The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
I wouldnt stress out to much regarding versions. When t500rs was on sale here for 2600 and 3200 for f1 version ghey where v5 so dont believe the stores care to much about the. NUmbers on them
I asked OCUK whether they were just assuming that their stock would be the same as Amazon (i.e. V.2 in V.4 boxes) or whether they had actually opened them up, and they replied:

Yes I can indeed confirm that our current stock is indeed a V4 revision sir.


Sam Melbourne

Again, not exactly confirming whether they'd opened it up... sigh. But this guy seems fairly confident...
I asked OCUK whether they were just assuming that their stock would be the same as Amazon (i.e. V.2 in V.4 boxes) or whether they had actually opened them up, and they replied:

Again, not exactly confirming whether they'd opened it up... sigh. But this guy seems fairly confident...

I'm sure with a reply like that if you recieve a v2 they will happily refund you, look and fail, call and they will pick up, just remember to leave it in brand new condition and then wait for refund ect.
Hi everyone!

I'm in the process of upgrading from my DFGT, and I was wondering if the T500 would work with PS2 games played on a PS3 system. I've used my DFGT with Gran Turismo 4, for example, with no problems and I was wondering if the T500 would act the same
Hi everyone!

I'm in the process of upgrading from my DFGT, and I was wondering if the T500 would work with PS2 games played on a PS3 system. I've used my DFGT with Gran Turismo 4, for example, with no problems and I was wondering if the T500 would act the same


No, that won't work. DFGT is PS3 and PS2 compatible, but T500 is not.
I'm sure with a reply like that if you recieve a v2 they will happily refund you, look and fail, call and they will pick up, just remember to leave it in brand new condition and then wait for refund ect.
Indeed. I'm just considering whether it's worth the effort. The OCUK wheel is about 20 quid more than I paid on Amazon once you factor in delivery, and I don't think OCUK have such a great return system (Amazon pay for a courier to collect your old item), so if it's wrong I might have to pay another 10 quid or so to send it back... so that's 30 quid just to check whether they have V.4s... it starts to seem kinda ridiculous.
Indeed. I'm just considering whether it's worth the effort. The OCUK wheel is about 20 quid more than I paid on Amazon once you factor in delivery, and I don't think OCUK have such a great return system (Amazon pay for a courier to collect your old item), so if it's wrong I might have to pay another 10 quid or so to send it back... so that's 30 quid just to check whether they have V.4s... it starts to seem kinda ridiculous.

From the email they sent you i can say your 99% likely that they will pick the wheel up if its not a v4 as they stated they have v4's but sent a v2, as the guy confirmed it its on there heads and not yours ;)
Full refund should be given including postage or a swapout offered..
Why bother though? springs and fan can both be replaced if needed and after that who knows you may be unlucky and get a malfunctioning V5 ;)
Just about there now...

Few more little pesky install details...

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Just about there now...

Few more little pesky install details...

I like the way the pedals metal looks at home against the aluminum frame. Very classy in that industrial kind of way ..I want to see a cup holder using the same exposed rivets and beam aluminum construction :)
Other than that I'd say it looks ridgid enough to survive crash testing.
So I decided to try the new V.2 that Amazon sent me. It is making a fairly worrying sound when I make a quick turn to the left:

Hopefully that link works. You might have to turn up your volume to hear it, apologies for poor quality. It's like something has come loose and has inertia after you stop turning left so it continues to rattle around briefly. Has anyone had this sound on their T500?
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So I decided to try the new V.2 that Amazon sent me. It is making a fairly worrying sound when I make a quick turn to the left:


Hopefully that link works. You might have to turn up your volume to hear it, apologies for poor quality. It's like something has come loose and has inertia after you stop turning left so it continues to rattle around briefly. Has anyone had this sound on their T500?

Link not working for me.
I love how these came together now, 👍👍👍

Inverted pedals are mounted in to my rig's pedal deck in F1 mode, just like on your Human Racing Chassis.
Big thanks again for that tip Marcus, that was the tipping point.

I got lucky with the T500 pedal's foot plate in inverted mode, it was a tight squeeze but doable. :)
Hadn't taken its extra width into account when I built the rig. :dunce:
Well it would seem ebuyer is replacing as after testing they allso confirm the wheel is faulty, 3 times my issue has been tested, if they really do test and play a racing game for half hour they allso see there is major loss of torque.

So they have none left in stock as my link is dead from buyers page, they have a new for sale page at a much higher cost, i wonder if i will recieve one of these high priced wheels.

