The Verdict: Patch v1.13

When you cash out multiple online b-spec drivers, it still doesn't update the screen correctly. Hardly a quality bugfix patch.
They can't get everything at once dude. There's bound to be things they miss. Let's see you go make a game and try to find everything wrong with it.
They can't get everything at once dude. There's bound to be things they miss. Let's see you go make a game and try to find everything wrong with it.

They have had eleven stabs at it though.....
i like the NEW OCD i was looking for practically all of the cars.
and now have 1 skyline from every generation. i like the amount of skylines but there are WAY to many r32's,3's,and 4's
I haven't really noticed anything. A clipping issue with the driver's hands when driving the MX-5 hasn't been fixed like I would have hoped.
Still freezes when you go across the line for a second on time trial.. this is the main thing I wanted fixed. Not brilliant tbh.

I had that problem, but it was definitely longer than a second, more like a good 5. Did not exist before the patch, so color me confused.
I guess there is a setting for online races to stagger you around the track. I was in a drift lobby this morning, someone started the race and we were spaced out. Pretty cool.

I noticed the smoother frame rate as well.
Is it just me, or are the NASCAR prizes absolutely insane? 400000xp, classic muscle gift car and $1.5 million for the first race. Seriously?
When you cash out multiple online b-spec drivers, it still doesn't update the screen correctly. Hardly a quality bugfix patch.

What happens? If you are talking about it still showing your driver as having credits then you are clicking on the next driver too quickly. Give it 2-3 seconds and it shows it properly.
I don't know, I just adjusted them the same way as any other cars.


No more blocky textures and shadows!!!!!!

I guess there is a setting for online races to stagger you around the track. I was in a drift lobby this morning, someone started the race and we were spaced out. Pretty cool.

I noticed the smoother frame rate as well.
standard cars don't have the spastic shadows anymore. and definitely the game does look better. I was waiting to get on today to see if what I was seeing really was because of the update and now I think we should be certain of it.

Gameplay looked smooth as hell, I couldn't believe PD was able to do something about that, the frame rate. Maybe even the flicker? It SEEMED like it.
So instead of the game being somewhat unstable occasionally after patch 1.10 (which was indeed annoying although personally I didn't experience that much hinder from it, my game only froze about 3 times since November, 2 times before patch 1.10) I now can't change the LSD settings of my FF cars 'permanently' (at least until the next patch), guess what I find more annoying right now.
So I think it's safe to say we'll receive the next patch very soon, after that all my FF cars will ofcourse suddenly have turned into FR machines although that's something I could temporarily live with.....

I think they have fixed the gearbox in the R10, now it has a 5 speed gearbox:)

That's already been corrected a few patches/updates/monumental cock ups before.
There's a server maintenance downtime planned for next week. Maybe there will be a new patch correcting this bug too?
There's a server maintenance downtime planned for next week. Maybe there will be a new patch correcting this bug too?

I sure hope so, just bought an FF car and fitted an LSD to see if it affected only those cars already tuned but predictably I couldn't change those settings as well.
It doesn't affect the LSD of 4WD cars (thought it might too, at least the front wheels) so I won't be buying any new FF cars until this bug/glitch/design flaw or whatever it is gets fixed.
By the way, this is unrelated with the LSD discussion, but I have noticed that now, when using a DFGT wheel, there's some sort of "force feedback magnet" at the wheel center which forces very slightly the wheel there. By turning the wheel very slowly around its center on the main menu it's noticeable. Is this something that has been introduced with patch 1.11 or it's been always there?

This made me notice that my wheel centering is slightly offset to the left, by the way. I'll disassemble it tomorrow to correct this.
Mine does that to, mine still centres properly, and driving with it still feels the same to me.
Mine does that to, mine still centres properly, and driving with it still feels the same to me.
The real question was: has this been introduced with patch 1.11 or it's just that I've never noticed it?
My wife still smokes, I should get her the patch !!111

I did a quick search, but couldn't find any patch notes released for 1.11. Anyone have a link to them? or know if they've been posted anywhere?
Here is what I've noticed in both Aspec and the seasonals.
1. The drafting seemed way lower than normal, almost to a realistic level.
2. It seemed a lot easier to spin other cars out.
3. Learned from the above, damage seemed to have more effect on handling.
4. Cars seem to react different to contact with each other.
5. You can now select multiple cars in your garage to add to your favorites (although this may have been there before and I never noticed it)
6. Cars reset almost immediately after leaving the racetrack.
If what you're talking about is like you can't turn the wheel further than 45 degrees then that's been there.
No, I'm not referring to that. The force feedback effect I'm talking about feels like a very small "notch" to which the wheel appears to stick (or "snap to"). The "notch" is placed around its neutral position.
By the way, this is unrelated with the LSD discussion, but I have noticed that now, when using a DFGT wheel, there's some sort of "force feedback magnet" at the wheel center which forces very slightly the wheel there. By turning the wheel very slowly around its center on the main menu it's noticeable. Is this something that has been introduced with patch 1.11 or it's been always there?

This made me notice that my wheel centering is slightly offset to the left, by the way. I'll disassemble it tomorrow to correct this.
Mine's been like that since day one.
And my DFGT also aligns itself to the left.

Here is what I've noticed in both Aspec and the seasonals.
1. The drafting seemed way lower than normal, almost to a realistic level.
2. It seemed a lot easier to spin other cars out.
3. Learned from the above, damage seemed to have more effect on handling.
4. Cars seem to react different to contact with each other.
5. You can now select multiple cars in your garage to add to your favorites (although this may have been there before and I never noticed it)
6. Cars reset almost immediately after leaving the racetrack.

I think at least last 3 was there at 1.10.
5th was 100% here before.