The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

And that right there is why Shining is Best Husband.



Not sure why they chose those scenes for the season 3 adverts, but they do kinda spoil some of the good bits that have yet to come.
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TV is plugged into the ONLY socket that decided to not work this morning. Didn't have my lap top with me to watch any live streams. Got it working again just in time for that littlest pet shop thing :grumpy:

edit: Also,

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While it did seem incredibly forced (But let's face it, so far every season opener has been) That. Was. Awesome.
I liked the episode, but honestly I feel that the season 2 opener and finale were both better.
Perhaps if the villain didn't look like a fan made OC and he had a bigger role in the episode...
For those that don't know what GAK is, it's some product, looks like stretchy weird stuff. But I'm pretty sure it was advertised constantly throughout the episode (s). But it seems like something to drive people crazy, so GAK, GAK, GAK, GAK!!!! I'm off to buy some GAK, all of this GAK is making me think of the Alien's voices on Mars Attacks... GAK, GAK, GAK!!!!

The episode was great and everything, but after about 7 months, I think King Sombre, Sombra, however it's spelt, could have been given a bit more character, he only really ever said, "Crystals," and that's about it. But other than that, the episode was great, I didn't realize that The Failure/Success song was going to be in the premiere.

The Wedding episode in my opinion was better, this new premiere sort of felt like not too much really happened. But Twilight's gravity modification and slide up the bottom of the stairs was quite creative. That was good.
People keep talking about all the stuff that didn't happen, the lack of character development for Sombra being the big one.

I'll take a moment to talk about all the awesome stuff that did happen.

The whole moment with Spike opening the door and his biggest fear being that he had to leave Twi? Yeah, that's the kind of emotional depth I didn't even expect. I actually felt a little wetness in my eyes. And with that it makes this comic even more of a Feels-bomb than it was before. It's like the tesseract of feels after that.

And the bit with Twi's worst fear was pretty intense as well, though knowing it was all an illusion kinda lessened the impact.

Those two are the big ones, but handing the spotlight over to Spike, having Rarity seem the most worried out of the rest of the main cast when he was falling, and bringing back "Spikey Wikey" after that big of a time gap were just a few of the things I really liked to see. Sombra was clearly intended to be nothing more than a throwaway villain to give Shining and Cadance to be badass as 🤬. And he ended up dying, so if they would've gone into the character it would have just wasted some of their 22 minute run time that was instead used as remix-fuel and adorable Twi and Spike, Cadance and Shining, and Twi and Shining bonding.

And the amount of Twi faces makes this episode amazing on it's own:



Well this took a bit longer than normal but he definitely delivered:
whoops greg treed my edit[IMG]
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I liked the episode, but honestly I feel that the season 2 opener and finale were both better.
Perhaps if the villain didn't look like a fan made OC and he had a bigger role in the episode...

Both second season 2-parters were better than the Crystal Empire episodes Mainly because the villains actually had personalities. Sombra didn't seem to have one at all. Just that he wanted to rule over the empire for no legit reason other than just being evil. Even though he spoke no more than 3 words throughout, it still beat my expectations slightly.

That said, these 2 episodes had just as much D'awww and badassery as the season 2 finally, and so much implied shipping. But the mane 6 do seem to be much closer as friends now after seeing how they interacted with each other. Plus it was about time Spike saved the day.

Also, more than 7 hours later..



I want the old Pissedlestia back.
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That's badass and all, but I noticed something:


Firstly, this artist ability to be entirely flawless is starting to become repetitive, but in a good way. And two, it's crazy how alike those glasses are.

And I just discovered this:
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Happy First Biannual Anniversary Tom. Looking forward to a lot more 6 month periods of time together in the future.


And thank you Valter for taking time away from your break to do this for me.
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Okay guys, group pict-...

Pinkie get off the hood. Twi, get out of the truck... Fluttershy get out from behind the truck... AJ STOP FLIRTING WITH DASH, DASH PAY ATTENTION, RARITY... oh.. you're paying attention.. oka- No... my truck can't bend over... No i'm not raising it either, EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION.
I want an episode with all the villains in it back to get revenge on the Mane 6. Maybe have them recorrupt Luna back into Nightmare Moon.
I emailed myself a picture of something I saw yesterday, and I noticed something. Mom's new phone has my Google+/TinyChat account picture as my email icon (because it autoset when she linked to my Google+ account).

And when she calls my phone (as I learned when I called my phone later in the day because I couldn't find it), said account picture takes up the entire 4.8 inch screen of her Galaxy SIII.

That makes me extremely uncomfortable.
I want an episode with all the villains in it back to get revenge on the Mane 6. Maybe have them recorrupt Luna back into Nightmare Moon.

2 parter with some flashbacks explaining how Luna originally became Nightmare Moon and count me in on this.
I want an episode with all the villains in it back to get revenge on the Mane 6. Maybe have them recorrupt Luna back into Nightmare Moon.

That sounds pretty awesome.

