I am at that point of frustration. My english class is pure hell.
So whenever you are at the process of doing a draft for a specific essay,
you have to sign up for a time to have a one on one conference with the instructor.
If you are late, even just a minute late, someone can take your spot. What makes it even worse is that that
one conference counts towards your entire weeks worth of attendance of that class (5 absences causes your class to be dropped, no matter what, I now have 4 thanks to someone taking my spot).
Another assignment is that you have to go the colleges discussion board for that class and post something about the story. She never tells us about these, and when they will pop up, so you are left to look every single day whenever it pops up. I missed one of the discussion assignment by one day, so I posted my comment on there.
I got no credit for it whatsoever.
Is it bad to drop a class? Like does it affect your transcript in a major way?
Also, I have another hard as hell history exam today. I better do well on that.