The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
If the Red Bull X1 is paintable, do that, if we want to go for pure speed.

Also, I'm still fiddling with my "training" fic. Balancing writing like I would if I was writing an episode of the show, and keeping things well-detailed and developed at the same time, is a little tough. I'd say once I close up this draft I'll be in "beta."



Pinkie Pie + Slurms MacKenzie = The wildest party you could possibly imagine.
That cutie mark picture is awesome.
I iz gonna b designa. :lol:

And the lyra and Octavia picture is pretty good.
You can hear her say, "My parents love me more".

Anypony read Twilight Sparkle: Mare Attorney? The first story is up and complete and it eludes to a sequel or continuation.
It's well written and I want to read the second story.

It's about Trixie

It tickles.
Anypony read Twilight Sparkle: Mare Attorney? The first story is up and complete and it eludes to a sequel or continuation.
It's well written and I want to read the second story.
I was thinking about it, but the synopsis and comments made it sound too much like The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle and I don't want to get them confused.

I've been fiddling around with it all day, but I finally got the Fan Fic Recommendation thread written out in a way that I find acceptable (except for needing to track down the titles of a couple of stories, enough of which that I'll probably throw them in another post to make it easier on me).
Holy crap My Little Pony world at war!
Just hope GaGa's monsters don't behave like Banzai commandos do in that game. (They appear from the grass and kill you. OK, you respawn. You try spamming that grass field with grenades and automatic fire. Then you think "They are dead :sly:" and cross, just to find that they still appear from the same grass field that you just ravaged and kill you. :ouch: :banghead: )

Wait wheres twilight in that one?

At the squad room, planning stuff. :sly:

Whoever made this is toying with my emotions, I hate Trixie and I will never stop hating her, but this is too damn adorable. I have never hated and loved something this much at once.
I....I just don't know what to think anymore.
^Was going to post that, but I'll just post this instead.
Also, considering the title, I would have made it so FlutterChewbaccashy was using "The Stare", but that's still epic.

I told you Twilight knows how to have fun once in a while.
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^Looks like you've got a challenger, Merciless. You think you can take spiderman?
I....I just don't know what to think anymore.
Repeat after me:
"The Great and Powerful Trixie should learn to shut her whore mouth."

You'll be back to the normal emotions in no time. It works for me, and I've read at least half a dozen Trixie sad fics (and The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle, for that matter).
MinecraftTwilight.jpg🤬. If you've ever played Minecraft, you understand the incredible amount of effort that must have gone into this.
This is the greatest thing I've seen this week, even if it weren't my favorite character it still would be.

Also, if anyone can find any more info on this, or even a link to a download, I would be grateful.

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^That, Sir, is the most awesome thing I've seen in the week. Kudos to whoever created that.

BTW - I suck at Minecraft, can't even build a tree...
Is that the entire map? I've seen a collage with the six main ponies before too. What the hell. O_o

This will also be a same time post.
I've seen loads of those Minecraft/MLP images, but that one of Twilight tops them all!




Fluttershy...drink Absinthe? This I've got to see :lol:
I've found a video

The guy has RD, Twilight, and Fluttershy done so far. Link to his Forum

Here, you should like this Merciless

I would have just edited my post, but this guy's got links to more of the characters in his video, so I figure it warrants a new post. This guy is amazing.
Y'know what'd be awesome?

Flyable Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy...In MSFS.

I just want to hear the pilot voice say. "N4OR5E (N-Horse) is type Pony Rainbow Dash, Requesting permission to transition Bravo Airspace."

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