You should write a fan fic.
I agree. You should make it happen.


Congratulations Spi- I mean, Rarity. You're the new Rainbow Dash.

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If Spike was the new Rainbow Dash, then wouldn't that mean Rarity is now the new Spike?

Gonna be crucified for this, but...

That was pretty disappointing. There was nothing really... to it.

There was a lot of little things to like about the episode (most of it being comedic little gags), but the main plot thread fell afoul of Show, Don't Tell hard. Sombre is bad, and Twilight needs to stop him by herself, because he's bad, and... he's bad. Grr.

There was just nothing drawing me in to actually... care. This brand new place of never-elaborated-on importance is about to fall under control of said bad guy. Oh, and Cadence and Shining Armor are there too. And Celly and Luna can't do anything to help, because... that's not important. And surprisingly, it was really padded in places considering how flat the conflict was. I'd say half of the first episode was practically meaningless in the context of the story, and most of the B-plot about the rest of the Mane Six trying to stall for time was more interesting than the A-plot. This could have easily fit into a single episode as it was written here.

And having the context for the Hasbro Winter Toy Catalog 2012 song didn't make it any better.

Also really don't like the idea that the show may start basically revolving around Twilight if she becomes a one person wrecking crew who Celly sends out to solve problems, if the punch-to-the-face-in-terms-of-subtlety hint dropping is anything to go on. That's not the show I signed on for, and it's honestly not the show I want to watch if that's how it plays out. Like, why even bring up the test aspect if it isn't a primer for something later on? Why have Luna skulk around whenever Twilight is mentioned unless that comes up? Why introduce this big new world but never bother to explain why it is important unless that is going to come up later?

It seems like half the episode was just a setup to justify making the show do something big to her as a character later on, since it was lacking so much substance as a standalone story. And if that isn't the case, then that just makes the episode even worse to me, since a lot of the stuff that wasn't just padding would then be meaningless.
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Meh, the villain episodes to me are like mini movies. The rest of season 3 so far looks to be not focused on Twilight except for one episode where my favorite arrogant pony returns. *squee*

Anyway, I do believe Twilight will be the focus of something greater in the future. The show started off as Twilight's show & will probably end that way.

Where did that come from? I wannit!

Happy First Biannual Anniversary Tom. Looking forward to a lot more 6 month periods of time together in the future.

Holy crap, that long already? Congratulations, you two!

Gonna be crucified for this, but...
That was pretty disappointing. There was nothing really... to it.

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that felt that way, though most of the people I talked to in-depth about it were big Twi fans.

I mean, the Discord episodes were packed full of progressive moments in comparison. Corrupting the ponies, Twilight giving up on her friends, various little aside gags, and a bit of action, too.

This episode didn't have a fight sequence. It didn't have a big boss monologue, nor any form of battle against him. It didn't have a rising tension or imperative feeling for Twilight to grab the Crystal McGuffin, Cadence just sorta blew a fuse in her horn, and the bad guy rolled in. It even had only a couple of really feelgood or sappy moments. It just lacked a flavour.

That fair seemed mostly irrelevant, and felt like an attempt to rustle up a culture in a flash. Still, the plot did revolve around "suddenly a magical place appears directly alongside an irredeemably evil force of evil so Twilight must go save the day while the Princesses do whatever they do in the background."

There were moments, but they came and went in a flash with no aftertaste. Pinkie Spie, Spike's vision, those are the only ones that really stand out atm. I mean, the Discord episodes were nowhere near perfect, but the NMM episode did have a nice twist after the Elements were destroyed. This had no twist. Grab a McGuffin to kill the omnipotent evil and save the magical place.

To be fair, if I wrote a fic in the manner that this intro went, it'd be crucified. That's my litmus test for how good the show is doing. Compared to McCarthy's previous episodes, which rank amongst my favourites in both seasons thus far, it lacked any real character.

Here's hoping the slice of life format from here-on works out better, though.
Yeah, while this episode certainly was lacking I'm not going to let that cause me to assume the worst about where the show is headed.
I'm not even just saying this, but maybe when the writers are told to introduce an entire new world so Hasbro an stamp out more translucent pony figures and sets they just didn't have the motivation they have when it's their idea. Having 44 minutes to introduce an entire new product line gave them no choice but to just cram as much new content in without really...doing anything with it. Just a whole lot of new locations and ponies with no time to add substance to any of it.

Honestly after watching it a third time now, so little happened it'd felt like I'd only been sitting there for 20 minutes when it'd actually been 44.

I still stick by those moments I said were good, but after getting my Twi-goggles off I can see what everyone's talking about. I'm staying hopeful that this was just a one time issue and not a recurring thing. The few moments that were really good were still the same kind of quality I'd normally expect, just buried with a big sea of what, to me, felt like writers being handed ideas that are impossible to work with in a 44 minute run time.

