I asked you for you're definition, and I'm still waiting. You say you have a better definition, where is it? I don't see it...Anybody with a better definition than me, what is it? is that such a hard demand? what is it? what is it? what is it? tell me now, It's just to intense for me to bear.
Did you read the past 20 posts ? Do we have to put an "definition:" in front of what you say"
But since you ask, here is mine :
American cars : cars that are produced* in America (exception : cars produced in America (by foreign companies), that share a platform which is developed and also runs elsewhere(label is not important), like the mercedes M-class for example ) . If the label get's changed elsewhere in the world and the car is crafted outside the US it is still an American car, if the platform is the same ( = developement is US based )( example ...dunno...but for Japan it would be the Toyota/Lexus thing)
Hmm, my definition still lacks some fine tuning, but.... your(disturbed07) definition is just too simple for such a complex question imo.
*Production = mainly developement and actual production.
Did GM design the opel's and such? wasnt opel bought by GM? assuming they were, I wouldnt count them for the same logical reason I won't count a Lamborghini as German, how about that?
Sounds a bit weird, but if I understand you correctly, you say that Opel's are German and Lambos are Italien. That'S the way I see it, too.
I might be wrong, but I think in the 60's or 70's there were Opels which were based on American GM models. Those would be American by my definition. Like Famine stated that the Escort is British for the same reason.
Infinity's lexus's and Acura's are built IN America? are you sure? positive? how come they're not cheaper or more expensive than their Japanese counterparts then? Are you sure they're not just assembled there? or something along that line? I know they arent built in America.....
Taking my definition, it would not count if the Lexux XY was manufactured in Japan or the US, as long as the desing and platform was developed in Japan. If Lexus would develop a SUV in America for the American market only, it would be American imo. Apart from that example all Infinits and Lexus and Acura's would be Japanese, even if Honda/Toyota/Nissan would be sold to an American investment group.
Max DC: - I'm glad you were offended by the sig, It was created specificly for YOU.
where did you get arrogant? I said cocky, not arrogant.
Was I offended... well not really.... it sounds arrogant to me mixed with some complexes. The "arrogance"-impression also comes from your posts in several threads btw.
When did I define myself through it anyway?
You put it into you signature for everybody to see. Like wearing an expensive watch could mean you are rich or want the others to think so. This is however just an impression by me, you are right, I should know you personally if I wanted to prove it.
who said it was a poor test? I take it you tried and didnt do so hot? or did you do an internet one? Why do people talk about genious' IQ's if the test sucks so badly then?
IQ tests vary in quality indeed. Scientists always discuss if even the best tests really show somebody's intelligence. Why ? Because those tests focus on spceial abilities, like mathematics and the ability to think in a "logical"(definition?) way. They leave out things like social competence, the abilities to understand complex structures and meanings of texts and languages and many more things.
Not to forget the fact, that these tests can be trained, which heavily improves the outcome 
The press is using those IQ standarts- so what?, and of course it shows certain abilities of a person, but what do they really mean? Ask 10 scientists and you'll get 10 different opinions.
The developement in medicine shows up new theories aswell. How was the child raised(social surroundings), what did it eat etc etc ... I could go on for long, but it is already very very offtopic, and that's why I stop here.
Just relax, just one question... what do you do with your brilliant brain ? What do you study ? Please don't tell me, that you withhold your brialliance from the world