The ultimate sacrifice????

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
The French had illegal oil contracts with Saddam, participated in the Oil for Food scandal, and gave Saddam illegal weapons. Of course, Mr. Anderson doesn't read into such things. You run your mouth saying it's "prejudice" without looking at the facts.

I did leave one detail out of my earlier post. A French women did come up to me once and asked why I had such a bumper sticker. She said "I don't understand the meaning of it, do you hate us?". You know what I said to her? "Go pick up a newspaper." She ran her mouth before she knew the facts behind the bumper sticker.

I am biased to any country who puts our troops in danger. The French aided the enemy. They couldn't bare the thought of losing their precious oil contracts with Saddam. I will continue to boycott French goods.
How about YOUR OWN friggin' country putting your soldiers in danger? Your country supplied weapons to Iran, ever heard of the Iran Contra Scandal? When will you wake up? When money grows on trees...
Anderton you called it a 'useless' war. That's exactly what you said. So your saying getting rid of Saddam, and his entire Government was Useless? let me also ask you this? when's the last time France liberated an oppressed people? or canada, or Brittain, or Germany? serious question, cause i don't know. One of the greatest pro-American things i've ever heard, was a speech by a Canadian Parliment-woman. I wish i knew where to find it. I was in middle school or gradeschool i think, a teacher read it to the class, and it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

And you keep implying that soon the next major war will be the World VS the US..... am i the only one seeing this? Where would the rest of the world be without us? Really, think about that REAL HARD!!!! you think Canada was the reason the USSR never tried to invade Europe? who do you think spends the most money and resources to help people around the world????
when's the last time France liberated an oppressed people?

Where would the rest of the world be without us?
Speaking German.

who do you think spends the most money and resources to help people around the world????
The US just spent over $400 million dollars helping the people of Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of dollars more than any other country.
Well you seem to be getting pretty upset by it, and I'm only posting in an online forum. So why is it okay for Americans to put up signs to show the world how biased they are? And where the hell is CAUCASIA anyway? Are you so completely deluded you can't see how THAT might make others view you?

Ohh, ohh, don't hate America. Even though at every opportunity, around every corner, we pride ourselves in not only being ignorant, but not caring that we're ignorant. Right. Not gonna fly with the rest of the world, buddy.
There used to be this guy around here called Turbo Smoke...

Know him?
Never heard of Turbo Smoke, and don't care. Don't try to threaten me with examples of previous users who aren't around anymore because of something they did. You're allowed to run your mouth about whatever you want, and express your beliefs. And so am I.

Why don't you try answering my question about how coming from Caucasia might make others feel about you, milefile?

87chevy, the other countries you mentioned may not help oppressed people around the world, but no one's flying planes into our buildings. And Canadian Peacekeepers are all around the globe, trying to prove there's another way to help people in violent countries than to bring more violence into them.
87chevy, the other countries you mentioned may not help oppressed people around the world, but no one's flying planes into our buildings. And Canadian Peacekeepers are all around the globe, trying to prove there's another way to help people in violent countries than to bring more violence into them.

and where would Canada be without America? you ignored the other questions... nice job wellyrn. I have this idea, and others have had it to i think, in fact, (not that i take the bible as the golden word, heck, i've never even read it) I think God himself was quoted as saying 'it's better to be either Hot or Cold, than luke warm'. Why do bad guys shoot at cops? because they try to stop them. think about that for a sec, in relation to our discussion.

Oh, and speaking of sigs, yours doesn't exactly speak to highly of your intelligence, at face value, does it?
Never heard of Turbo Smoke, and don't care. Don't try to threaten me with examples of previous users who aren't around anymore because of something they did.
He's not around of his own accord. I was just wondering. Why are you so paranoid?
Never heard of Turbo Smoke, and don't care.

Good for you, because this guy was a complete ignorant moron. There was nobody more pathetic and annoying than this guy. He only came here to start arguements. No matter what the topic, the idiot always had to be an annoying little prick about it.
where would Canada be without America?
I doubt Canada would even exist if America never existed either. You would probably have to go all the way back to the Revolutionary War to find the answer. Canada relies on America's economical and military power to survive and remain sovereign.
Viper Zero
Speaking of France. I would recommend getting one of these. I have one on my car right now and have received nothing but praise from people.


