The UK Gran Turismo Party IV

  • Thread starter Famine
Show them the picture of me and my best mate Ray Park.

Better idea, show them pictures of the first four meets.

And of course UKGTP4's in this thread...

They'll never trust someones word over the internet... especially if they type in indigo.

I'll back Famine up, and not type in indigo! :P
I've got two degrees too, and you'll need a good way of de-stressing before your exams! There, that's 4 degrees, and probably around 8 A-levels and about 20 GCSES worth of exam experience between us speaking! Now you've got to believe us!!!! :)

Bank Holiday weekend works for me too, I'll have to book a couple of days extra vacation (Sadly I don't get Spring Bank Holiday off in the US!) but it should work out nicely.

As for those of you moaning about the distance? Huh, if I can make it from 5500 miles away, you've no excuse!!!! Midlands is fine by me, I'll be staying at my folks place in Cheshire while I'm over and attending a training class in Manchester during the weekdays. I'll have the rental car to use at the weekend too, so driving anywhere is easy (as long as they don't give me another of those awful Rover 75 automatics that I was forced to drive last time! :yuck: )

On another note, where will it end up being run? What's the usual arrangements as far as overnight accomodation? I'll be able to grab a room in a hotel close by wherever it's at, since this will still constitute part of a "business" trip! ;)

Sadly my equipment won't be much use to us as it's all NTSC format, and 110V rated, and since I don't work for Sony, Logitech or Polophony Digital, trying to writeoff the purchase of a PSTwo, GT4 and a DFP as a "business" expense would prove tricky!!!!

Look forward to catching some, if not all of you there! :cheers:
I'm pretty sure that I can make it this time :) ... quick question, I'm pretty crap with the DFP so would prefer to use the DS2 - is that OK? This means there will be a spare DFP though 👍
I must of missed that PM... :rolleyes:

I will certainly be up for it, hopefully both days this time - you can also count on me bringing my DFP (to sit around in a Sainsburys bag all day again)
Can I register my interest for this?

I would be interested in tyring to make both days although It would mean me booking 1 day off work so definate dates needed before I do that:tup:

I can bring PS2 2 x mem cards with full gamesaves, 14 inch portable. Only use a DS2 so no DFP from me....


Sorry - it was a quick, off-the-cuff PM late one night. I did say I should add you to the list though.

And Dave_George, who I note is browsing this thread. Sorry, Dave.

So really, we've got the stuff, we just need a venue for Spring Bank Holiday weekend...

And Dave_George, who I note is browsing this thread. Sorry, Dave.

So really, we've got the stuff, we just need a venue for Spring Bank Holiday weekend...

No problem:tup:

Not sure I can offer much help with the venue as no-where immediatly springs to mind, however I would be happy to contribute *somthing* costs wise if it comes to being required.


Hmmm cheers for the invisible pm ;)

I could make this one depends if A) I have a job and B) If I'm working on that day.

Then again paid holiday to go play GT4 with 20 year olds does sound good.
Touring Mars
I'm pretty sure that I can make it this time :) ... quick question, I'm pretty crap with the DFP so would prefer to use the DS2 - is that OK? This means there will be a spare DFP though 👍

I second that. Mind you, I'm prertty crap with a normal controller too, so should be fun.

Not sure I can offer much help with the venue as no-where immediatly springs to mind, however I would be happy to contribute *somthing* costs wise if it comes to being required.

Good point, I can too.

I've got a car, so I can give people a lift if they need one. If you can stomach 3 motorway hours in a Mini :)

What criteria would the venue have to meet? I have relatives in Leicester who might know of somewhere but I don't know what's required.
What criteria would the venue have to meet? I have relatives in Leicester who might know of somewhere but I don't know what's required.

Big space, adequate (free) parking, power supply, "going to be empty then anyway".
Theres a couple of places I could enquire about that I know of, one I know has free parking. What sort of prices are you looking at to hire a hall?
:eek: Does this mean I have to lose about 10 years?!!!! :P

:lol: And would you complain?

I've got a car, so I can give people a lift if they need one. If you can stomach 3 motorway hours in a Mini

I'm about 6ft 4 so that's certainally out the question...

Big space, adequate (free) parking, power supply, "going to be empty then anyway".

A church? :dopey:
Right after a few stern words with my boss i am now totally free that weekend. So unless im attacked by a savage pack of angry badgers then i look forward to seeing you all. Im going to have to train it me thinks though, unless i actually save some money and get a new motorbike by that time (doubtfull)

Like others have mentioned im all up for parting with a bit of cash to sort out the venue problem.
I would imagine the sort of venue needed would be a community centre type of place, quite a lot of pubs have upstairs function rooms too ,but I imagine the room hire for 2 days might be a bit excessive.

Other than that its someone with a big house and an understanding wife/husband/partner/mother in law (delete as appropriate)......

Will shout if i think of anywhere.


Having been to University in both Leicester & Loughborough, and visited my sister at University in Coventry, I should be able to think of somewhere, but I can't! :dunce:

I'm all up for chipping in a few quid, (damned US keyboard with no pound sign!!!! :grumpy: ) to get somewhere sorted, although I'll have to leave the arranging to someone else, 8hr time difference here is a pain! :ouch:

Have just confirmed with my boss that I can take 29th off and fly home 30th, which is excellent news. 👍 Game on! :D

Have checked out the photos from the previous parties, where were they held? Looks like someone's garage or workshop, or a rented space in a trading estate?

@ Specialized:- Savage pack of angry Badgers are on standby if you're looking too quick to keep up with!!!!! :sly:

I'd be leaving Cheshire / South Manchester area on either Friday night, or Saturday morning, and should have a Vectra-sized car, so I can provide a ride to anyone interested from around that area too. :)
Im on it chaps, i'll see what i can do, im trying to get the Scouts hall in Farndon where a lot of my friends held a lan for the FPS game "Tactical Ops" which is basically Unreal tournament for soldiers, so i know the venue worx for this sort of thing in terms of functionality.

Its also close to lots of pubs/hotels/eateries etc, so it will be perfect, the only remaining problem i have is getting there and finding out if i can book it for that weekend.

I know it costs money to book, which i will collect from all of you when you arrive, presuming i am successful in procuring it for the weekend.

Lets hope so :irked:

Either way, if i get it, the venue is about 4 mins off the A1, which anyone with a road map can get to, and is accessible by rail by arriving at Newark station, and foning me to pick you up in my job-supplied-taxi-for-the-weekend type vehicle.

Arent jobs great.

Right, i will report back as soon as i have more info, and i look forward to you all attending.

Cheers :cheers:


Oh btw Smallhorses, didnt you hear? Rover went bust, they wont be providing your hire car this year.