The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Are you sure you don't mean a different mathematical principle? Transitive property based on the evidence presented so far would point to FlutterJack. And that wouldn't work, because Applejack's feelings for Fluttershy in the scene before Rainbow Dash slept with Fluttershy were clearly platonic.

However, using more straightforward transitive propertyabuse:
Fluttershy slept with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash wanted to kiss Applejack. Applejack slept with Rarity. Rarity had a multiple episode fling with Tom Dan.

Ergo: FlutterDan.

People who don't look at the pictures we linked to will be painfully confused. As an aside, I finally found out where that hilarious "I'd hit it" AJ reaction pic came from.
Substitution then:

pony a,b
tree c
dragon d


if(c sleeps with d)
...a ship b=profit
...not acceptable

(it does work on ponyshippingcompiler)

I just got too damn confused by the transitive property, there was an issue involving punch being spiked -> berry punch getting punched by the punch and...
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Swap the white base for a sky blue one, change Apple's logo for RD's QT-mark and BAM! Perfect RD car.
People who don't look at the pictures we linked to will be painfully confused.

Hooray for crappy 3G connections :D


I'll find out whats going on here in the morning.

*sleep image here*
Ended up doing basic programming, anyway the possibility of making a shipping generator for ponies and whatever the fandom wants to ship do exists.

Besides, that algebra is largely applied in calculus, so you kind of got that one right.

And this is integral shipping now that I think about it.


Goodnight everyone.
Why grown-ass men love MLP so much.

Also, I think my brother may slowly be turning into a brony. I can say the first episode he watched was "Party of One". And yesterday, during "The best night ever" (I think that was the title) he said "what will Pinkie Pie do next?"

My "first-post-of-the-day-but-way-too-late-to-have-just-woken-up-thing"
Because my name is Tom for those of you that don't know.


Morning bronies.
Now, you don't usually settle for one image, I know that, but I'm asking just to be sure.

Are you going to stay with that one, or is it another one that you'll only use once? Because if you're not going to keep using that, I'd like to know now because want.

Also, I think my brother may slowly be turning into a brony. I can say the first episode he watched was "Party of One". And yesterday, during "The best night ever" (I think that was the title) he said "what will Pinkie Pie do next?"
That's exactly how it started for my friend that I converted.
I was in a Skype conversation with someone I never knew was a brony. There was this moment where he dropped 20% cooler, then I responded with "in ten seconds flat."

Then silence followed by "omgwtfbbq."

I'm closing on that irl brony encounter I've never had. xD
Finally changed my avatar. Try calling Cassandra my Mary-Sue now!

But really, I love GunSlingerPen's comic series, the nightclub scenes are just sah-weet.


The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle is the Half-Life 3 of fan fics.
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I posted my story on Ponychan to get some feedback. I love you guys, but you really suck at feedback. :grumpy:

Anyway, I think I've addressed the issues EQD's prereaders mentioned. Let's hope Ponychan thinks so too.
They said I needed to fix grammar and spelling, which I believe is complete BS.

But, the parts that I agreed with were, the timeframe I used was far too short, I extended it to fifty years. They also needed clarification on how exactly Equestria went from sunshine and rainbows to a happy, but militaristic society that destroyed an entire species. They also needed clarification on why the Dragons let Ponies live, despite murdering so many of them.

Oh, yeah, they weren't too keen on the whole idea of genocide anyway. I am, and I am trying to make sure it's rationalized and makes sense.
Two things that are nigh-impossible to get through the pre-readers, war fics with militarised ponies, and grimdark genocide.

You might as well try writing cupcakes, Ponychan is also fairly worthless for help as well. You got a DeviantArt?
Morning bronies.

Now, you don't usually settle for one image, I know that, but I'm asking just to be sure.

Are you going to stay with that one, or is it another one that you'll only use once? Because if you're not going to keep using that, I'd like to know now because want.

You can have it Mint. I figured I'd get to use it once before you called it.

Hey, Toronado. Isn't this your clock?

I think Toro's was blue. Remember the conversation we had with him when he wanted to know the exact colour of Trixie. That's the colour he made the border of his clock.
My video editor really wants to make me mad today only 7 seconds into my PMV and it's already impossible to work with :mad:
What editor you using?


Apparently I just passed 1,000 posts on here...WOOT!

The one that I always use CyberLink Powerdirector 9 (Ultra Edition)

The song keeps changing where the lyrics begin (its supposed to be 11 seconds but its 7 seconds on the editor but when I render it the lyrics begin where they are supposed too at the 11 second mark)

Congrats on 1000 posts
Mmm, never used CyberLink's stuff much. Can't really help you there, mate.


I have now become addicted to shipping writing, the slippery slope has claimed me...I'm a lost cause.
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Mmm, never used CyberLink's stuff much. Can't really help you there, mate.

They used to be awful but really stepped their game up in 9... The problem i'm having is odd and this never happened to me before... (Been using Version 9 for four months)