of the main cast when he was falling, and bringing back "Spikey Wikey" after that big of a time gap were just a few of the things I really liked to see. Sombra was clearly intended to be nothing more than a throwaway villain to give Shining and Cadance to be badass as 🤬. And he ended up dying, so if they would've gone into the character it would have just wasted some of their 22 minute run time that was instead used as remix-fuel and adorable Twi and Spike, Cadance and Shining, and Twi and Shining bonding.