-So happy they finally killed off the Governor. As I said before, that should have happened in Season 3.
-Very sad about Hershel and what a terrible way to go.
-The young girl that killed the other girl. "Shes ok I didn't stab her in the head". "Just look at the flowers, look at the flowers". Wow was that messed up.
-Wow what an insane beginning to Season 5. Excellent!!!
-Bummer about Bob. He had such a positive outlook and did give me a good laugh at the end. "Tainted meat!!!" lol
-So glad they killed off Terminus right away and did not drag that out. That entire cannibal scene reminded me of the scene from the first Walking Dead game on the farm.
-So strange the priest left like that. He is a suspicious character for sure.
-Insanely sad about Beth. I had a feeling it was coming because of how close Beth and Darrel were becoming. They just had so much focus on her, I knew it was coming. I actually thought worse would happen to her when she disappeared. At least she went quick and painless. Dang but still what a depressing end to the half season finale. So sad.
-Not even much to look forward to at this point. Honestly starting to remind me of Game of Thrones where every character I like, dies.