The types of cars that should be in GT5

  • Thread starter Hitman
What, you actually think 83 thousand people post in here?
how about 800, maybe.
Actually there is currently 4127 pages with 20 members listed on each page. I´m not saying all of them posts (highly unlikely), but they are members of this forum.
[/color]Hey, read this, there is no continent in the world called America That is a Country, North America, is the continent, as you make sure to call it the second time
America - the country I live in.
North America - The continent I live in.
South America - The other continent over here.
Do you understand now? I am not a u.s.ian, I am an American, I live in America, a guy in Canada, is not an American, he is a Canadian
I'm sure you think you're clever and you got me with a technicality, however, we beat you're country up, to get ours, and you do not get to tell us what it is called, either.
We made our country, and it's called America, and the group of United States, is America, and are OF America, not part of North America, to be called America, and changed around by the very people who failed to stop us from leaving their country 235 years ago.


Oh, seriously now. Don't go into the Opinions forum. You're exactly the kind of guy Duke doesn't need as a countryman...


Though not as brilliant as littering your post with superfluous bold and color=black tags. It's like a vB minefield picking your way through one of your posts.

Is it making sense now where I said I was trying to appease you? are you thinking yet? I told you they changed, I tried to go with something I could agree with, that would be acceptable to you, but there is none.

Other people said you had explained your definition a bunch of times.. so tell them how dumb they are, but I assumed since they were all so gung ho you had stated one, I'd try to find it, well, how about you get an opinion? or shut up, and stop whining other peoples arent correct.

Please stop... medic! My sides!

Hmm. Please define these "numorous other parts" (sic) for me.

Aaaand, to drag you back to Ford... Where do you classify these vehicles (I include extra information to assist you)?

Ford Ka - designed, built and sold in Europe by Ford Europe. Never made it to US.
Ford Focus ST170 - original design from Ford Europe. Vehicle variant built and sold in Europe by Ford Europe. Never made it to US.
Ford Focus RS - original design from Ford Europe. Vehicle variant built and sold in Europe by Ford Europe. Never made it to US.
Ford Focus Rally Car - original design from Ford Europe. Vehicle variant built by Ford Rally (UK) based on vehicles built in Europe by Ford Europe.
Ford Escort Rally Car - original design from Ford Europe. Vehicle variant built by Ford Rally (UK) based on vehicles built in Europe by Ford Europe.
Ford RS200 - designed, built and sold in Europe by Ford Europe, with work outsourced to Reliant (UK) and Cosworth (UK). Never made it to US.
Ford RS200 Rally Car - original design from Ford Europe. Vehicle variant built by Ford Rally (UK) based on vehicles built in Europe by Ford Europe.

(we'll skip the GT for now as there is conflicting information which I cannot verify presently)

At the very least if you're using ANY (or even ALL) of your definitions, these cars must be struck from your list of American cars as none of them were made in America, sold in America, used American parts or used American personnel at any point of the construction process. The only thing American about them - as with the only thing Japanese about the Lexus RX - is that the parent company, and thus source of funds, is from there.

And this is my point. As yet you haven't amended your count of "60" which excludes cars due to what is a perfectly okay reason, but includes cars which also fall foul of that same perfectly okay reason. It's not that your definitions are bad per se (well, when you settle on one), but that your deductions based on those definitions are inconsistent..

Ford Focus ST170 - Looks, sounds, drives, and has same power rating as Ford Focus SVT.... minus 5 hp, so what's your point? I say the Focus was designed in America, for America, and as much donkey pooh as you've thrown around, you still dont have an opinion. Get one.

That's because you're as well informed as when you said, from the position of "I am the expert", that there has never been a Chrysler Viper. Ever.

Fact is, the Focus was designed in Europe by Ford Europe and launched in 1998. It didn't arrive in the US until 2 years later. Further fact is that the Ford Focus ST170 is a trim level, along with the RS, which is only available in Europe. You may have a model which is "similar" (and I mentioned it quite some time before you did) but it isn't the same car. FURTHER fact is that you have STILL failed to admit that not one of the Fords I listed classes, by any one of your ever-changing definitions, as an American car.