I really don't see any difference between that and me putting a bumper sticker on my car that says "I hate ni**ers"

I pity you and the people who praised your bumper sticker.
You don't get it, do you?

I've already outlined the facts behind the meaning of the bumper sticker.
You don't like France because they didn't support the war. Wow, they did business with Iraq. It's not like the US has never dealt with a corrupt country before. They weren't intentionally hindering our war effort, just living their lives as if the war wasn't going on.

You're expressing your hate for an entire country publically. There's no way around it.

I get it, and I still stand by my previous statement. People are always going to have views that don't agree with yours, and you don't need to respond to them in a sarcastic-ass, uppity manner every time they don't.
You still don't get it, do you?

France (among other countries) was stiff-arming the US and the UN. France put Coalition troops in danger by supporting Saddam with illegal weapons only months before the war (among other things). France participated in the Oil for Food scandal which stole millions of dollars away from starving Iraqis under Saddam's rein of terror.

France has already lost over one billion dollars from trade and tourism from the US in 2003 and this trend will continue as long as France shuns itself from the global community.
Viper Zero
I doubt Canada would even exist if America never existed either. You would probably have to go all the way back to the Revolutionary War to find the answer. Canada relies on America's economical and military power to survive and remain sovereign.

Listen pal. The US tried to invade Canada in the war of 1812. Didn't work. Got your white house burned down in the process. Booyah!

Viper Zero
France (among other countries) was stiff-arming the US and the UN.

If this is what you call "stiff-arming" then what is it called when a country approaches the UN asking to go to war, and when they are not supported they go ahead and wage war anyway?
Well by that logic, France is justified in selling weapons to Iraq because they're doing it independently.
Well dude, that's one of the points on which Americans disagree with most other people in the world. And it's also one of the reasons everyone hates your country so much. So everyone who obeys the UN is not independent? What the hell are you talking about?! You're so jaded it's nauseating.
I have something for the French.. . this site and my undying scorn.
I can't say that not watching Jerry Springer or not buying a Zodiac is going to put much of a dent in my lifestyle, but I'll miss my Michelin tires. Breyer's yogurt > Dannon, anyway.
I really don't see any difference between that and me putting a bumper sticker on my car that says "I hate ni**ers"

Didn't think very much about that post did ya? You might want to reconsider.
The Boycott France thing is a little unfair. All Champagne comes from France :)

You can't really blame the French people for the actions of a corrupt government. Jaques Chirac didn't want to do anything about the situation in Iraq as mentioned above he was quite happy abusing the Oil for Aid programme (along with Russia) Chirac is no stranger to taking backhand deals, he narrowly escaped imprisonment over £500,000 bribe allegations by changing the law!

Chirac Implicated
Viper Zero
I doubt Canada would even exist if America never existed either. You would probably have to go all the way back to the Revolutionary War to find the answer. Canada relies on America's economical and military power to survive and remain sovereign.

Spoken like a "true redblooded American" :lol:
Viper Zero
France has already lost over one billion dollars from trade and tourism from the US in 2003 and this trend will continue as long as France shuns itself from the global community.

The French had illegal oil contracts with Saddam, participated in the Oil for Food scandal, and gave Saddam illegal weapons. Of course, Mr. Anderson doesn't read into such things. You run your mouth saying it's "prejudice" without looking at the facts.

So much I would love to rebut in this thread, but I would feel like I am repeating myself. So I will only adress a few.

France shunning itself from international community? It vetos one resolutiong.... ONE... and quite rightly IMO, even if it was to protect oil interests and morality was coincidental. The US has vetoed many MANY more resolutions, over 40 just on Israel-Palestine. You want a list of JUST the last 30 years of vetoes? I didn't bother counting them, there are too many.

The US enacted a coup in Iran back in 1953, the CIA overthrew the democraticaly elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. He had plans of nationalising Irans oil so that would benefit the people rather than British oil companies.

Now suppose i had the same banner up, but it had the US flag on it? Would i be anti-american? Would i be warned that i am breeching forum rules? I would surely be called racist, rightly soo. But realy, i would have a hell of alot more reason to hate the US then Viper has in hating France.