The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
A couple of guys account for an almost daily update on issues and problems.


Anyway, by FAR the most devious and troubling thing about the t500 in my experience are those abominable paddle shifters. Whoever thumbed-up that design choice needs his face slapped, stomach punched, and groin kicked.


EDIT: Thrustmaster says the V2's are between 1 year and 1 1/2yrs old, in terms of their firmware. I was sent a V2 by Amazon seven days ago. Despite my dislike of conspiracy theories, I have to admit I would prefer the latest version of my wheel and not one thats up to 18months old. My wheel works *FINE*, but firmware is updated for a reason- as the TM support person easily admitted to.
Amazon has the best policies in the modern world so its up to me if I want to have them send me a V5 or not.
If the mods think the thread should be split into 'T500 discussion' and 'my T500 is broken discussion' that's fine by me.

I really like the paddles, probably the best part of the design in my opinion. You might get used to them.

Thrustmaster may be giving false information there - the V.2 I received from Amazon last week is dated "15 JAN 2011". So unless the box is older than what it contains, it seems some V.2s are more than two years old (and indeed, people were talking about the v32 firmware that the V.2 comes with in January 2011 of this very thread).

I wish you luck if you are considering contacting Amazon to send you a V.5. It has taken since December 7th for me to get to where I'm at now (two replacements, both V.2s that I was assured was a V.5 and a V.4).

[edit] hang on, I'm re-reading the bit you said about firmware - you realise the you can update your own firmware right?
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[edit] hang on, I'm re-reading the bit you said about firmware - you realise the you can update your own firmware right?

Yes the TM person explained the firmware can be updated, but inbetween the firmware and *any* other updates they may have made internally, I mean, its just common sense to want a new wheel. Mine V2 works fine, but again-- just common sense. So I contacted Amazon and I even did what I think I read you did: I requested they look at the outer box for the most recent V number. You know how Amazon is, the new wheel is supposed to be here tomorrow (!!) God they spend a fortune on shipping. If the new wheel is still a V2, what I will do is walk the support person through the information I have gained, and I might ask them if discounting the V2 is something they might consider.

You mentioned TM and the age of the V2's, well the guy got his numbers from a chart he had there, and yes, it seemed like he wasnt too eager to admit everything but when he said '18 months' thats all I needed to hear. Thats all the Amazon needed to hear as well. I would keep the V2 if Amazon will discount it.. hell, they sent me the original and the replacement Next Day Air, and thats decent money right there. Once they hear my version of events I think I can get an executive decision out of someone. Aint nobody wants to spend 599 on a wheel that is a year and a half or two years old and has had updated firmware a few times since then. But for.. say, 450..
I dunno. We shall see.

The paddles: for nascar I dont care, they are fine. For F1?? You cannot be serious. These are seven kinds of bad and four kinds of useless.
The paddles: for nascar I dont care, they are fine. For F1?? You cannot be serious. These are seven kinds of bad and four kinds of useless.


The paddles are probably my least favorite part of this wheel (I said "wheel" and do not include the pedals...). If fixed paddles were that good, I'm sure F1 cars would have fixed paddles :)
I use the f1 wheel for the little F1 I done but I tried the paddles with F3 at green hell and never had an issue. But I agree for F1 it´s a plus with paddles rotating with the wheel. Otherwise no real issue only after a spin or such I get a bit desoriented. Would be nice if they where two way then you could never find a situation where it would be hard to find an up or downshift.

It´s the nicest set of paddles I ever used actually though wished they where quiter. But that would mean more mushy I imagine. having them static means I can use whatever rim 320 mm or smaller. 350 mm I can imagine it will be a bit hard to reach.
Ive read the reviews of the TM F1 add on wheel and its not exactly a barn burner of good news. Still, not a disaster either. Heres what I will do with Amazon: if I can manage to keep my V2 (when they send a replacement wheel and it is a V2 also) with an applied discount on account of its age and being outdated, and then take the discount and buy the F1 wheel from them as well- all for the price of the plain original (I hope.) They'll send the F1 wheel next day air, and there you go. A happy ending, and peace for all mankind.
Yes the TM person explained the firmware can be updated, but inbetween the firmware and *any* other updates they may have made internally, I mean, its just common sense to want a new wheel. Mine V2 works fine, but again-- just common sense. So I contacted Amazon and I even did what I think I read you did: I requested they look at the outer box for the most recent V number. You know how Amazon is, the new wheel is supposed to be here tomorrow (!!) God they spend a fortune on shipping. If the new wheel is still a V2, what I will do is walk the support person through the information I have gained, and I might ask them if discounting the V2 is something they might consider.