What, you actually think 83 thousand people post in here?
how about 800, maybe.

I'm sure someone as smart as you can figure out how to use the memberlist to find out how many active posters there are.

Nevertheless, if you're in the top 2.2%, as you claim, there are more than 1,800 people registered here who are SMARTER than you (if GTP were representative of the average, which we've established it is not - it is markedly higher than the average). That you haven't yet worked this out is testament to this.

Alright Famine, it's time to become a man, and devolope your own opinion, instead of beating around the bush, like a polotician, and actually take a stand here, if your gonna complain about other people's (inferior) definitions

The smart man does not attempt to answer that which he cannot answer. Only the truely stupid would do that - and persist and flail about in the face of overwhelming evidence against him.

Everyone here knows my opinion, without me having to express it. Nattefrost got it, and, all due respect to him, I've no recollection of even having SEEN him before (but with so many registered members, one can be forgiven the odd lapse). Only, for someone so self-announcedly smart, you don't quite seem to grasp it.

It's such a pity you didn't turn your volume up to 11 in December.
I have no problem calling a car that is built, designed, and only sold in europe, european. don't recall ever saying I did, either, so, by my definition, these may be considered European. (you can call it "new" if I said otherwise, when I was simply trying to make you happy.)

So like I said, you have no opinion, other than everything being to blurred for you to figure out. guess what? I can unscramble it for you, post any car, anywhere. Tell me who made it, designed it, where its sold, and all that nifty information you seem to have. And I will give you a solid reason as to where it can be considered from.

Top 2.2% doesnt mean 2.1% are smarter than me, God of all cars. It means I'm somewhere in there, with no exact placement given. You should know that. I think you do, but it was easier to try making it sound as though I'm at the very bottom of that 2.2%
Note this: after 135, in everyday life,(according to the people who give the test) there is no notable amount of difference. Guess what? i'm in there.
Why all this? you seem to think 2.2% of people are smarter than themselves.
Maybe not what you meant, but don't knock it if you're trying to twist it, or are as ignorant to think it one would automatically be at the bottom of the said number.

It's good to know that your another dumbass who thinks 2 continents make "America" While I know its convenient, when your talking to somebody, its untrue, and I can tell you why, whereas you can't tell me how I'm not an American
people in Brazil, are not Americans. people in Canada, not Americans.
People in America? Americans. we have the only country in the world with America, in the title. no?the fact that there are 2 continents named north and south America, does not make my countrys name any different. notice they both have a word in front of America?
Notice how in GT4 there is red, white and blue, at America? are these Mexico's color's? I think not.
P.S. I really could care less if Duke wants me as a countrymen, he's got me, it's something you don't pick. And if he believes his country is not America, I have no respect for him whatsoever, as I now have none for you.
Don't bother trying to tell me any different, you will see what it's like to actually speak to a brick wall, you are from another country, and it damn well takes a lot of nerve to try telling other people what to call their country, especially when your country is the one they freed themselves from. we'll call it whatever we please, and that is America. and 50 United States make up, this America. end of discussion.
Unless you really think Europe gets to name other countries?
The fact you're using the usage of the word "America" against him shows enough.
Disturbed, this is over. You don't have anything worthwile to say. Everyone here has tried hard enough to have a decent conversation about your points, and you just went against them in a - and I'm being overly kind here - disrespectful manner. Learn to develop some social skills, will you? Or just stop here and never attempt any conversation again.

It's gone way beyond the point of "irritating".
The fact you're using the usage of the word "America" against him shows enough.
Disturbed, this is over. You don't have anything worthwile to say. Everyone here has tried hard enough to have a decent conversation about your points, and you just went against them in a - and I'm being overly kind here - disrespectful manner. Learn to develop some social skills, will you? Or just stop here and never attempt any conversation again.

It's gone way beyond the point of "irritating".