Also, look who's back:

(Note: I actually enjoyed this more than the song in the show)
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(Note: I made this post before seeing Tom's above)

So having watched them both again without any distractions like TC and those dumbass adverts:

I can say that even though I did miss the one good part of the first episode because my connection died, the whole thing was just forgettable really. There were parts in the second episode that I really liked, but it seems that it's the weakest 2-parter so far.

Part of me wishes the first episode never happened really. I wouldn't have minded if they just condensed it to a single half-hour slot because they probably could have done just that instead of adding pointless filler (first episode again, where virtually nothing happened apart from 1 good song and another one I've always been indifferent about). But they had to set the scene for their new (?) toy line, so that's what they did.

And seeing as both season 1 and 2 had their weak points as well, I think it'd be silly to dismiss the rest of this season to be entirely poor in comparison to what we're all used to. Hasbro got their merch advertised in episode form again, only this time it really did end up being at the same level of quality most people expected the Canterlot Wedding episodes to be (i.e not high at all).

I also wish I wasn't taking this as seriously as some of the guys I've seen, because at the end of the day it a cartoon show on a cartoon TV network (that we still don't have here) that's brought us all together as friends. I think taking it too seriously just sort of taints the experience for me and I know we all do it from time to time. I try to enjoy each episode as best I can, but seeing little problems with it getting all the attention just isn't something I'm fond of (note that I'm not talking about the Crystal Empire episodes specifically).

Yesterday's episodes may have had more obvious flaws, but I just think that the worst is behind us now. They got their sub-average plot and the merch ad out of the way from the off.
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So, I read what you guys said in the spoiler tags.

I... completely disagree with the vast majority of it.

I liked the introduction of an over-arching plot, the as-per-usual excellent dialogue and humour, and the backstory and plot of the Crystal Empire as a whole. I don't think that it necessarily brought any particular holes or contradictions, either, which for some was a big worry before the episode aired.

In addition, I think that the criticism of King Sombre is a little unfair; Discord and Nightmare Moon were meant to be characters that the mane six (or at the very least Twilight) interacted with. Sombre, I felt, did his job well as a different kind of villain; call him stereotypical and character-less, but he was very competent as a sort of unseen threat - and he was basically a representation of pure, unbridled fear and evil, (in a sense, like Mr. Shadow in The Fifth Element) as seen especially in the magic door scene. His powers were revealed to be mostly scaring the wits out of almost everyone who's ever had anything to do with him psychological; the whole premise of his evil was corruption, and Celestia's fears that his corruption of the Crystal Empire would spread to the rest of Equestria make him a foreboding threat - and whereas Discord had an element of comedy and Nightmare Moon had an element of tragedy, Sombre was just... evil. The fact that he didn't interact with the ponies directly and always remained as a kind of time bomb in the background made him ominous and threatening as opposed to anything else.

And besides; he's no more or less generic than stereotypical snake-in-the-grass Chrysalis, (no matter how good you thought her song was) especially when you take into account the whole "power of love" scene at the end of that episode.

I also liked it that we saw some previous characters return for a second round (Princess Cadance - and all of her magic/flying/being thrown/light show awesomeness - in particular, who was effectively given a proper purpose and a full-on princess-hood with a kingdom of her own - which in turn suggests that the location could be used again at some point in the future if her and Shining return), saw some more of Celestia's awesome powers, (dark magic is a thing, and honestly, that accentuated the severity of Sombre's evil a whole lot more) and the advancement of Twilight as a character.

That last one especially, in fact; I, for one, am incredibly interested in what the future holds for her, and considering that she actually is the main character and has always been (whether you like it or not), the prospect of her having an epic "higher purpose", so to speak, is extremely enticing. And besides, the series needs the extra meat in the plot to keep the engines running; there's only so long that it can go through a series of self-contained one-shots before it starts to need a little more weight to its background story - and I have no doubt in my mind based on what I've already seen that Hasbro will pull it off incredibly well. And that "nightmare door" scene... dude, that's some deep, dark stuff. Gave me shudders.

Oh, and another point of contention I have is the hate that the songs are getting; to be honest, I found the Failure Song to be by far the more meandering and boring track of the two. I also though that both had competent lyrics (which is unusual for a Daniel Ingram track) and the Ballad of the Crystal Ponies most certainly wasn't exclusively intended to simply sell the products to us; it was a nicely melodic little montage of the makings of the Crystal Fair, and in my opinion, simply couldn't have been executed any better than it was. I think that you'd have to be very jaded, disillusioned and cynical to think that the latter song was solely intended to be a mere marketing ploy; it certainly didn't seem that way to me, and never came across as anything other than an enjoyably well-done and pleasant track that complimented the plot and setting very well.

But hey, I thought that BBBFF was better than This Day Aria, so what do I know? ;P

In all, I thought that both episodes were an excellent continuation and expansion of the usual formula, with virtually everything that the series routinely does well fully present and correct - and a sprinkling of fresh ideas, fantastic spectacles and plot advancement to keep things as new and awesome as they ever have been.

The perfect opening to a new season - watch it if you haven't! ;)

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