The Verdict: Patch v1.13

Dunno if bug but: Stage 3 turbo has lower PP then stage 2 on Peugeot 908 HDi FAP - Team Oreca Matmut '10

Do you realize that these are dirt/snow wheels on premiums? When you change to road tires in garage/settings, they rims will be normal (stock/aftermarket). That's not a glitch.

Ohhh lol, I've had that happen on a Audi TT aswell, with the same rims. But should not the snow/dirt rims show in GT Auto after change? Sounds buggish to me.
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Ok, I don't have a 1080p TV so I can't help you further. Maybe the game has a few problems running at 1080p or maybe something has changed in the patch.

I have tried the photomode, and it seems fine there, but the normal gameplay seems a little bit affected.
It also seems like the dynamic lightning is gone?
Sadly this problem here since Prologue...


Do I need to post this picture in "General Bugs" thread?

Unfortunately I think this is more or less intentional by PD. If low cars or cars with a long front overhang properly collided against slopes or obstacles (even curbs) and took consequent damage, people would get often stuck or suffer from extensive damage.

By the way, in real life certain Ferraris have much problems circulating on public roads due to that.
It would be nice If they told us what was in 1.11 exactly, like they did with 1.10.
Unfortunately I think this is more or less intentional by PD. If low cars or cars with a long front overhang properly collided against slopes or obstacles (even curbs) and took consequent damage, people would get often stuck or suffer from extensive damage.

By the way, in real life certain Ferraris have much problems circulating on public roads due to that.
Damn you're too good.

It would be nice If they told us what was in 1.11 exactly, like they did with 1.10.
Don't you remember an "Undocumented features Thread" for update 1.10? It went past 10 pages in the first day.
I have tried the photomode, and it seems fine there, but the normal gameplay seems a little bit affected.
It also seems like the dynamic lightning is gone?

Something in lightning are definitely different! Seems like HDR works bit different now.
I'd reccomend to set "Display size to 100%" - that will prevent internal scaler to blur the image. Also set Quality to Sharpness - that will disable Temporal AA. Otherwise - GT5 is build like that.

Off topic - about 30 minutes of direct comparison to GT5P.
GT5P is more colorful, has more contrast, little more sharp.
GT5P has better shadows (even now)
GT5 has different hands position on wheel, different wheel rotation, better (smoother) hands animation, but GT5 more realistic.
Something in lightning are definitely different! Seems like HDR works bit different now.
I'd reccomend to set "Display size to 100%" - that will prevent internal scaler to blur the image. Also set Quality to Sharpness - that will disable Temporal AA. Otherwise - GT5 is build like that.

Off topic - about 30 minutes of direct comparison to GT5P.
GT5P is more colorful, has more contrast, little more sharp.
GT5P has better shadows (even now)
GT5 has different hands position on wheel, different wheel rotation, better (smoother) hands animation, but GT5 more realistic.

Well, I already have those settings, thanks though! Hope PD will fix this.. I'm used to PC gaming on high-max settings and I've always thought that PS3's graphics can't compare to max settings on PC (just like COD MW2 which looks ridiculous ugly on PS3). It is one of the reasons why I noticed the difference that quickly.

Current graphic downgrades in 1.11 compared to 1.10:

- Antisopic filtering seems to be worse than it was
- HDR is behaving differently, either it's just gone
- Screen is blurry although HUD is sharp
- Some interiors became blurry, some are just the same
- The maps look less detailed
- Texture seems to be affected

Current graphic upgrades:

- Smoother shadows
- Better smoke edges
Current graphic downgrades in 1.11 compared to 1.10:

- Antisopic filtering seems to be worse than it was
- HDR is behaving differently, either it's just gone
- Texture seems to be affected

Current graphic upgrades:

- Smoother shadows
- Better smoke edges

Exactly what I've noticed! I think they did mipmap filtering a little bit nearer. So that's why it looks blurry and performance is increased.