True, except the part where when he says "America" one assumes America, and not North America.
Actually, nobody's had a conversation about my points, it's a "Famine is God" attitude here, and to say that you can't classify cars is rediculas.
If nobody wants to name cars, and let my tell them where it should be considered from, that's understandable.
However, after arguning so strongly, one would look as though maybe he thinks he's wrong now to give up. So I encourage you to stay, and see the finish, given he doesnt leave, as you suggest.
Maybe I should just start a thread, dedicated to the classification of cars, in GT5, and what people think should count as from where.
And you keep on turning a blind eye to the essential point of Famine's explanation.
I'd love to see where anyone here said it's impossible to clasify cars? At most it was said it's hard to clasify cars, which seems perfectly true, judging by this thread.

All this was about was your own inconsistency in applying your own definition, nothing else. Famine didn't even claim that your definitions were fundamentally wrong, but you just had to go like "Why don't you give a better definition if you tell me I'm wrong. Oh you don't have one? Then you can't tell me I'm wrong" and turned this into the misery it is right now. And you even go so far as to point out completely irrelevant things to make your "opponent" look inferior. I'd say any conversation is lost forever after it's reached this point.

And now you even want to start another thread about it? Please don't.
Unless you're prepared to really compromise.
But it's a thread where I'd like opinions
and it's not about compromise, it's about other opinions
I highly doubt everyone, or even most will end up agreeing, I just want to know where people stand, and I'd like to let this thread get back to it's topic, assuming it can
I have no problem calling a car that is built, designed, and only sold in europe, european. don't recall ever saying I did, either, so, by my definition, these may be considered European. (you can call it "new" if I said otherwise, when I was simply trying to make you happy.)
Your new excuse for making Famine happy is a pathetic one. And yes, you have said otherwise.

So like I said, you have no opinion, other than everything being to blurred for you to figure out. guess what? I can unscramble it for you, post any car, anywhere. Tell me who made it, designed it, where its sold, and all that nifty information you seem to have. And I will give you a solid reason as to where it can be considered from.
Famine has an opinion, like he's said, try re-reading all his posts and it should click, it's not rocket science. Maybe Famines simply trying to make you happy by not spelling it out for you, although I personally think he's already done that quite well.

Top 2.2% doesnt mean 2.1% are smarter than me, God of all cars. It means I'm somewhere in there, with no exact placement given. You should know that. I think you do, but it was easier to try making it sound as though I'm at the very bottom of that 2.2%
Potentially, 2.1% are smarter than you, thats provided your bold statements about your IQ are true. As I said anyway, a high IQ means bugger all without other skills.

It's good to know that your another dumbass who thinks 2 continents make "America" While I know its convenient, when your talking to somebody, its untrue, and I can tell you why, whereas you can't tell me how I'm not an American
people in Brazil, are not Americans. people in Canada, not Americans.
People in America? Americans. we have the only country in the world with America, in the title. no?the fact that there are 2 continents named north and south America, does not make my countrys name any different. notice they both have a word in front of America?
This made me grin, USA is patrt of America, be it North America, Central America or South America, the land mass as a whole can bve called America. USA stands for United States of America, not the the United States America, the USA is only a part of North America. Now that part is factual, but I'm willing to let go since local dialect may simply use the term America only for the USA, and you may not be aware that the rest of the world doesn't always view it the same. Tbh I often say America instead of USA, but I still kne America s not the name of any one country.

Notice how in GT4 there is red, white and blue, at America? are these Mexico's color's? I think not.
Please do not use a Japanese computer game to make a point on American georgraphy.

P.S. I really could care less if Duke wants me as a countrymen, he's got me, it's something you don't pick. And if he believes his country is not America, I have no respect for him whatsoever, as I now have none for you.
Well your just wonderful arn't you, do you think anyone here has any respect for you right now?

