The University Thread

Man, there's all this talk about final semesters here and I'm still only 3 weeks into my final quarter of the year..
Yeah that asshat...

Please tell me you took this up with someone at a higher level.
I did, they said expect it to be eliminated at the end of the semester. I asked what my grade would be without it and it should be an 87 due to a poor quiz grade..
Calc isn't going so well, Physics isn't going so well...
These two classes are very similar, however if you understand calc then you should get physics, but it doesn't go the other way around and that's what happened to me in high school...

I did, they said expect it to be eliminated at the end of the semester. I asked what my grade would be without it and it should be an 87 due to a poor quiz grade..

Well that's better.

These two classes are very similar, however if you understand calc then you should get physics, but it doesn't go the other way around and that's what happened to me in high school...

Thing is, it's calc regarding series, other forms of integration, and polar coordinates; and physics is astrophysics which has more of a basis in regular physics and a bit of basic chem.

It's not like in highschool with AP Physics and AP AB Calculus..

The only reason why physics isn't going too well, is because we only had 1 midterm and I got a 41 because I ran out of time. I couldn't finish the first part of the midterm which was defining terms and concepts, and the last part of the calculations section, I just wrote down the answers and not the steps (ran out of time)
Well that's better.

Thing is, it's calc regarding series other forms of integration, and it's astrophysics which has more of a basis in regular physics.

It's not like in highschool with AP Physics and AP AB Calculus..
ohh wow, I thought the concepts would just flow over... but like grade school you'd just go more in depth with the next course you take...
Its an entry exam so they said Trig, algebra, stuff like that. I remember some of that stuff but they said I can't use a calculator so I'm getting a bit nervous :scared:

Oh. Then just go over concepts from each subject.

Don't be nervous. Just study a bit each day, and after each study session, practice.

Besides, it's an entry exam. You're not really supposed to study for these things.

They'll probably test you on problem solving skills, such as speed, understanding, etc.

Basically to see where you are in this department so they can make further decisions.
Oh. My. God.....

So in the history class that I am failing in, the only ones passing so far are the guys who cheat using their phones, with A averages.


Nothing can be more infuriating than being outsmarted by the cheaters. :mad:
So in the history class that I am failing in, the only ones passing so far are the guys who cheat using their phones, with A averages.


Nothing can be more infuriating than being outsmarted by the cheaters. :mad:
Report it. Simple as that. Don't whinge, just report.
Sitting in history right now... We had a project over painters of the Renaissance. We had Botticelli and that was a doozy... Now sitting back and watching everyone elses..
Its an entry exam so they said Trig, algebra, stuff like that. I remember some of that stuff but they said I can't use a calculator so I'm getting a bit nervous :scared:
it just places you into your courses, so its not the most important test ever, but still do you best :)
College Algebra is super ez stuff. You should be fine if your lecturer isn't the kind of guy who likes to hammer his students with a lot of things to do.

Or the type that just stands by his podium and speaks.

That was my Calc professor....

"And, uh, yeah... that's what a Taylor and Maclaurin series is... just, err, do that and you'll be fine."

No examples on the board... nothing.

Better yet, calculating the amount of work it takes for water to be poured out of a container, etc....

*just describes the shape, and reads off his notes*

Even his notes are lazy...
Or the type that just stands by his podium and speaks.

That was my Calc professor....

"And, uh, yeah... that's what a Taylor and Maclaurin series is... just, err, do that and you'll be fine."

No examples on the board... nothing.

Better yet, calculating the amount of work it takes for water to be poured out of a container, etc....

*juet describes the shape, and reads off his notes*

Even his notes are lazy...

ahh lazy professors, they piss me off to no end.

I also hate those who like to get into your minds. They turn fun subjects into massive headaches.