I've noticed that Cote D'Azur in replay has some very bad (PS2-like) textures. Didn't remember that earlier...:nervous:

Also saving game is now a terrible process. Takes much longer.
I definately notice a drop in graphical quality. I haven't noticed it as much on the tracks as the cars themselves. Specifically dash views. All of the instrument panels are blurrier. Whereas I could read the spedometer, etc in my Audi R8 Chromeline now I have to squint to make out the numbers. This is a huge disappointment. I love the smoother framerate, less screen tearing and non-jagged smoke but this loss in texture quality really bums me out. It's painfully obvious on my 60" tv.

As for the lighting it seems like there is less light interaction with the paint. Another bummer.

At this point I'd take the blocky smoke effects back to have the cars looking 100% again.

Oh and turning on the "Sharpen" setting in options barely helps and you're sacrificing AA.
There doesn't appear to be a reduction in image quality for replays, though, at least not at 720p. I checked back-to-back.

The reflections do appear to have been changed. I have thought of three possibilities:

  1. They are now of a higher dynamic range themselves, and so must update less frequently (I remember thinking how fluid the reflections looked in 1.10, compared to how they were on the PS2).
  2. The "base-shinyness" of the cars has been improved and the lower reflection update rate is simply a performance / bandwidth consideration.
  3. The game seems darker now at night / dusk, so the HDR settings have definitely been tweaked - this would have the effect of reducing "bloom / blowout" and allowing for the very bright objects to seem more bright against the now darker background.

The high-powered lamps on the Toscana themed courses show the difference in the reflections, as the reflections of the lamps seem really bright now.

I'm leaning towards number three myself.

@guuner: HDR stands for High [WIKIPEDIA]Dynamic Range[/WIKIPEDIA] and in this instance refers to the ability to account for a greater range of brightness levels than can be simultaneously displayed on a typical TV / monitor. [WIKIPEDIA]HDRI[/WIKIPEDIA] (HDR Imaging) is a specific sub-set of the application and is often discussed from a photography viewpoint, where [WIKIPEDIA]Tone Mapping[/WIKIPEDIA] has a particular meaning, too, specifically trying to map a wide range of brightness levels (as visible to our eyes) into one low-dynamic range image as can be reproduced on paper or a screen.
In a game where the light levels are being generated (as opposed to recorded with a camera) tone mapping is a bit different in that you're trying to map a limited range of brightnesses from the game into a low-dynamic range image. This gives rise to the brightness being "clamped" at zero and the displays maximum ("full-bright-white"), anything outside that range gets displayed at those limits.
In photography, Tone Mapping is often considered an artistic effect due to the way it can be used non-consistently within a single image (local tone mapping), whilst in a game using "HDR lighting", it is a necessity. Without it, the apparent dynamic range of the game is no better for using HDRI; the difference being that the "exposure" level tends to be fixed for all pixels in a given image / frame (global tone mapping) for a game, but can vary as the scene changes, akin to setting the exposure of a photograph (or better, movie) to the "optimum" for varying lighting conditions.

As for antiscopic filtering, I have no idea. It might be a mistake, put instead of [WIKIPEDIA]anisotropic filtering[/WIKIPEDIA]. Anisotropic means "not the same in all directions", and allows for [WIKIPEDIA]mipmaps[/WIKIPEDIA] to be better filtered according to the angles of surfaces relative to the "camera".
Did you notice texture degradation? Check out Monaco please. I have no way to my 42" plasma now... :(
And of course it's anisotropic filtering. ;)
It's ****ed! My game freezes all the time! Exiting menu's, after races. For a minimum of 5 minutes. Before this latest update I never a had to wait more than a minute or discover a single bug, glitch or problem!