Don't bother trying to tell me any different, you will see what it's like to actually speak to a brick wall, you are from another country, and it damn well takes a lot of nerve to try telling other people what to call their country, especially when your country is the one they freed themselves from. we'll call it whatever we please, and that is America. and 50 United States make up, this America. end of discussion.
Suit yourslef, it's technically wrong though.

nless you really think Europe gets to name other countries?
Your American like I'm European, Saying that North America has a country called America is wrong, it has a collection of American states called the USA thats United States OF America remember. If you look at a map there no big country called America, theres North America, Central America and South America, with Notrh and South being continents themselves, the term America can be used as a general collection of both thoes continents if you so wish it to.
Your new excuse for making Famine happy is a pathetic one. And yes, you have said otherwise.
show me where I said ford europe cars arent european

This made me grin, USA is patrt of America, be it North America, Central America or South America, the land mass as a whole can be called America. USA stands for United States of America, not the United States America, the USA is only a part of North America. Now that part is factual, but I'm willing to let go since local dialect may simply use the term America only for the USA, and you may not be aware that the rest of the world doesn't always view it the same. Tbh I often say America instead of USA, but I still kne America s not the name of any one country.

its all America like europe and asia are eurasia...not technically correct.
It is not correct for other countries to call it America, they don't chose what our country is called, just as we don't choose what their's is called.
It's not United States America, no, unfortunatly, that name would in fact, imply what you think the real name does,
Rather, it is the United States of America, being that are/is America.
If you call it the America's, you are possibly right.
Central America is not a continent, and that is not it's actual name, therefore that is technically incorrect, it is simply used to target a specific area, that seems sort of in-between continents
When was the last time a Mexican was called an American? (no jokes about immagration, please) or a Canadian? notice how these people are Mexican's, and Canadian's?, not called Americans?
And if you're thinking of saying that they are as much American's as me, since they live in the same continent, also call Brazilians, American's.
Aside from all of this, if they can all be called American's, while actually being Mexican's, and Brazilians, and so forth, what am I? a U.S.ian? a U.S.A.ian? a United Statesmen? obviously, you know I am none of these, and there within lies your true answer, even if you refuse to believe United States of America mean it's 50 united states, working together, forming 1 country, named America, hence the word "of".

Why would people have no respect for me because I said I have no respect for people from other countries who try to tell me what my countries name is? Is it where I said I can't respect a fellow (gasp) "American", for thinking his country is named something it is not?
Now I don't know if Duke believes this, and that's why I said "if", as I truly hope he does not.
Simply put, if he, or you, or anybody else thinks we're all just a bunch of Americans over here, in these two continents, answer the question about U.S.ians...

Call 'em South American's, call 'em Central American's, call us North American's, if that suits you, but If your in another country, talking to many actual American's, simply calling us all American's is not only to broad of a usage, but it'll cause confusion, hence the reason I'm so firm about this.
I call you european, and somebody in Germany the same thing, or call a car European, and it can't be confused with any specific country, as no country is named Europe, and there is no South or North Europe, or any of the drama that comes with making the mistake of calling of 50 countries America, or the people from them all American's.

Potentially, if your in the top 2.2% 2.1% are smarter than you. .

Very true, and I never said otherwise.
But Famine stated it as a fact that the 2.1% would definetly be smarter, which already tells me he'd fail every single one of the one type of question, in the logic department <-- Funny how that works, no?
Crying shame I'm in the top 0.4% then really. You see, if you were in the top 2.1%, you'd be in the top 2.1%. In fact, you're in the top 2.2%, so therefore not in the top 2.1%. Q.E.D.

Anyway, Europeans named your country for you. English settlers used it, adopted from a German's English translation of an Italian's name. This aside, it is incorrect to state that "America" as a term can and should only be applied to the United States of America. It is common usage in English-speaking countries, yes, but not ONLY usage - otherwise "North America" would apply to Utah and "South America" would apply to Louisiana. "America" can - and in my case usually does, because I'm awkward - be used to refer to the continental land mass. You are both American and AN American. I am both Eurasian and an Englishman (or women, but I'm not big on "PC").