You mentioned TM and the age of the V2's, well the guy got his numbers from a chart he had there, and yes, it seemed like he wasnt too eager to admit everything but when he said '18 months' thats all I needed to hear. Thats all the Amazon needed to hear as well. I would keep the V2 if Amazon will discount it.. hell, they sent me the original and the replacement Next Day Air, and thats decent money right there. Once they hear my version of events I think I can get an executive decision out of someone. Aint nobody wants to spend 599 on a wheel that is a year and a half or two years old and has had updated firmware a few times since then. But for.. say, 450..
I dunno. We shall see.

The paddles: for nascar I dont care, they are fine. For F1?? You cannot be serious. These are seven kinds of bad and four kinds of useless.
You seem quite sure about how Amazon will deal with this next time round. From my experience, there are a number of hurdles that need to be overcome:

1. They might not have any stock newer than V.2 in the first place.
2. The boxes sometimes have a version number that is different to what is inside, so you have to make them inspect the bottom of the wheel to be sure, which requires they break the seals, which they may be unwilling to do.
3. Their policy is usually only to replace once, and then refund after that. It took at lot of convincing to get them to send me a second replacement. They weren't happy about it. So you need to get this right first time. (Although I'm talking about Amazon UK, not sure where you are.)
4. Thrustmaster's official line is that 'the only difference is the firmware'. They say it to customers, they say it to Amazon. And because firmware can be updated by the end user, that means Thrustmaster consider a new V.2 to have the same value as a new V.5 or whatever, so you might struggle to get a discount.
5. Err...yours isn't even broken? o_O

I would strongly recommend that you don't ask for a replacement if there is nothing wrong with your wheel simply because you've found out that it's old stock. There are a number of posts in this thread of people having problems with newer versions of the wheel too, so even if you can get a V.4 or 5, it might be worse!

As for your paddle comment, of course they are not for F1. The entire wheel is not suitable for F1, so it's not even worth attempting. They sell an F1 rim separately which has the appropriate paddles attached to it.
5. Err...yours isn't even broken? o_O

Dude, why do you sound suprised?? No, mine isnt broken!

Amazon staff isnt up to date with the details of what can or cant be done in terms of firmware, are you kidding me? I will tell them that the firmware has been updated already to a V5, that the fan was upgraded already to a larger unit, that a spring was upgraded in the pedal unit, that the wheel I was sent is up to 2 years old.. need I go on?? (thats what I will tell the customer service person at Amazon and they will know I have this subject covered from head to toe. Its a $599 video game wheel after all.)

I'll get my discount, you just wait and watch. And my F1 add-on as well.
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I'm not surprised, I'm pointing out that you're asking to replace a product that isn't broken, or asking for a discount for one that isn't broken. That strikes me as trying to 'play the system' somewhat, and opens up a world of problems for Thrustmaster and/or Amazon and any other retailers that might have old stock if they agree to this.

But I wish you luck!
But I wish you luck!

Appreciated. Amazon, if they arent aware that their t500's are NOS (new old stock), are already liable, for their own stupidity. If they are, aware, and are selling these things anyway without a hint they are perhaps 2 years old and in need up updating, is liable for that as well. I spent $599 on a steering wheel to use with video games; I'll be damned if I am going to be made a bigger fool than I already am- thank you!
Ah but that assumes a lot of things. Firstly, you are assuming that Thrustmaster are lying and that there are genuine hardware improvements on the newer versions. There are some images that suggest this, but whether it counts as proof, or whether it even counts as an improvement I'm not sure. The firmware thing alone isn't a valid argument. Firmware gets updated all the time - you can't expect a retailer to dump their hardware stock every time some new user-updatable firmware becomes available.

Secondly, you are assuming that these products are actually 'old'. Again, the date on the box I have suggests that they are, but then it also says 'V.4' on the bottom of the product box, so that suggests some really odd things going on with the distribution, and maybe they're not as old as we think.