I'm going to call up later and find out.
Never used ebuyer for a rma but first time i did it was smooth with replacement offered.
They recieved it Friday and Monday today the man from delmonte says yes :)

Item code 434979

This is the link of the same wheel in stock but at £80 more

Item code 450417


The idea that more expensive wheels could be later versions is a possibility possibly.

Ebuyer would not swap my wheel as the wheel is now £83 more expensive and under a different product code, i did try but they was having none of it, they have issued a refund now so thumbs up for ebuyer on this occassion.
Ocuk next on the list ;)
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Two weeks ago I came to this forum to read-up on the t500 before possibly buying. I also read the reviews at Amazon. So now that I own this wheel and have used it heavily I want to make a post, to myself, as I was as a nervous buyer 2 weeks ago:

"Yes its good to read about possible problems, especially after having the fanatec power button stop working the first day you got it, but notice how often the SAME guys are posting about t500 trouble? Count their posts compared to all other input. This should tell you something. Also notice how much fuss is made here about V numbers (also by the same people) as if to suggest some V's are good and some are not. Dont let these people get to you! They have more issues than with just a wheel purchase.

"Buy with confidence. Ignore this chatter about V numbers. The wheel comes with a 2 year warranty (even if Thrustmaster did try to out-fanatec Fanatec and reduce the warranty to 6 months, yours is still covered for 2 years). This wheel is reliable. Its reliable like your computer mouse is reliable or like your
ps3 is reliable. Buy with confidence and remind yourself this is all about the driving- not about internet forum intrigue and conspiracy theory. Whats that expression: 'live to race, race to live' ..aint nothing there mentions the psycological need to post dozens of times on the same subject on a damn internet forum. Buy with confidence." thats a post I am making now to myself as I was 2 weeks ago. And I thank myself for the heads up. Its a great wheel and I couldnt be happier.
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Two weeks ago I came to this forum to read-up on the t500 before possibly buying. I also read the reviews at Amazon. So now that I own this wheel and have used it heavily I want to make a post, to myself, as I was as a nervous buyer 2 weeks ago:

"Yes its good to read about possible problems, especially after having the fanatec power button stop working the first day you got it, but notice how often the SAME guys are posting about t500 trouble? Count their posts compared to all other input. This should tell you something. Also notice how much fuss is made here about V numbers (also by the same people) as if to suggest some V's are good and some are not. Dont let these people get to you! They have more issues than with just a wheel purchase.

"Buy with confidence. Ignore this chatter about V numbers. The wheel comes with a 2 year warranty (even if Thrustmaster did try to out-fanatec Fanatec and reduce the warranty to 6 months, yours is still covered for 2 years). This wheel is reliable. Its reliable like your computer mouse is reliable or like your
ps3 is reliable. Buy with confidence and remind yourself this is all about the driving- not about internet forum intrigue and conspiracy theory. Whats that expression: 'live to race, race to live' ..aint nothing there mentions the psycological need to post dozens of times on the same subject on a damn internet forum. Buy with confidence." thats a post I am making now to myself as I was 2 weeks ago. And I thank myself for the heads up. Its a great wheel and I couldnt be happier.

I'd like to piont out i am very pc savvy, if i have issues i know about it, if a product has issues i'll know about it

I find it hard you can say we have more issues when you yourself are not infront of our systems ect, you allso cant label us as having more issues as how do you know that ???

I have had 3 v2's all with issues, even the shops test and then replace or refund so they see the issues allso.

If you search for " Lg colourbug " you will find me at the forefront of the conversation, i found this bug and allso fixed it, slowly other people trickled in, at the time people did'nt believe there was a colourbug and blamed my system, that was proved false after it was proved true i was correct.
You wll allso notice it was allways me posting, theres a reason for that i was spreading the word and giving info from experience.
All lgs 2011 3dtv's had the issue so there is allways a good chance of a faulty version or a faulty batch and as they have all been v2's my info is very credible.

I know my stuff, i allso know when i have a faulty product and when i do'nt and i can 100% confirm i had 1 burn out after 11 days and 2 more lose alot of there power after abit of racing allthough one of those worked great with £70 worth of added fans for a week before that allso went very weak in power.

All these have been v2's so yes i have a right to slate v2's and not want one, i allso broadcast anything i have that is faulty and give a good opinion, its just sad i have to keep broadcasting it as it was more than 1 duff wheel, but as i'm internet active i share my views wether good or bad.