Out of interest, are you now going to reduce your definitive count of 60 by 7 accordingly?
Technically, your American if your from North or South Americam, thats the point I was trying to make. With regards to United states OF America, I view of and the USA being of America and not America it'self, if it was the United States America, then that would imply that the USA WAS American and only America. I'll be happy to put this down to a difference in local culture and recognition of phrases if that suits you. With regards to people not having respect for you, it's simply that as a general observer of this argument in her, and a participant of the one regarding the NSX and Viper you don't seem to show any flexability in your view or argument no matter how many people show you othe wise, you also don't sound like you show much respect to others generally. With regard to the term USians, that's not a term because the USA is an abbreviation, and the United States of America is a collective, you can't be from all 50 states, it's as simple as that. I mean ofcourse it's okay to call you American, since your from America by either one of our definitions. Also we have a Central Europe, Western Europa and Eastern Europe, all part of Europe, none of them actual countries, much like Central America, they're just names given to the areas of Europe.

On the 2.2% thing, I have a feeling that Famine knew what he was saying, yes it wasn't true as a statement but you don't always have to make a spot on true statement to wind someone up. Much like you say you were doing earlier in the thread.
Crying shame I'm in the top 0.4% then really. You see, if you were in the top 2.1%, you'd be in the top 2.1%. In fact, you're in the top 2.2%, so therefore not in the top 2.1%. Q.E.D.

Unless you realize that it's a broadend definition, that is unspecific, because so few test-takers score in that range, they no longer try to classify it by any specific percentage, and, there is also room for error, being that one's IQ can misinterpreted mildly, and they can get a higher, or lower score depending, usually no more than 5 points, 10 in extreme cases.
I however, took 3 internet, and one from a pshyciatrist, in-person, and the internet ones were all within 3 points, and the in-person test gave a 7-point higher score, than the lowest internet one.
Satisfied yet? or do you want the definition of "in"

Anyway, Europeans named your country for you. English settlers used it,

hold the phone, right there. we call them "Americans" now, understand? this country is filled with people who decided it was better than where they lived, and moved here, or their ancestors did.

adopted from a German's English translation of an Italian's name. This aside, it is incorrect to state that "America" as a term can and should only be applied to the United States of America. It is common usage in English-speaking countries, yes, but not ONLY usage - otherwise "North America" would apply to Utah and "South America" would apply to Louisiana. "America" can - and in my case usually does, because I'm awkward - be used to refer to the continental land mass. You are both American and AN American. I am both Eurasian and an Englishman (or women, but I'm not big on "PC").

Out of interest, are you now going to reduce your definitive count of 60 by 7 accordingly?

So, all you can say is north America would be Montana? and south America would be Texas? why would they be called that? you failed to mention, you just said "otherwise"

You are not eurasian, you are European, and English. Eurasia is not a continent. it never was.

You have failed to state why it isnt correct, or at least more correct, (right here's my willigness to compromise, for the naysayers.And Famine won't, because he's never wrong, ever - just like me.) to call it North America and, South America.

are you suggesting that almost all GM's and Ford's are built in Canada? I'll bet plenty are designed by American's, in America, owned by America-stationed company's (at least), mainly sold in America, simply built in Canada. therefore having much more from America, thank you.
There are probabley more American cars actually built in America than you think, or, this simply sheds light on my point, of how very few American cars are in GT4, if only 7 out of 60 are built here. Meaning they've not included many American cars.
hey, who named the continents? please tell me they werent called North and South America after America was named America... I'd just die then

Also we have a Central Europe, Western Europa and Eastern Europe, all part of Europe, none of them actual countries.---Live4Speed...

I'll assume that you ment Continents...
notice the attention to detail? don't we realize Eurasia is not a correct title? there's a reason they have seperate names, just like North and South America. on a whim, sure, call it all America, but you can't when speaking to anybody who lives anywhere in there, because of the confusion your improper slang will cause.