Just washed my Falken Skyline...took about ten minutes!
Did you notice texture degradation? Check out Monaco please. I have no way to my 42" plasma now... :(
And of course it's anisotropic filtering. ;)

I've just driven around Monaco to see if there were any noticeable changes and for the first time since playing GT5 I've experienced actual screen tearing...
What were they supposed to fix again?
It's ****ed! My game freezes all the time! Exiting menu's, after races. For a minimum of 5 minutes. Before this latest update I never a had to wait more than a minute or discover a single bug, glitch or problem!

Just washed my Falken Skyline...took about ten minutes!

I haven't had a single freeze since the update. All problems I had were caused in 1.10. Are you sure you've updated to the latest version of the game?

I've noticed a very slight, almost unnoticable, drop in quality in the gameplay. Maybe the quality was too high and that's why we couldn't keep a stable framerate at the time.
@guuner: HDR stands for High [WIKIPEDIA]Dynamic Range[/WIKIPEDIA] and in this instance refers to the ability to account for a greater range of brightness levels than can be simultaneously displayed on a typical TV / monitor. [WIKIPEDIA]HDRI[/WIKIPEDIA] (HDR Imaging) is a specific sub-set of the application and is often discussed from a photography viewpoint, where [WIKIPEDIA]Tone Mapping[/WIKIPEDIA] has a particular meaning, too, specifically trying to map a wide range of brightness levels (as visible to our eyes) into one low-dynamic range image as can be reproduced on paper or a screen.
In a game where the light levels are being generated (as opposed to recorded with a camera) tone mapping is a bit different in that you're trying to map a limited range of brightnesses from the game into a low-dynamic range image. This gives rise to the brightness being "clamped" at zero and the displays maximum ("full-bright-white"), anything outside that range gets displayed at those limits.
In photography, Tone Mapping is often considered an artistic effect due to the way it can be used non-consistently within a single image (local tone mapping), whilst in a game using "HDR lighting", it is a necessity. Without it, the apparent dynamic range of the game is no better for using HDRI; the difference being that the "exposure" level tends to be fixed for all pixels in a given image / frame (global tone mapping) for a game, but can vary as the scene changes, akin to setting the exposure of a photograph (or better, movie) to the "optimum" for varying lighting conditions.

As for antiscopic filtering, I have no idea. It might be a mistake, put instead of [WIKIPEDIA]anisotropic filtering[/WIKIPEDIA]. Anisotropic means "not the same in all directions", and allows for [WIKIPEDIA]mipmaps[/WIKIPEDIA] to be better filtered according to the angles of surfaces relative to the "camera".

Thank you for clearing that out for me 👍

Dunno if bug but: Stage 3 turbo has lower PP then stage 2 on Peugeot 908 HDi FAP - Team Oreca Matmut '10

I dont know if it's on purpose or not but those 908 Diesel cars have peak power at around 5000 rpm I think. And since 2nd stage is middle rpm range turbo it might be more effective on those car. Because 3rd stage is high rpm turbo.

Again I'm absolutly not sure it's the case but might be an explanation.

Just checked the other 908 and it's the same so probably it's because of that.
So...this is update doesn't update...and actually downdate...wait...what? :odd:

What are you talking about? It's fixed a LOT of problems we've all been having. Sure there are new bugs but at least the game doesn't crash every 2 seconds.
What are you talking about? It's fixed a LOT of problems we've all been having. Sure there are new bugs but at least the game doesn't crash every 2 seconds.
I just said this because everybody says different things and if the update is the same for everybody, it should be more consistent I guess...:indiff:
People like to make stuff up as well. But hey, maybe our mind plays tricks on us =P
People like to make stuff up as well. But hey, maybe our mind plays tricks on us =P
That's so true, we believe so much is things that we want them to happen no matter want. Visions bro...visions :scared:
Advise: Check reality sometimes, it's sad but it has to be done 👍
Sadly this problem here since Prologue...


Do I need to post this picture in "General Bugs" thread?

Other than the fact that the F40 is horribly clipping the road, I'd say it looks alarmingly realistic.