I respect your views as that's what they are from your experience, i dont respect how you label me and others without even knowing our skill level in electronics ect.
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Dont let these people get to you! They have more issues than with just a wheel purchase.
It's good to hear that you've had an untroubled experience. However, suggesting that people who haven't been so lucky have other (mental?) 'issues' is a bit much.

The first one I received had:

1. Lump in belt
2. Inconsistent fan noise
3. Squeaking drive shaft or mount
4. Squeaking pedals
5. Faulty right paddle

The second one I took out of the box last night, has the lump in the belt as expected but none of the other problems. Was happy to stick with it. However, it almost immediately started making a rattling noise when turning left, as I showed in the video on the previous page.

Whether it is fair to attribute all of these problems to V numbers is up for debate, certainly the lump seems like it would appear more prominently the older the model (due to it not moving for years), but all the other problems could probably appear in all of the production runs.

This wheel is reliable. Its reliable like your computer mouse is reliable or like your
ps3 is reliable. Buy with confidence and remind yourself this is all about the driving- not about internet forum intrigue and conspiracy theory. Whats that expression: 'live to race, race to live' ..aint nothing there mentions the psycological need to post dozens of times on the same subject on a damn internet forum. Buy with confidence.
I've never heard such drivel. Clearly, this wheel is NOT reliable for some unlucky buyers. I've been through a few mice, mine have been ok but they generally fail all the time. My PS3 is a pretty old model and still going strong, but they're not reliable either. The 'yellow light of death' might not be as big a problem as the 360's red ring, but it's still a massive issue. There is no conspiracy, stuff breaks, production standards are poor. We're just trying to get to the bottom of why these issues are happening. If people didn't call them out on this stuff, these products would be even worse.
There are issues with any product. There is no 100% product. Hopefully these get ironed out. But like I say in a lot of the Fanatec threads, I'm pretty sure there are more, way more satisfied than not satisfied T500 owners. On a forum you get every person who's having an issue. It amplifies it. While people who don't have an issue *the majority* don't post anything. I think that any thread where people are having tons of issues should be forwarded to the manufacturer of the equipment. That way they get an idea about the issues. Worth a try.
I was afraid mine would break (it haven't yet - let's hope it'll stay that way) but every wheel can't be flawless...
I can be superstitious sometimes hence why I don't post about how good my T500 is -

ohh damn, the fan just got noisy..!!!
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I think that any thread where people are having tons of issues should be forwarded to the manufacturer of the equipment. That way they get an idea about the issues. Worth a try.

I've had alot of contact with thrustmaster in the last 40 days, i found the guy i was dealing with tobe very nice and helpfull, they allways offered to pick the wheel up and repair or replace at no cost to me, he was allso very understanding of my issues with weak ffb after racing for abit and confirmed this should'nt of been happening and asked if i wanted it picking up or i could return it to shop.

I have had a few bad wheels but i see there are many that do'nt and i see alot are hardcore racers so they would know if there wheel feels like its powered by an elastic band after an hour so i'm more than willing to buy another wheel allthough i have now been put off v2 as they couild all be from the same batch or not.

I'm not a fan of rma's, esecially within the return period as the shops i order from i like and they lose postage costs ect when i return something faulty so i dont return things unless they are indeed faulty or of low quality.
I allways let the manufactuer know though ;)
A couple of guys account for an almost daily update on issues and problems. Now I dont know why; if anything it reminds me of those stories you hear about some guy who walked away from not just one but three plane crashes ..or who was in an auto accident and taken by ambulance to the hospital only for the ambulance to be struck by another car on the way. Twice.


Anyway, by FAR the most devious and troubling thing about the t500 in my experience are those abominable paddle shifters. Whoever thumbed-up that design choice needs his face slapped, stomach punched, and groin kicked.
Lastly: I have a V2 and will call TM and ask them for the latest fan, and who knows maybe get a replacement cover too. I want to mod the t500 to have a clear window.

EDIT: Thrustmaster says the V2's are between 1 year and 1 1/2yrs old, in terms of their firmware. I was sent a V2 by Amazon seven days ago. Despite my dislike of conspiracy theories, I have to admit I would prefer the latest version of my wheel and not one thats up to 18months old. My wheel works *FINE*, but firmware is updated for a reason- as the TM support person easily admitted to.
Amazon has the best policies in the modern world so its up to me if I want to have them send me a V5 or not.
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