I'll let it go, with this said yet.
When somebody from Brazil walks up to you, do you call him American? no, you do not. and you shouldnt consider him it any other time, South American, if you like, but American, he is not
Regardless of who or when th continents were name what they are today, anyone in North or South America is American in the same sence I'm European. More specifically I'm western European, more specifically again, I'm English or British (Note that I cannot be called Uk-ish OR GB-is, UKian or GBian since like the USA UK and GB are abrreviations and the United Kingdom and Great Britain are collectives.
Regardless of who or when th continents were name what they are today, anyone in North or South America is American in the same sence I'm European. More specifically I'm western European, more specifically again, I'm English or British (Note that I cannot be called Uk-ish OR GB-is, UKian or GBian since like the USA UK and GB are abrreviations and the United Kingdom and Great Britain are collectives.

Okay, hear this then. it the title of your continent, North Europe? no South Europe? no again. that is why you are simply European, and not Western European. you can call it that to be more broad, sure, since no confusion can be caused, however, why tell people your western European? why not say English? (is it england or britain?) either way
And it is still improper, it can be used, just as you can get away with calling all us American, but that doesnt make it actually correct usage, does it?
I'm from England and Britain, I'm English and British and so is Famine but English and British don't mean the same thing. The fact that both continents are parts of America makes it proper to call anyone from either continent, American, if neither are America theres no North or South America, The colelctive of North and South America then as a whole must make up America. So if your from anywhere within that collective of continents, your American.
and that would be fine, but there's a country named America in here, with American's in it. there is a reason they are two continents, and have north and south lables, they arent the same land, just as eurasia isnt actually a continent, even though its one big chunk of land, along with Africa, though thats not connected by to much
Right, so the term can be used in both a broad and a more specific sense.
it can be used, yes
I still think it's improper and tecnically incorrect
but when American's arent around, it'll work quite fine for you to use, but when you post this much in an American forum, it's probly a bad habit to get into....
I´d say people living in the USA prefer to call their country America, whereas people from other countries see USA as a part of America. As simple as that. Misconception!
Eurasia is not a continent.
It is, geographically speaking. Yes, politically speaking it's Europe and Asia, geographically they're on the same landmass, thus, the same continent. Perfectly true. Why else would they even invent the name Eurasia.
well, I see where they are coming from now, Live4Speed has a way with words that removes the downfall's of typing and you all do have a rational way of looking at it, but, with that said, I think they need to look at it more as 2 continents, and less as 1.
In everyday American life, South America is quite different, and seems just as far away as anywhere. You see, living in America, you can't help but realize that North and South America are different worlds, different continents, so rather than look at it all as America, you see that it is definetly seperate. Whereas in Europe, it seems they have the same ending name, therefore they must be America, in all. I am simply saying it's no more all America, than Eurasia is a land of it's own. while it makes a good generalization, It's simply not actually all America, just as europe and asia are not actually eurasia.

So it is a cultural difference, but that doesnt make it correct, it's simply a view from where the difference isnt quite so obvious. Hell, other states can seem like different countries, with all the different laws, simply pointing in the massive difference. Which all the more makes it seem obsurd to consider it all with the same name.
I think that's all
It is, geographically speaking. Yes, politically speaking it's Europe and Asia, geographically they're on the same landmass, thus, the same continent. Perfectly true. Why else would they even invent the name Eurasia.

The same reason they call it America.
Note that north and south america do not touch, by land.
there is a canal, between them.
Geographically or not, (geography aint my specialty) there are 7 continents, period.
The same reason they call it America.
Note that north and south america do not touch, by land.
there is a canal, between them.
Geographically or not, (geography aint my specialty) there are 7 continents, period.

Geographically, you can call any seperated landmass a 'continent', unless my 'feeling' for the English language isn't quite what it should be (I'm Belgian, after all).
According to our language, we'd call Great Britain a continent, in a geographical sense. Unless I'm fundamentally mistaken on this one?
Geographically, you can call any seperated landmass a 'continent', unless my 'feeling' for the English language isn't quite what it should be (I'm Belgian, after all).
According to our language, we'd call Great Britain a continent, in a geographical sense. Unless I'm fundamentally mistaken on this one?