Thirdly, if these apparent hardware changes are not considered improvements by Thrustmaster, and they are still sending out V.2s everywhere and are of the opinion that they are just as good as the elusive V.5s, then the whole argument falls down. Then you're saying you want a discount simply because 'it's old', even though it works fine and is 'the same' as any newer stock in the eyes of the manufacturer. There isn't some kind of 'sell by date', and they are within their rights to sell stuff that is two years old if they insist that it's still the same product.

It will be interesting to see if you can get a discount out of Amazon based on these assumptions. Personally I wouldn't feel all that comfortable about it, which is why I contacted Thrustmaster today about the version hardware differences, including links to images showing the differences that have been spotted, to see if they will clarify their position on the matter.
Ah but that assumes a lot of things.

Some good points for sure, including the funny one about merchants dumping their hardware every time some firmware is updated by the manufacturer.

I dont have a pc, so no, I am not personally in a position to update the firmware on my t500. That alone, and all by itself, is grounds to return the wheel to amazon for a refund; my firmware is 2 years out of date because the wheel is 2 years old.. and I want my money back. And I wish you would have mentioned, amazon, that your stock is 2 years old.

But I am not going to return my wheel for that reason.

What I have tried to do is get a more current model, one with updated firmware, (and who knows if they have changed the brake springs or the main fan in the past 2 years. If they have, I asume they did it as an improvement, and not to increase the number of warranty claims.)

TM says the firmware is updated for various improved performances, so I am taking them at their word.

The last thing I will say is that TM and Amazon are big, and they are not required to tell the customer every last detail of changes they have made or not; for example on one forum a user said he has written proof from TM that the V numbers refer to different geographic regions where t500's are sold.
My point is, when you arent given clear information it leaves you to your own devices, which in my case is as I have said. I will try to get a discount for my V2 if the replacement is not a V5, but another V2 instead.

Amazon has the option to not discount. I have the option to return it for a refund. TM has the option to say all V numbers are identical in hardware. And of course I can keep the V2 and pretend the whole episode, including these last ten posts of mine, were just a bad dream.
I dont have a pc, so no, I am not personally in a position to update the firmware on my t500. That alone, and all by itself, is grounds to return the wheel to amazon for a refund
It's not. You are making too much of a deal about firmware. It's not like PCs are hard to come by - I'm sure you can borrow somebody's laptop for 5 minutes to perform the update. I mean... GT5 itself needs an update to support this wheel properly - your argument is the same as saying 'but I have no internet to update GT5'. It's not Amazon nor Thrustmaster's problem. (Of course, you can vaguely say that you are unsatisfied and send the item back for a full refund as with anything you buy from Amazon, but that's not really the point here.)

The grounds for complaint/discount/replacement request should be focused on hardware problems, which comes back to whether Thrustmaster are going to concede that there are indeed hardware improvements on the higher V numbers.

I've yet to hear from them, but I'll keep you posted.
It's not. You are making too much of a deal about firmware. <snip> I've yet to hear from them, but I'll keep you posted.

One thing Ive learned in the last few hours is that the F1 add on wheel will not work with V2 firmware. Also, the improvements made in firmware are listed by TM, and are well worth having. No customer service person would dare suggest that 'surely I can borrow a pc or whatever' to update firmware myself. Its not their problem I dont have a pc, but its also not my problem that I had them send me a new one at their expense. I'll have it this morning. I'll post if its the more recent package.

Anyway, its no hanging matter.

Thrustmaster has made a great alternative to the fanatec, and for that I am happy. I'm happy with my V2 as well- its just a matter of me trying to get the best value for what I paid for. I'm not mad at TM or amazon, V2 or V5.
I would have no problem dare to tell you to update the firmware yourself. I don´t believe there is many sale persons that are not awhare of firmware and that they can be readilly updated by the consumer himself nowadays.

But do come back with your haggling success but I don´t believe that argument will bite. You really don´t have any access to a computer or is that just a sale pitch? Are you posting this on a mobile phone?
Was going to pick up a T500 from Amazon, so basically Amazon never received new stock for over 2 years? Also, how are some of you getting these deals for under $400?
Some good points for sure, including the funny one about merchants dumping their hardware every time some firmware is updated by the manufacturer.

