Your new excuse for making Famine happy is a pathetic one. And yes, you have said otherwise.
show me where I said ford europe cars arent european
This made me grin, USA is patrt of America, be it North America, Central America or South America, the land mass as a whole can be called America. USA stands for United States of America, not the United States America, the USA is only a part of North America. Now that part is factual, but I'm willing to let go since local dialect may simply use the term America only for the USA, and you may not be aware that the rest of the world doesn't always view it the same. Tbh I often say America instead of USA, but I still kne America s not the name of any one country.
its all America like europe and asia are eurasia...
not technically correct.
It is
not correct for other countries to call it America, they don't chose what our country is called, just as we don't choose what their's is called.
It's not United States America, no, unfortunatly,
that name would in fact, imply what you think the real name does,
Rather, it is the United States
of America, being that are/is America.
If you call it the America's, you are possibly right.
Central America is not a continent, and that is not it's actual name, therefore that is technically incorrect, it is simply used to target a specific area, that seems sort of in-between continents
When was the last time a Mexican was called an American? (no jokes about immagration, please) or a Canadian? notice how these people are Mexican's, and Canadian's?, not called Americans?
And if you're thinking of saying that they are as much American's as me, since they live in the same continent, also call Brazilians, American's.
Aside from all of this, if they can all be called American's, while actually being Mexican's, and Brazilians, and so forth, what am I? a U.S.ian? a U.S.A.ian? a United Statesmen? obviously, you know I am none of these, and there within lies your true answer, even if you refuse to believe United States of America mean it's 50 united states, working together, forming 1 country, named America, hence the word "of".
Why would people have no respect for me because I said I have no respect for people from other countries who try to tell me what my countries name is? Is it where I said I can't respect a fellow (gasp) "American", for thinking his country is named something it is not?
Now I don't know if Duke believes this, and that's why I said "if", as I truly hope he does not.
Simply put, if he, or you, or anybody else thinks we're all just a bunch of Americans over here, in these two continents, answer the question about U.S.ians...
Call 'em South American's, call 'em Central American's, call us North American's, if that suits you, but If your in another country, talking to many
actual American's, simply calling us all American's is not only to broad of a usage, but it'll cause confusion, hence the reason I'm so firm about this.
I call you european, and somebody in Germany the same thing, or call a car European, and it can't be confused with any specific country, as no country is named Europe, and there is no South or North Europe, or any of the drama that comes with making the mistake of calling of 50 countries America, or the people from them all American's.
Potentially, if your in the top 2.2% 2.1% are smarter than you. .
Very true, and I never said otherwise.
But Famine stated it as a fact that the 2.1% would definetly be smarter, which already tells me he'd fail every single one of the one type of question, in the logic department <-- Funny how that works, no?