The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
Misunderstanding, I am aware of the physical differences.
All I wanted to say that the older versions will work with the F1 wheel... long as the firmware is up-to-date, thats all.
Pedal springs and fans are different, its not just firmware.
That has been well discussed here in various threads at GTP.
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Ah I see! No worries then. But I'd still be grateful for that photo from Racingworld68, as another thing to show Thrustmaster.

It has been well discussed, but if Thrustmaster's official stance is still 'it's only firmware', then I guess we just need more evidence.
I think lots of people will agree with you (me included) that its not just firmware even though that is the official stance some GTP members have reported. I never meant to go there. I just wanted to clarify that the F1 wheel will work with all versions provided the firmware is up-to-date.
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There was a quick sale in the holidays over here when suddenly we got T500RS for like 2-300$ less then the usual price. Then those went out of stock and only the regular priced T500RS was out again.

Maybe I got a V5 due to ordering my T500 with the F1 rim instead of standard rim then. They would have to upgrade the firmware so maybe a tip if you want bigger chances of a fresher wheel?

It´s easy to find a good after market wheel for cheap but not as easy to find f1 rims for us that don´t go all in. As for F1 rims you seriously seriously want loads of buttons. I am happy with my strategy anyway lol
If you are within your return window, you can simply return it because you don't want it. There are no "grounds" for return within the 30 day period.

I know that. I was being polite to the englishman Plazarou who seemed to think I needed practically a note from Her Majesty herself in order to send a thing back to Amazon (I called Amazon before I even bought this wheel to check if it was returnable.)

My replacement wheel, to replace the V2 that TM says is up to 2 years old, was also another V2. As I said before I dont have a problem with the V2 in isolation, but it has firmware version 32 while the latest is version 40. The F1 add on wheel will not work with a V2 unless you update it. The hardware part as far as springs and fan being different in later V numbers I only have on the basis of the most sketchy kind of authority (this thread.)

Anyway, I have already called Amazon and sorted a very good resolution. Very good. I am 'well pleased' as the English say.
I've had a response from Thrustmaster regarding the weird rattle I get after turning left, saying that the 'behaviour is normal'. They linked me to this PDF as an explanation, which I don't accept. I can hear the slightly different sound of the motor turning left, it's not a problem. The rattle is separate, and shouldn't be happening.

However, they also said:
If you are totally disappointed with the version you have received from your retailer you can try and return it for a refund so that you can purchase a newer version from the second distributor.
This appears to be in agreement with my questions about version numbers - a confirmation that there are older and newer versions still being sold.

Followed by:
Regarding the problem with the versions of the wheels we have notified our Sales and Marketing departments.
I have asked them to elaborate on this, or whether I should expect a separate message from those departments.
If you have bought a t500 from Amazon within the last 30 days, whether they sent you a V2 (or a V3), know that the customer service person you talk to, if you call them, has the authority- or will put you on hold and get the authority, to help resolve the issue of the wheel they sell being an older version, rather than you returning it for a refund.

The key is just to explain, truthfully, that your problem is with the version, or V number, of the wheel, and nothing more. Add that Amazons price is not discounted to begin with, and this is an expensive video game accessory, and you find it hard to justify paying full price for an older version of this wheel. You can add that you have already called Thrustmaster and they have confirmed that (Amazons versions) are between 18 months and 2 years old, "your versions are V2, and they are currently making V5's". You dont need to be more specific than that.

You will be dealing with another person, just like you, and you arent trying to trick anyone- what you are telling them is 100% accurate. You could pay what they charge and find the latest version somewhere else! but after all, you prefer to buy from Amazon. After explaining this all first, you just add: "I'm looking for a way to rationalize keeping the wheel even though its an older version ..can you, or can you ask, if Amazon would be willing to work with me on the price ..I like the wheel, but you can see yourself that its an expensive thing, and.."

You get the drift. Dont make an offer or anything; let them come back with what they think is fair.

Their offer to me was quite generous, I thought, but me being me, I managed to work the F1 add on wheel into the deal and sweetened it up a bit. No, they didnt give me the wheel for free, but like I said, they were openminded and generous.
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Doe anyone know an online retailer that has the V5 in stock and can guarantee delivery of a V5 T500RS. My original wheel is a V5 and I'm in the market for another one but like DainBrammage if I'm going to pay new item prices I want the latest version. I would consider an earlier version but also like DainBrammage I think it should be at a lower rate.

Also, does anyone know why there are so many V2 still in stock and why V5 are hard to get?
Ok, I just got off the line with Thrustmaster tech support....
...called the NA line, but person on other end was in France.

The TS Rep. acknowledged they are aware the older version number T500s were indeed manufactured sometime ago.