I dont have a pc, so no, I am not personally in a position to update the firmware on my t500. That alone, and all by itself, is grounds to return the wheel to amazon for a refund; my firmware is 2 years out of date because the wheel is 2 years old.. and I want my money back. And I wish you would have mentioned, amazon, that your stock is 2 years old.

But I am not going to return my wheel for that reason.

What I have tried to do is get a more current model, one with updated firmware, (and who knows if they have changed the brake springs or the main fan in the past 2 years. If they have, I asume they did it as an improvement, and not to increase the number of warranty claims.)

TM says the firmware is updated for various improved performances, so I am taking them at their word.

The last thing I will say is that TM and Amazon are big, and they are not required to tell the customer every last detail of changes they have made or not; for example on one forum a user said he has written proof from TM that the V numbers refer to different geographic regions where t500's are sold.
My point is, when you arent given clear information it leaves you to your own devices, which in my case is as I have said. I will try to get a discount for my V2 if the replacement is not a V5, but another V2 instead.

Amazon has the option to not discount. I have the option to return it for a refund. TM has the option to say all V numbers are identical in hardware. And of course I can keep the V2 and pretend the whole episode, including these last ten posts of mine, were just a bad dream.

If you are within your return window, you can simply return it because you don't want it. There are no "grounds" for return within the 30 day period.

You can afford a $600 wheel but you can't afford a $50 used laptop? Just seems odd, really odd. Besides, there are some things you can't do on a mobile device.
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Was going to pick up a T500 from Amazon, so basically Amazon never received new stock for over 2 years? Also, how are some of you getting these deals for under $400?

Frys electronics has them on sale for last couple of weeks but its store only, no www. And they seem to mostly have V.1s and V.2s in stock. And yes its correct that there are people who have had V.1s and V.2s for awhile that have had no problems. I bought mine at Frys for $400. Knock on wood, no problems yet.
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Was going to pick up a T500 from Amazon, so basically Amazon never received new stock for over 2 years? Also, how are some of you getting these deals for under $400?
In the case of Amazon UK where I got mine, they don't hold much stock. During my exchanges with them I have waited for new stock to come in several times before requesting replacements, and each time they are V.2s. They regularly get new stock in. This why the whole situation is so strange - there still seems to be large quantities of V.2s in the distribution channels.
In the case of Amazon UK where I got mine, they don't hold much stock. During my exchanges with them I have waited for new stock to come in several times before requesting replacements, and each time they are V.2s. They regularly get new stock in. This why the whole situation is so strange - there still seems to be large quantities of V.2s in the distribution channels.

In the USA it seems as if most online retailers are out of stock. I got very lucky, it was the last one at Frys Bricks & Mortar in Phoenix area. They also have the F1 wheel for $150 now, walk in only though, no www.
I ordered 4 weeks ago at a local retailer 2x T500rs with F1 add on. I insisted on the V5 and was told that if you will use the F1 add-on only V4 or V5 would work.

So far I have received 1 T500rs, and yes it is a V5...

But still waiting for all the other stuff, for your information, I paid 535,- (1 t500rs + F1 add on)
I believe the version applies to the firmware, not the physical device.

One thing Ive learned in the last few hours is that the F1 add on wheel will not work with V2 firmware.

DainBrammage is stuck because he does not have access to a windows computer to do the FW update.

If the firmware is brought up-to-date, the lower version numbers will work with F1 wheel.
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So far I have received 1 T500rs, and yes it is a V5...
Would you mind taking a photograph of the spring behind your brake pedal?

Mine looks like this:
Hehe I'm pretty sure too, just thought I'd show Mr JogoAsobi that it's not just firmware.


? = (I don't understand)

If the firmware is brought up-to-date, the lower version numbers will work with F1 wheel.
I know 2 people with V.2 T500s that are using F1 wheel.
One of them brought his over to for me to try on my T500 with no problems.
Also mrbasher, Mahnegold, and Hwangm are all using F1 wheel with V.2s.
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I believe the version applies to the firmware, not the physical device.

[edit] Sorry, let me explain better. You said you think that the version number applies to firmware. That is Thrustmaster's stance at the moment. However, there are several images floating around of physical differences that have been spotted on the more recent versions (in particular V.4 and V.5). One of these images is a brake pedal spring. I have posted what my V.2 spring looks like, and I was asking Mr Racingworld68 to take the same photo of his V.5, in the hope that this strengthens the evidence that the version number is not just about firmware.
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