As far as I've ever known, your fundamentaly mistaken, but, geography aint my bag, baby.
I know there are 7 continents, but I could remember hearing on a technical level they could be considered a continent, if an island, but that doesnt sound right, cause we call those things islands, like U.K. and Madagascar, and so forth. However, I know there are 7 "real" continents, as far as I've ever been taught
So, all you can say is north America would be Montana? and south America would be Texas? why would they be called that? you failed to mention, you just said "otherwise"

You are not eurasian, you are European, and English. Eurasia is not a continent. it never was.

You have failed to state why it isnt correct, or at least more correct, (right here's my willigness to compromise, for the naysayers.And Famine won't, because he's never wrong, ever - just like me.) to call it North America and, South America.

Difference - I DIDN'T say your definition was wrong and mine the only correct one. You DID say that mine was wrong and that yours was the only correct one. I merely said it was incorrect to state to yours was the only usage.

You didn't pick up on what I said after that about "North America" and "South America", but live4speed has covered it.

are you suggesting that almost all GM's and Ford's are built in Canada?

That's a leap. Mind letting me in on where you got that from?

how very few American cars are in GT4, if only 7 out of 60 are built here

The seven examples I picked were of cars GT4 considers American - as you did too - but actually aren't. I said you should reduce your 60 count BY 7 (for the seven examples posted), not TO 7, now you are aware of the facts.

just as eurasia isnt actually a continent, even though its one big chunk of land, along with Africa, though thats not connected by to much

You earlier stated that North and South America are not connected by land, as there is a canal between them (the Panama Canal). This is also true of Africa and the Sinai peninsula (the Suez Canal) - so Africa is not connected to the Eurasian continental land mass.

Just FYI.

I know there are 7 "real" continents, as far as I've ever been taught

Name them - you'll be surprised.
In effect, Great britain are made up of islands, and are too small to be considered a continent. If we are to be picky here, the contínents are called that because of the techtonic plates they reside on. Continental movement rings a bell, no? That is also where the term "Eurasia" comes from, as that is a techtonic plate wich both parts of Europe and Asia resides.
The seven examples I picked were of cars GT4 considers American - as you did too - but actually aren't. I said you should reduce your 60 count BY 7 (for the seven examples posted), not TO 7, now you are aware of the facts.

I'm sorry, I thought you said to 7, not by 7, my mistake.
But now I say again, I don't recall saying Ford Europe cars were definitly American, though I may have, in an attempt to compromise, as I may have thought you were considering them to be, hence why I would've said it. though I guess it's hard for anybody to see, and I probly wouldnt believe me either. Unless you factor in that, I still don't know what your classifications are... though everybody else seem's to think they know, even though you stated at a point, after some said they knew, that you hadnt said it yet... and those who say they know now, havent said what it is.

Name them - you'll be surprised.

North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and Austrailia
I don't see any surprises here though.
I believe the north pole isnt counted, or is technically North America, though, as I said, Geography ain't my bag o' chips.
be that as it may, I know there are only 7 continents, and I named them all.

Now I'll assume you feel you have a trick up your sleeve. And this is one good way for arguments to blow up, by the way. You won't simply state something, you feel a need to try making the other person say something wrong, and then come in as the all-knowledgable, Famine.

I seriously hope you're not counting another continent, and considering "America" to be a single continent.

In effect, Great britain are made up of islands, and are too small to be considered a continent. If we are to be picky here, the contínents are called that because of the techtonic plates they reside on. Continental movement rings a bell, no? That is also where the term "Eurasia" comes from, as that is a techtonic plate wich both parts of Europe and Asia resides.

This sounds reasonable, and is quite likely true, though I don't know these kind of things. But I do know Europe & Asia are considered different continents... Maybe it's a fault in the system they realized later on? or are you saying they have different techtonic plates, but they also share one?
Now I'll assume you feel you have a trick up your sleeve.

No trick. I just wanted to see if you'd do it... :D

Since a large part of North America is in the Arctic Circle and the North Pole itself is not on land the Arctic cannot be counted as a continent.

Out of interest, do you classify Panama as North or South America, given that the canal which ostensibly divides them runs right through the middle?

Maybe it's a fault in the system

Ba-dum tish!