He acknowledged the physical differences in T500 version numbers such as pedal springs, and internal fans, but that otherwise its minor. And should an issue arise with them, that they will provide assistance.

He stated they are ramping up their support by doing things like stocking replacement parts, and that they will assist customers who might run into issues post-2 year warranty.

But that will be done on case-by-case basis to determine if spare parts they have on stock will resolve the specific issue customer might have.

I am not affiliated with Thrustmaster in anyway, just a concerned consumer here with a new (cough) toy.
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Ok, I just got off the line with Thrustmaster tech support....
...called the NA line, but person on other end was in France.

The TS Rep. acknowledged they are aware the older version number T500s were indeed manufactured sometime ago.

He acknowledged the physical differences in T500 version numbers such as pedal springs, and internal fans, but that otherwise its minor. And should an issue arise with them, that they will provide assistance.

He stated they are ramping up their support by doing things like stocking replacement parts, and that they will assist customers who might run into issues post-2 year warranty.

But that will be done on case-by-case basis to determine if spare parts they have on stock will resolve the specific issue customer might have.

I am not affiliated with Thrustmaster in anyway, just a concerned consumer here with a new (cough) toy.

JogoAsobi, I feel your concern! I'm having a LOT of difficulty getting my hands on Thrustmaster product up here in Canada. Local distributors seem to have no inventory and they have no ETA on product arriving !?!?!
Observations about the F1 wheel:

The weight of it is not too bad. Its not heavy, but its not light.

The metal visible on the outside is of the stamped sheet variety; it looks like the aluminum on the GT wheel, but its thin. It looks mostly plastic/composite in construction but still feels solid. The rubber grips are well shaped and well placed.

The central colored dials and Ferrari logo knob are dummies ..cheesy. I can see the audience they think this will appeal to, but IMO the money should have been spent on a proper enamel Ferrari badge and drop the 'lets pretend' aspect.

The paddles are a mixed bag. What I think happened is that they needed to fit these paddles in front of the existing base mounted ones. The result is that they sit quite close to your fingers and in fact are not easy to activate in the normal way; the easiest way for me to shift on this wheel is to snick the paddles forward towards the base rather than the usual snick them towards myself.
The knuckle of my middle fingers practically rests on them just holding the wheel normal. Their size encourages an index finger activation, unlike paddles (in my avatar) designed for any fingers you choose. (As an aside: motorcycle riders on a racetrack practice their own version of heel and toe shifting, but it means having to brake and blip with the throttle hand, at the same time. I use this technique a lot, and I use my index finger and thumb to control the throttle.) Personally I dont like to use my index finger to paddle shift and I never have. I use either my middle finger or both fingers between the index and pinky. This is not comfortable with the add on wheel unless you shift by snicking the paddles away from you and not towards you.

And thats it! I can see some people liking this thing, and I wanted to like it, but I do not. I'll send it back. For comparison, fanatec is coming out with an F1 wheel for their Elite's, and the pictures show a mature design. Lust worthy, even. Too bad about their other issues but they sure know how to make their stuff look good.
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The paddles are a mixed bag. What I think happened is that they needed to fit these paddles in front of the existing base mounted ones. The result is that they sit quite close to your fingers and in fact are not easy to activate in the normal way; the easiest way for me to shift on this wheel is to snick the paddles forward towards the base rather than the usual snick them towards myself.
I don't believe the fixed paddles had an impact - they simply made a replica F150 rim. The paddle shape and positioning appear to be the same as the real thing. Hard to find images, but this is Ferrari's approved replica:


Compared to the T500 rim:

Seems to be a single piece that pivots in the middle on the real one, but the shape (including the little notch at the ends) and placement is the same. Shame they couldn't put the clutch paddles underneath, but they'd have to be progressive and would've added more expense. Was surely doable though - gamepads all have two progressive triggers these days...
Plazarou- yeah, I can only say that their heart was in the right place. I dont find the paddles attached to the base or even now on the F1 wheel very pleasant to use. The G25, for all its current Model-T status, was very intuitive and 'quick' while shifting, and lets remember that in the heat of trying to lap Monaco in a time worthy of a top ten or even twenty on leaderboards you cant have a single trace of self-conscious action.. its gotta just happen exactly when it needs to happen. Right now I am nascar only, so these kinds of problems I can set aside for another time. I find making a lot of laps in nascar to be trance-formative.
Never a dull moment here, love it.
On the GT wheel I was a bit annoyed by the dumbo ears at first.
But I have discovered that when exiting tight radius hairpins its kind of nice to not have to chase the paddles on the rotating rim as it unwinds.
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Another reply from Thrustmaster:
We thank you for your reply and for providing us with a second movie.

After taking a close look at the details from it we can assure that the behavior is indeed normal. The T500RS wheel is a complex machine with many moving parts, sprockets and belts which can create a variety of noise when activated.

