Listen pal. The US tried to invade Canada in the war of 1812. Didn't work. Got your white house burned down in the process. Booyah!
If this is what you call "stiff-arming" then what is it called when a country approaches the UN asking to go to war, and when they are not supported they go ahead and wage war anyway?
This pissed me the hell off and was completely uncalled for. Anderton, your lack of history Knowledge disgusts me. Canada wasn't yet independent in 1812. As you might know, canada was taken over by the british in a war with the french, and at one time both Canada and the thirteen colonies belonged to The United Kingdom. England was trying to take America Back. They failed. BOOYAH!! (The english are very kind people, and I have absolutely nothing against them)
What happens when a Country Defies the UN numerous times, Hides chemical weapons from UN inspectors, Gasses thousands of Kurds, tortures thousands of its own people, the leader uses oil for food to build palaces and several members of the UN know but don't care, And then defies the UN on its last warning? the leader is found in a ****hole.
There anderton. I answered your question.
and if you think france is the "perfect little child", then here's a bit of info :
France was building a
Nuclear Reactor for saddam hussein in the early 80's. With scud missiles that could reach Israel, The israelis weren't pleased with what was being built in Iraq. They sent a squadron of F-15s in before the reactor was finished and blew it to bits. While I realize America Isn't exactly Perfect, neither is france, Or for that matter, The rest of the world.
And, the white house itself didn't burn down, the walls were still intact after the blaze was out. That failed too.