Just make sure the wheel is properly secured

Does the Wheelstand allows the wheel to be hard mounted- use it if it does.
I went through the same experience- from G25 to the T500RS. Don't expect to be fast right away and allow for some period of adjustment. And play around with the FF setting.
As to the pedal set- if the real-brake mod isn't pre-installed, use the pedal without it first and at some point install it to see which of the two- with of without the mod- you prefer.
Other than that enjoy!
I feel I have to relearn the game, as well as retune most of my cars, as this wheel is a totally different input device than the old G25. The immersion factor is light years ahead, but shaving laptimes, currently, it does not , at all.
I am very happy with this expenditure, I haven't had a secured stand in ages, even my old desk used to wobble, and all this time, I basically almost platinumed the game, while having to pull back my pedals on straightaways, and reshifting my wheel on the stool..
no more with the wheel stand pro, I can be violent with it, and use it as a curling bench lol, but I am one to minimise steering inputs when driving anyhow.
I am upset at one mild thing, is that the wheel is not perfectly centered, it appears about 4% to the right, but it is forgiveable, until I find a proper solution to that. I hear about reflashing the internal memory, But I'll give TM a call before I decide on that.
The pedals are fantastic (without pressure mod installed) and I can realistically brake with no ABS, as I now realise my old G25 pedals acted as values of 1-8 , whereas everything about the TM, has like 65K values of sensitivity.
Can't wait for GT6, is all I can say.
but I do note, there is nothing wrong with using a G25 / G27 to this day, the TM does not overshadow those wheels in this game. Still worth the money if you want to invest in your hobby. To each his own.
Have a great day.
ps, yes, absolutely, the wheel is hardmounted with only 2 screws on the wheelstand pro, took all of 15~20 minutes to get it setup and ready to play.
The quick release make for very easy adjustments to angles, and the stand is of absolute quality craftsmanship, made in Poland, by some uber metal worker engineer. I know they are handy at this stuff, my uncle was a sheet metal worker, they know how to make sturdy stuff, not like chinese material.
another note FFB6, tried it, didn't like it, The wheel snaps itself into undesireable positions and tends to stick them there, will go back down to FFB4, and even try lower.
Only had about 2 hours of play so far, crashed and burned so much, but I've been off this game for months. Glad to be back.