As long as the wheel is working properly in your games you should not worry about the unit.

Regarding the replacement of the wheel with a newer model we cannot proceed with that as we do not sell the product directly to end users but through our network of retailers and distributors.
This is the second movie I provided (you may have to turn up your volume - crappy iPad mic):

There is absolutely no way I am living with that. Perhaps it doesn't come across in the video very well, but it is louder and more distracting than the fan. At least that is a constant noise, not one that only occurs after fast left steering.
PLazarou your issue is a issue.
If Tm cant satisfy you you will need to return the wheel, the best thing about Tm is that they sell from retail shops that have to replace or refund faulty units and that unit is faulty.

On my last wheel , i had 3 ( 4 ) that i really tested the movement to the left like yours was different, and not just slightly different but enough for me to warrent moving the belt around internal ect and still not to ix the issue, i had a small grating sound, it did bother me but did'nt but you know it bothered the hell out of me !

Return your wheel mate and jion the merry go round :(
Another reply from Thrustmaster:

This is the second movie I provided (you may have to turn up your volume - crappy iPad mic):

There is absolutely no way I am living with that. Perhaps it doesn't come across in the video very well, but it is louder and more distracting than the fan. At least that is a constant noise, not one that only occurs after fast left steering.

I have a V5 and mine makes the exact same noise which BTW I've never notice nor paid any attention to until I just watched your video. It's not a factor, at least it hasn't been for me. In game you can't hear it especially if you are wearing headphones. It does not affect the game play at all. I don't think you're going to find a T500 that does not make that noise. It's just the noise of the belt on the pulleys.
I don't think you're going to find a T500 that does not make that noise.
All the T500s I've seen do not make this noise. Including the first one I received:

The original is on the left, soon to be returned to Amazon. You may notice that it squeaks each time I put pressure on it - this is a separate problem that seems to fade once it's warmed up. Note how it doesn't make any noise after the wheel stops. Unlike the replacement on the right, which makes a rattle after it turns left. I don't know why you are suggesting that it is the noise of the belt on the pulleys. The belt doesn't continue to move after the wheel stops. But the noise does. There must be something loose inside the mechanism for it to continue to rattle like that.
All the T500s I've seen do not make this noise. Including the first one I received:

The original is on the left, soon to be returned to Amazon. You may notice that it squeaks each time I put pressure on it - this is a separate problem that seems to fade once it's warmed up. Note how it doesn't make any noise after the wheel stops. Unlike the replacement on the right, which makes a rattle after it turns left. I don't know why you are suggesting that it is the noise of the belt on the pulleys. The belt doesn't continue to move after the wheel stops. But the noise does. There must be something loose inside the mechanism for it to continue to rattle like that.

I must not be hearing the noise you are talking about I guess. All I hear is the 'whirr-ing' sound which to me sound like the belt on the pulley.

That sounds a lot like ball bearings spinning around in the bearing race... I have no idea why it would only do it when turning to the left though. At any rate, it's not normal. Will it make the wheel fail? No idea... However, it's not normal. If it's the bearings, it could of course lead to a potential issue.

I have not heard that sound on any of the T500's I have seen thus far.
I was just thinking about this...


Try taking the rim itself off and turn the main shaft left as quick as you can and see if you still hear that sound. I have a hunch. :) It's not going to be easy to turn quickly. Either that or put the rim from the one that makes no sound on the one that does and turn it.

Let me know if you hear the sound still.
On the GT wheel I was a bit annoyed by the dumbo ears at first.

Dumbo Ears.

BTW: I have a .pdf from Thrustmaster that explains in detail how to remove/change out the fan. It has pictures and is very, very detailed. I dont have a place to host it.. maybe a few guys would like to have a look at it, no? Let me know if you have webspace and I will email it to you or whatever and we can post this thing here. Its 2.5 meg
Good idea! Sadly it still makes the noise if I turn the shaft by hand. However it has highlighted something, which I shall try to demonstrate in another terrible iPad video... gimme a sec...

Hmm.. well there isn't much in there to make noise let alone continue to rotate (which is what that sounds like)

Wait a sec... my memory may or may not be serving me well here so sorry if not...

I think there is an idler pulley on the right side of the wheel, below the motor (when looking at the wheel from the driver's position) It's possible that is not tight against the belt. If it's just "close" the belts may flex in such a way that when rotating one direction it doesn't touch them, when it's rotated the other, it does. Then when you stop rotating it spins somewhat freely.

You'd have to take the top of the wheel to even check it though. It should be somewhat tight to provide some tension on the belt.
Dumbo Ears has warm and fuzzy associations plus it fits the paddles size ..mind you, you could have said they look like two elephant penis's, but lets stick with Dumbo's Ears.